Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 08, 1992, Page 25, Image 41

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    Sinead Croons • Un-Happy Mondays • Fresh Danish
R.E.M. —Bigger Than God • Concrete Blonde Tours
U. College Radio Chart
I Sonte Youth. /'ii n
Sugar, Hflf)ltw
I Ministry,
Psalm f)V
I Vaselines.
I ntiti Union
VI laming Ups.
Hit lolMllhltl Ihrl litutt WotUI I
Babes In Toyland,
f 111 I nini Vi ill
• Helmet, \limlmif
i Fudge Tunnel.
hilt Songs In I Mini '’
ii PJ Harvey, />n
( kftrf tmtuti •». , .«7>y .nttti.iS I •*!« i ,k \SK Vjlf l k\|\ l M liif • »L*
Brrkrlr* klA I uU ..IiI.mhu, I.^ Vn-^U-^ ki t H l .>l < *■<.*i ■ VWDK I .4 \V\1U l».--v I
\U < N . ( i4 ( H oii'u WU S IshImim I \V\j\l |.«W ' Milium l MKH l k« m 1 - »\ \S\ t M I >t Mu •
\V(BM.l >4 Mh itiijjii k> < M l VtNVl \o» \<.ik I tt\\« l ; N. ; , 1 , . j kik< M t
WttMV Snuthrtti IliuK t KIMl.l .rf !ruv\V|l I IuImm-I W \kt Wa*rk<r*il M Ml l <4\S*i
Sinead O'Connor
Am I Not Your (iirt?
★ ★★★
( 4»vc! iuiic'n .tit* itu a nr* »oncrpt
in j>* »|> riuiMt Mam aiUM> havr p.ikl tribute t*»
(Ik ii hums ioi exploit
ed them, depending
upon youi attitude)
In rrcu ling tli«* %ong%
of thru mentors
\N iili \m / \ol Your
(•itl*. Sinr.ui follows
dm well worn gn*»\r
But inxtrad of du St \
Pistol* and Halftones
i o\r|s toll might e\|K’« t II * Mil I Ilf diminutive
Irish post pnnkei ( > < oiinm pass homage
to old show tones
I hat’s tight. following the- lead of he r tom
tnhutton tn tin reiml t ole Porter tubule.
RM, Hoi cr Rltu. <) ( amnof devotes h< i entire
nets album to the big Band ei.» Xml allri the
initial shot k, most listener* i«»i .it leas* their
patent’' like h vsill lie hooked < ) ( onnoi pro
chn es dazzling renditions of "Bewitt heel.
Bothered. and Bewildered" hv Rogers and
Halt. along with Xncliew Llovd XVchhei s
'‘Don't (as h»i Me Xigrntiiu ami an urn an
m Manhn Me>nroe-ew|ue spin of I Want !o
hr l oved h\ \ou
Without a doubt t) < oiiiimi dtsplavs hei
tremendous ahilitv to leave an impression on
am musical stvle in \m I W ) (•tr{f Xml
who kittmv' I h i tuinovci might pmmpi e\ri»
l! .ml Small a lo \has v hi* hr ail anil \tt ap «»n a
Si i aim astrt ■ I l.i\ i«! \!« Daniel. s . •
( *mgut Stair I
Happy Mondays
Yes, Please
Don't h i the nanu tool sou I hi> alhuin
(uukln t make hulas night happs ninth levs
\fondax \\ith thru n<*Vx irlraa ihr Happy
M«»tuia\> ti«»k a g« ** *1 dung - miuu al di\rimix
to icpukixe cx Urine*
I iiu Weymouth ami ( iuu Hunt/, *>l 1 out
I out < luh ami l alking Hr.id* latnr. pro
dured I hr album \ml allct woikmg with the
hand. Fiam/ max have died light on it* di*
U«K tmg mu mi al m hi/ophrrnia when fir vnd.
I lu u iitiiMi al irolitn t> ate gre at but (he x
needed a little- an dim lion "
I lolllv 4!HI kcv
boaftU .utmtitrdiv
.ukl dimru>4on it > vai
mut wind i oil!
plcmcnt voialiM
Rimdi.M Hinging in
( owhm l).i\r Bui
ih«*v c t ho thaf of
Down bo* \niiir
I rnimv aim the vi|>
di i|>|>i^uil«iis and < otfuti » and\ whbpn
Miii'mi; m ~SunK.ni llimKin air lanir IWs
imiuiH him rad\ to tit* ui mind de« a\
Whrthrt »i lapses into < aIv p so on
'Otutmitn* and \itgel Hclvi * into rc^*tf
in '( tit hii 1 ihim* Ih u« c «>i tends tuwattl
<liv o as if does fhi''Mahout (hr group sounds
lilt i I lohthn Inn iund. whit h saiih is doing
its own thing .ill too thorough!* Its \%«»i k
emerges too vo ik .uni unhw ir*ed r\en hn
f op 10, .i usual!* spineless t Lissih* anon in
toiget tioiitrnrss Jo. /W-.v- \ot at haute
pal ■ I is t !’• >l f If j k \! '■ I ■
Maiqtiette 1
Mary’s Danish
A inrru a n S la nilarti
if it it
For the I os \ngeles li.tvi! V|.m s Danish
having a h * us rieliniteh is a new idea Ihe six
ineniU i b.ui(i si.irtrtl as a noveln at t a «tin
oils hv hud o| i j oss pollinating si* les I i om
the punk tunk l«>!k
i oitnlfA %tr.tllt* o| It*
debut album, l hrtf
(»*■, thf \\ <mtln hutk
In i«^ ambittut^ \t t
unci oiler ( irra,
M.u \ \ ibiimh !»a>
had the v'ut** t»»ui h
Imm'n Hith more grli
ics than the- .net.ij{r
imiui tan \ tasn ill*ms
Hut with S(a inti Ihrsr n lt‘<th
rotkris havr narrowrd then miiiu palrtn
down to IfctMi tnrat amt-potatoes i<k k n i• *11
! hr rrsull h< Arnshrlnungh tticdn* ir
\1 though sougwntri (*irU hrn Sr.igri \
vi* als air at time^ a bit !•»*•« low to those «»t
lO.tMMi Mam.it> Natahr Mm turn, guitarists
1 mils (tutirirr/ and David King split thr
songs open with rnann urumming \dd
bassist Wag with ihr ihvthltttt pumriirling tit
drummer |!i| (in! Man 's Danish still i> able to
jumpstait tbr ham! smaterial
In a lot oi wavv \meninn Slan/iatd m tualh
rnav l»t- a nru begtnnmg toi tins rvolvrng
Still, i%r tilth < an hop tlir nr*i releasetforii
Man's Danish Hill Ik- muir ot a risk as it push
cs run tut the i into Ion 1,411 tmiton Mavl*
thru its collet five v-our vs ill timl a nu hr it 1 an
< ail home ■ Nnl keitdtn k>, l> ^ \ J' San
Dirgo Stair 1
in the studio
The Purple Paisley one is ant agar Pnnce new IP in stores Sept 29 «s hailed as a return to the
Revolutionary days ot 1999 We would bke to ten you the album title but as «the diminutive tunker's
wish it is merely a cross between the mate and female symbols Cool logo - bad marketing idea
to one can accuse the start ol EMI of being stupid After being dumped by The
Milking old Peppers
leu ncii unm rep|jci» > n oiu^ ur. u v: j
ruts album Oct 1 Titled Whjt Hits the album represents ail of the band's
big EMi releases and through the magic ot licensing Under the
l Bridge the group s only certified hit
‘ Harvest Moor Neil Young s 24th solo album m as many years,
/ be out Oct 27 The album is being marketed as a companion to 1972 s
Honest and features the S3rne band Young recorded with then
Beating the sophomore |»n* 'with an early November release is EMF
The young lads responsible tor the far-too-overplayed single
'Unbelievable have put together Stigma with a more solid foundation
and a greater depth than was apparent on Schubert Dip
The Sundays will release Blind, then totlow-up to 1990 s Reading
Writing and Arithmetic later this month The 12-track disc is a bit more steady than the quartet's debut
although it's still obvious the band s influences only date back to The Smiths ■ Eric T Muter The Temple
News, Temple U
on the road
A brief look at October November concert listings
B 52s Houston TX. 10/16 Austin IX 1017 Dallas IX 1018 El Paso TX 1020. Phoenix A2
1021 Inglewood CA 1023 Laguna Hills CA, 1024 San Diego. CA 1025 Denver CO. 1027.
Salt Lake City UT 1028 Sacramento. CA, 1020 Mountain View CA, 1031 Concord CA 11/1
Concrete Blonde Colorado Springs CO 10-5 Boulder CO 107 Salt Lake City NV. 10/8
Phoenix AZ 10 10 Las Vegas NV 10/11; San Diego CA 10/13, Ventura CA. 1014 Los
Angeles. CA 10/15 San Francisco. CA 10 16
Erasure Chicago. IL. 1014 15. Detroit Ml 1017 19 Toronto, ON 10-22-24 New York NY,
1027 28 30 31 San Francisco. CA 11/13-15 Los Angeles CA. 11/17 1 8 20 22.24 2 5 2 7-29
Sonic Youlh: Chicago IL 105, Atlanta GA. 10-9 Washington. DC 10 11 Pittsburgh PA
1013 Cleveland. OH, 1014 Toronto ON 1015. Buffalo NY 10/16 Binghamton, NY. 10/17;
Boston MA 1020 New Haven. CT. 1022. New York NY 1024
“I think we all grew to appreciate what we do for a living.”
—Natalie Merchant, on the 10,000 Maniacs three-year hiatus