Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 08, 1992, Page 28 and 29, Image 44

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lainstrearr ? • After a publicity binge for Out of Time, R.E.M.
broods back to its roots with what could be the sister to Document. ^er Buck talks about making it big the hard way
with clowns and Dutch television. Can the boys from Georgia manag e t° stay on top - whether they like it or not?
When K I N! fans glances) af the HiIIImmhI t halts last
m ai, what dies h nind the* re was a hit distutbmg
IVrchnl on lop «>| ifir tsorld, sharing tin 1«*11\
c ominrie lal hi-avi*ns w iih lhr hke*s of M m Iiat I
Holton. Paula MmIiiI anil Vnodiei Dad ( n ation,
was dun hand KIM thr gieatest e oilier gmup
rsrt wa* no iongei alternative Iheswcirhugr
I <» longtime ehw iple s it mas have vrilinl like tin
me I of (tic* wot lil as dies knew it
But (firs also knew I hr Southe rn Kind with I hr I hire Inin Name
fif >ui \dirtis. (»a . haeln t sold out to get fhrtr I licit band had just kept
Ott Ix'ivig K I- M until e sc none e lse* e aught on
\nd voinrdas. lot suit K I M would irturn to thr dark, brooding
sounds of die ii past I he s would pioehu r a t oniuirie lath miiuat krlahlr
alhutn that would alie nate* the M 1 \ heads some thing with lots of
sti mgs and I* thatgn havs line s and into»s|hm list- Into Something like
thr liaiid s latest I r lease \utufn<:tii f Of I hr Prof dr.
Slims llapps People it is not \nd that's just line with lYtei But k
banel guiiairst and toi« h In am of the* R I M sound
Bin k who lounged »oinfoit.ihls m a plush offie r on the JOth of
1 tine Maine t s \rw N e »i k huilduig in late \ugust. does not le h »k lik« a
tsirn a! lop 10 band inriitl>r t. lie »i d« k-s he* like to think of In ms* If as mu
I a/11\ e lael m jeans, a blae k l shut and a je an jae krt. But k site le he el mil,
Ins mop o( unkempt hlae k halt hanging horn Ins head like ke lp trvitig t*»
ke e n its gi asp on a I oe k
lit insists K i M s sudden MijM isi.iiclmn has n«»t tarnished the tme
im tile «tf its memlM is Bill Hem tdtuirtsi Mike Mills bass Mn hat I
Stijw (vikals) .me! But k still .U«* the same tlie\ We it Ik hut /mu sold
nillllt HI t eipies
Hut while lmgett ombmg his tailzied ttesses he t uniemplated tin
liilleient e l>etwe< ii K I M .mtl then i ImiIiii.iKa
‘ l like («» think util fans tend to put .» little fill molt * *1 thcmsrhe s into
oni nuisit than s.«v \oui fail <»f 1‘aula Mxlul oi something But k savs
“| lop 10 at |s ait knit! of like elite itaininent when what s oil the
suifat e is rvat tlv wliat lhr\ ait t alt In little dane e nine s IV« »ple tit »n t
want ambiguity in hntv and in trims of toek n roll, Kl M is\t in
dit In ult
I ake Out nf l mu fm instant i
"I mean, it’s a gotwl irtoid. hut l don't know it am album tie ser\es to
sell *.* ot 10 million I lorn a i lass mai ktling lc\e I. then hat In t lx*cn a
gt m m 1 i ot k n loll album in \eais Facia let end that was a hit. fe»t se ais
was dam e stuff Pan of it was tuning I mean, we got rwtAlxxh
f \ei \ botl\' i ne hided not ntili K I M s A met it an fans hut also
ovei seas K I Mamat s (one «>f the Ikhium s Ihmii the band s iee rni switt Ii
toMamei Bios wasln ttet ovciseas elisti ihutmn).
\m 1 when hut k Shim-. Bern and Mills dn ided not to tout and instead
B V G E 0 F F R E Y K U L A , I) A I L V F R E E
Press, Boston U .
OI tour months, thru take s .1 month oil U*fotr lemming to the*
studio, an an augment that seem* towoik
In t.m 1 it s h« » n hoi king so vsrll that K I M is last I w 1 ointng
the* Slrrlv |>.m ol the* ’Mts holing Use It up like- 1 ahhils ill the
studio without rvt*n emerging t«» tom But k. who dislike s tong
touts, s.tvs hr would like to linn out ail album rvctv I ~ «»t M>
months < *i rat news lot ( I) red tec ten s Bad n«*ws Ie»i minrit
ge K’t S
But no tme t an e otnplam alxmt moir music \nd \ukmuin is
b\ no me ans thr automath lotion up to / imr
Due out ()t t h Kutomutu is 1 tl.uk sounding, dist 01 dant
ire old that featuies du Vtlanta Symphony oil si 1 n*us and hn«»\
t handle! (ol the I’svt hretrlu I tils) oit irlloull s* s< 1 al ti n ks
\ It hough the* album e at lies some tltir ten k II loll ntimhe 1 s
most ol 11 haikeits hat k to Jims s Low and e\rn h 11 then ha« k l*»
\uU<mnh is an album stalwart K I M tans will apptcciate u»d
those hurt! tee (tf'ffH ami 11 me Its then |m »p e hai at tri istu s might
not Bui isn't » hanging youi sound eit asm all\ attri vom most
sue« rsstul album hit mg the hand that feeds you
Hue k doesn't seem to think so
“Uric* just trvmg to push whatrsct K 1 M in .in l.u .in itt.in g* *
Hu<k sass “I d«»n'i r\|K*i i thr nr\t ovoid to srll «n mans i opn \
.in /nrw, bill il in ,i stiong trtotd *« mgwisr It it d<h*nii t >< II as mans
conics, that's tine* I mran. musical cairns hast* ups and downs,
and no 1.11 « mis have* all I>rcfi up
Hut the hand in in no burn, trails. to take \utomutn on tin
i < »a< 1
We- want to wait until wr irails want to tmu ! In-loir wr do]
Buik N.ivs kvrtvonr krrps talking alxmt how nun h monrv wr
could lx* making hut I don’t want to gt> out and juni milk tin
atnhrmr loi inonrv just to do it VMirti wr tom again, it II hr
hr* ativc* wr trail* vn.iiii to and w< II Ik* r\« itrd about u I < an t
think i»l anslhutg itiorr Inning than going out and plasiftg d
everyone snot trails le ads to
Hist and loiriuoNt But k n.ivn. U ni ill* lai lot thr hand to losr its
I just nrsrt want to get l*» thr point whrir 1 in just going
through thr motions/' hr savs ” I his Ntattrd out bring what wr
losrd doing Hr <!<• it lot tun and il it n not something vou want to
do. I • .in I imagine him it would *om<* at i»>nn I lirir n a lot i>t
dith i t in t lief ween wliat sou put sout lirai t and soul into anti thr
stud Si m just d< i
Bin k NasN thr gtoup mas wait to finish se t anothri album
(win* h hr uiritii in will In* noiss oh k ii roll") Ix-forr touring, vi
ihrv < an hast* thrrr rrmnU worth <>1 man ual not plasrd hsr.
hilling thr road with somrthtng nrw
111 Iniiiitli .1 massiu- siv itn>m)i numa I>lit/kin u; ilift Iiiuih! uicniwlvc-<i
on th<-1 m«-i ol Kothng Sh'ui. I 'tipluggnti>ti \! I\ .mil mi miin< niu> Kuiii|kmii
'm ini o,|,II,.,11 lull, hi! Sullnan-ltpi- shntt>> m tn-n aj>i (lame- pant Itpt
•,ti< (kn t% Inn- ill,-1 miii I, mi mic hi i .iMon. vh.iml .i nitli at limit.
Ur'il ^<1 1,11 (111- iluiw. .mil ill, II il Ik- llu- Uiti-ai olil Lit I lip win liiii^ In
In* lali-sl iliv ii Ii.iII.ul. .uni lin n m il i nine nil .in,I plat am! lin n lin t il hate
Minn lap i;inup i iiiiu- mi .mil lip win 11 anil lint ,1 liavr mo gu Is il.uu iilg 111 a
dame (onicM .ill in Dun 11." Bui k m.ilh W < wt*i i ju\i sitting .»i thr\c
shows thinking, < »od, this in wt*tnl
But vni »i v< ihmgN li.ivr nril n> K l \1 than Ix mg on a l)uli h 1Y shim
with a 1 town In lbK5. thr gioup almost disbanded
O11 thr mad nine monthso| a vrai. K \ M t«»ok two weeks oil at ( hiistniav
thru rehearsed lot two months, immrdiateh making a turn album I hi band
was seeing 111>i a lit11<
"We were jusl nr\(
|m>iiiI we were Irving
Finally, we decided ^
l»K« doing n
Now to avoid tiiiui
«* unn 11 ol ea< It«»ll»et. IVut k. sax s
out ot ea» h oiltd i \ t otnpam . he rr< .ills, "and at that
o de« idr Well, do we want t«> do this ot no! do it
alt this is woith pill suing W’e’ie g* m m I at tilts and we
piohleins. the band wot Ls together intenseh tot liner
keeping tilt: (Miiii fresh is hi ill the main < hallenge hr savs
But a i hallenge-. nonetheless, the band looks inoie than c apahle ol
I hrir's always ne w platr*s in go hr insists "We're kiml of like* on a mad
without a map anil wr it just going and wherever we end up ts when we rnel
up. and rae h tecord is like the* rn<»t**l h »i the night
100 .
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