Movie Previews • Tim Robbins on Bob Roberts Ben Stilltr—a no name with his own show s Video Releases Bn MAT! LABASH Ihah / '* . I «»l New Me\l< o ! hank tin l ord !"t '!111111 lavois like changes 0} n Bn the umr iht- tier* have shed ihrtf lease*, the studio* tisuai!\ h.m exhausted thru M?tti inventor, of mmd-mmih mg Mimmn sequel*. mega-milliou dollar mat ketitig vrhic le* and m lion flic k* Mai img mu* i le laden, a< «ented mat tial ai t* expel in who t uiiMn i bteathr 111*- into a line* ol dialogue if lee Niiaxl»etg I* at ihrin to death with an a* ting sink F\en lithe autumn offrttngs aren l as highbrow as *av Huffa ihr \ amfntr S/ayer, the majorm should olhi some soil ol menial Mini nlahon in patron* who don i have* to In- au0111 gained l>\ an aduli lo an K rated pH lute Of Mlc« and Men (Metro Ooldwyn Mayer) \ddiitg a distinct liter a rv loin fi to the oflrntlgs this fall is this *•' .non *>1 John Strmbri k s liaglt novel dalkovn h plav* the lerhlr minded l rnnie and (..u\ Slime who also dir re Is. plass Ins mole » ofnjK • trill t otnpamon. (**otgc For those of vouwho haven i made it to the libraiv and don't plan on pic king lip the ( hits Non v (»eoige is to I < nine what ( hat lie is to Ihiiu Mir] I vo hit ini Vadeim \vs.ud win ni l Iluiion Foote adapted the si trenplas Having done !rmirt Mftne\ Jktu\ I > Kill \ \ttukingbitd. Foot* % no sloin h ni tin tewriti department uiengarry uicn nun (now Line vincma; Plavwi t^ht David Maine i who brought us die brilliant Houura soiehel she r "I life on (lie mtft has adapted ho INdit/ei l*i */« win mug rnasterpire r foi the m irrn and drlvn into an ruuallv v aim world with a diilrtrnt kind of hustlri tin ira! estate- vdeMiian Martin wnte-s rhvthmie alh j»«tfee t siae i ato proM . (lie thinking main gutter talk with pio fanm in all the right plat rs 1 le has one of the Ik si eais in the hi/, esjx e lallv whe n poritavtng a ire rssion afire te el le al e state* oilier, where the salesmen ate i k s utlderhelh («* irah/e then dreams (iawling out h«*m uilun filth isn t e\ae dv tie~vs r In Glengarry Glen Ross. Jack Lemmon play* a talesman who would sell his sister lor a buck. trillion loi Rolvrit l>r \tt<* who lias m.itnb likt Prv 1 doesn't seem like an obu oust inner ft It a grille 1 hat actrn/rd in irluc tain, slighth in tin--daik protagonist* But true I’t st 1 fans fv<»in ins V mim m oiigim, will give thanks to tlir p mm up high that hr drt itird t« • tak< a In rak fi» nn soua tide ting ins tairuts as tlx light he ai it d toil opposite tii.11 past* faird ( ulkm kui 01 in tin endless saga *»1 / sthal Wrapotn* I Irir In* pla\s tiir n c rutin tabloid photogra pin ! I.ron I hr (.it at Brin/im fk-mstrin in l‘M‘J \rw ^ 01 k vsitii .1 lust lot the dai k suit ami for Bat bat a I it tsiirv who pla\s an unattainable nightc lub Usenet Consenting Adults (Hollywood Pictures) i It n s a nr is spin lot swingers who hr I likt get ting out«1! thr houv and going at loss the* \atd kc\in Klim .uni Man Hi/alxth Masiraniomo air I hr tmrr < ouplr for suburban txnngrnis tltllii lhr\ grl MK krd into the fast lam In thru nr* neighbors played by Kevin Spar r\ and Reheeea Mtllri Mine develops a taste for tin nrtghbeii n wife and lain is at eusrd of having an ailaii and killing her putting his own prc i iou\ family mjeopaieh That's when we'ie stiap|«ei in (or an rxplosivr utlr through the I unnrl of ( in hr But thru is v*mr hojx- hrri Kline lairlv is in anything without soitir srm hlam r fd wit, so this may brat thr ihnlln s 1 aw of \\e lagrne ss The Bodyguard (Warner Bros.) She's won two (iiamniv s. 11 \mcinan Musn \waiils lias Imtii humpm around in matimio mai bliss with somr up and-t onu i named Hobb\ Blown and now Whittle* Houston make s bn film debut in a I awicner Kasdan pie tine Talk about a e harmed life Kevin t osinri to -stars as a formei Setirt Se ivite agent who now guaids beautiful people Houston plays a flamboyant singet who in rives due aiming fan letters and nerds ( ostnri s srivic r\ < .< < I woiuiei if they can't stand rath other at fiist I wiuuiri if thru* s am lomaiur on this date i worulei if this doesn't sound a lot 11kc Sf/Wif'to \\ a(t h (Mr 1 on the set Ben Stiller s got to overcome an almost impossible challenge to make a name lor himsetl in show tw In September, the 26-year-old s comedic production The Ben St/HerShow was scheduled to premier tn the same time slot as long standing ratings behemoth 60 Minutes But Stiller whose weekly show ts on the Fox network has no qualms about the competition and says he knows what he's up against "Some mghts I'll lantasi/e about Oh wow The Ben Stiller Shcm My career s made I II be a star he says Ana omer mgnrs i min* ou Minutes iei s iace n oui wimt we ournwy prime time slot is tough. Stiller says it shows Fox is targeting a young audience "I think that college age people will see it as an alternative to what s on at that hour he says 'It’s definitely a new type of show It s very different" On the program. Stiller plays everyone from himsell to Eddie Munster and Bruce Springsteen ‘It s a show within a show." Stiller says "The idea is that I host the show from my apartment and every week I'm trying to get these skits and short films on the an * Many ot the comedy Ms are parodies ot turns and other i v programs imagine, tor instance. Eddie MunstP' as the antagonist ot the cinematic thnller Gape fear or an episode ot Cops. set m Salem. Mass in 1640 The show also features Stiller s original characters, including a marriage counselor who always sides with the husband and a Hollywood agent who advises Roseanne and Tom Arnold to quit now while their careers are hot ■ Dan Nissila Party Barometer Oregon State U video calendar A brief look at October releases Crtss Cross, MGM Sept 30 Falling From Grace. Columbia. Sept 30 My Cousin Vinny. Fox Oct 1 Gladiator, Columbia Oct 7. Children ol the Night, Columbia Oct 7 Straight Talk. Disney Oct 7, Snake Eater 3, Paramount Oct 8 Desert Klckboxer, HBO. Oct 14 Basic Instinct. Live Oct 14 Thunderhearl, Columbia Oct 14 Critters 4, Columbia Oct 14 Newsies, Disney Oct 14 Cutting Edge. MGM Oct 21. K2 — The Ultimate High, Paramount Oct 21 The Babe, MCA Oct 21 Tales From the Darkside IV. Worldvision. Oct 21 Auntie lee s Meat Pies, Columbia. Oct 21, Folks. Fox Oct 22. Beauty and the Beast. Disney Oct 26 Sleepwalkers. Columbia Oct 28 quotable “Yea. Well, when you have money, a pay cut doesn't mat - ter that much." —Al Pacino, on the hubbub surrounding the pay cut ho took to do Glengarry.