Announcing the 1992 U. Scholarship winners r Humanities Anheuser-Busch C Companies Su/anne Burke l l.C Irvine Irvine, ( 'alit". ?lr sn»«usi r mrv h < OMPSNR.S Academic Achievement Chrysler Rex Jacobs Miss.>uri lech. St. I .mis. Mo. CMPnrsLiit W COfHKMtATtOM Academic Achievement IBM Pamela (afford Allan I lancock C ol. Santa Maria, C alif. Academic Achievement Toyota Motor ( o. I inda Williams U. of Arizona Tucson, Ariz. <5g> TOYOTA ROTC Achievement Army ROTC C Hester R. Delt IJ. Mass, Amherst Amherst, Mass. Finance c;mac: John Fielder U. of C inemnari Cincinnati, Ohio f iNAAK !Al SLWVKTS Business Achievement MasterCard Cheryl Walsh lJ. of Rhode Island Kingston, R.I. I Educational C itibank Julie I.undberg IJ. of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CITIBANKO \l \SI1 RC \KI)A tw Marketing AT&T Michelle Morris U. of Cincinnati ('incinnati, Ohio AT&T Athletic Achievement Gillette Tim Rosenbaum U. of Dayton Dayton, Ohio Sports Medicine Nike Jenifer Burkey Mt. Union (College Alliance, Ohio Special Achievement LJ. Hh> \iitiotuil College \ Magazine Daniel Ryker Willamette U. Salem, Ore. 'll 1C N!:ili< >n.»l ( a Mlc-gc Maj5iy.i1 ic* U. announces undergrad scholarships U Tin’ National College Magazine has awarded 12 SI,000 schol arships to outstanding under graduate students in a variety ot fields. Eleven of the 1442 U. Scholarships were offered in partnership with corporations that advertise in l/.. In addition, II. has awarded a $1,000 Special Achievement Scholarship to a student who consistently lias overcome personal hardship and obstacle's to excel in academic and extracurricular activities. GMAC winners drive home their grand prizes When the three winners ot GMAC s Smart Buyers" Sweep stakes opened their certified mail arid read they had won new cars, they didn't know to think It was after I found out what type of car it was that it hit me," says Scott Johnson, winner of a new Buick Skylark t .ran Sport Johnson enters other contests with regularity but lias never Jut the jackpot like he did with his recent prize. "You always win a movie poster or sweat Kinds or something like, but you never win anything of value," Johnson savs. Kerry O'Brien, winner of a ltA)2 C.eo Storm, was happ\ to be a winner because she lost her car a week earlier in an accident "Two weeks earlier a drunken driver had totaled nn car," she savs. I wasn't sun* how true it was, but |the announcement letter) came certified mail It was reallv, really cool," slit* adds. Grand Prize winner, Steve kalu/nv, won a 1442 (>ldsmobile Achieva. GMAC Sweepstakes is an annual contest tliat awards cars to students throughout the United stall's