Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 08, 1992, Page 18, Image 34

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offers t'hansrt*
Fot the |m.m I J
vc.t! v Hi students
h.ne .iIIohi i! the
K r ji u h I I i .» u
.idmtimt t .it nuts
lo riioitg.ige out
I ui tit i s i unniog
th«* vi un«>ui\ into
{lie- ground. Inn
t|r till Ig US Him MMUCIII M MIMH IM .11 H I
thtratrntng oui individual lifHiites
\ Hi M hr I foul wais of (*ro|}»i Hush
would make out fuluic bleak
nult < d Hm (tint* in wimrthiMg that
Hr • all do \olr 1**1 a « hatigr \ll«l
•‘II! grllclallot^ HI els li * voir !«»l fill!
( Imion .in<l \Iimih iiiukIci io i.tkr
< mm«»! i*l <»11f 11\ rn ami makr
piogfrss on things nr n ali\ t an
aix ml
l < l"s l»H»k at tin issue's
Iht r« tilioniv lit lhss Hush
|iinmiM *1 to « irate’ hi million urn
jolts Hill what hr gave us was till
slowrst niilHHUK gmwth aiul the*
slowest joll gi t tw (li Mill r tin ( »i rat
I >rpt e ssu hi
I hr lough job maikt t hits students
baldest fveiyom has f 11< nets w In*
ha\t gtaduated ire ruth am! have*
not he t il ahh t«» lintl (let rut johs,
mam haw uol h unit I |* *hs at all
( Im11*ti tlorsii t < hum t*» haw am
magu st d ii t u »n s hut he has a
(irlailrel plan **n lu»w t*» till 11 tin
rt oiiotnv .Mound if i s <t i tiit on n
strategy puts people fit si ami invests
IllOir than SoO hiilton e at h Veal
while t lilting the tle t4* it m halt
i 11<*t< r tint h'la
detnonsti ales the* hvpoeusv o! the
Kush lit kci mote than
t lt«tit i \ i ihr Republican
< * mvr ntion . the sell pun homed
deletidets «>| individual lihrilies
i a 11 (ic'd a plat lot m ill at tails for a
«(institutional ban on at Muttons
Kill ( liuton and \l (*oir. on tin
other hand, ate stjonglv pioahonr
I hrv believe that individuals not
government should hr trusted to
make tins veiv «III 1 it ult .uid jMisonal
det Isit hi (oi tin iiis< Ives
Stude nt loans ( uts in t tint ation
funding almost rvrtv se al sun r
l‘»su. combined with tin tough joh
mat kel have* give n a oik* tvso punt h
to tin \mriuan Dn am ( liuton
oilers hoj»e With a detailed plan toi
a National Vivitr I i ust Fund plan
vse would not have debts looming
ovn us. and vse could make a
dilteiem e in out totiiltn s Inline
hut Im voiuI all die issues, the most
important thing is that vse get
involved, educate* otiiselvrs about
the issues and vote lot a c tiange
t >nlv hv shovsmg that vse c aie c an vse
turn \iii(in a around and lead it on
the i ight comse lot the ‘J1 stc culms
Jamie Harmon, president
College Democrats
oHiliiturtt ffitft* ju^r 1?
Hi'* ir|i.niny it ill in two u an hv
w* »i k mi* lot iwu sc.m .*t a t rdti« rd Mlm
mini- or \rw on ihr pattritt «»! tin IVai •
( oi |». as It .11 hits jMiIn r otfii r | s. h
v*ith kids m tmuhlr Hocking with ihr
« !<!< i In Hoiking wifi homing piogiaim
a uholt tangr o| j m hln srttiir
i »M|>I« •WIK'tll It WH1 dill tll.lt fol two WMI'
sour rntitr iin.uni.il obligation uoiiUI Ik
gone \nd it ur did that vm toiild at le ast
make a* « c ss to < ollrgr must fsal and tin
one* ssould r\ri have to drop <Hlt lw« auv
ol the mones
(J ( ollrgt itudrnts urrn In hr aNr It* uirntlf\
with thi* ttfkrt a ltd mnir than (hr Hush {hmylr
tukrt just amfdy from an agr siatuifxnnt and
thr nti\ that \uu tr gotir a ftr* that maikrt
M I \ thnvf tyf* ' of things that atr dun th
iatgrtrd to < • dlrgf \tmirnt\ Whitt do \mt fnl
that you irffn thr I S Ur2 t yrat old matkri that
rtuty. hr I tiUif ttj family vahtfs m .< hatn*n rlss,
tour utllrgr shuimts anti that maikrtrUrungrd
to thr f\ rfmldu a fi tu krtv
\ I'm italls < on« rnird thr tiling
(hat .m alt< » (mu soung |m oph Xml I
i air inotr al*»ut (hril lututr \t»«I I think
you know thr < onset satmii I had mi (hi
Ml \ m(nu<\i with the ul,N who had
\II I \c■ nt .1 l«»i ot Him with jk «*|>1«
with \11 lx | in < out t i nrtl at*»ut it I want
to make a dilh irntr their I think that a
lot ot \oiit»u |x o|i|< sense that I s< turd to
Irani 1 st 11 led to pill mi sell ill thru
shoes 1st turd to u< t a te al Irrl fm (lit
things that air UHppmu thru list s now
and I in mm h limit* imn nnc<I about
thru Intuit I dti not want sum ueneiation
it* Im pait o! ihr Ill'll u,,M,}> "1 \mrnt ,ms
to do woisr than 111« 11 pairnls Amt 1 do
not Ik hrs t it lias t< * lx that vs as Hut 1 think
ms urnriatioiiowes sou Ik tin than soil sc
In < ii ^rttin' Non know' Hut I see this
rlr* non, in pan as an oppoitumts toi tin
Uriit iatu m that \! (loir amt 1 j»n*w up III
wliit h was tin most piosjn lous^t nt ration
ot \mriit ails m hisiois tt» i irate* a sou Id
ot oppoitumts tot sou Its a vrn brass
l r s poll si hi 111 s I italls Irrl it ill a st is
pr i soil a I was , not tints hr« a use I has r a
datltghlei hut lift aust* I hast- hail a
wonttritill lift anti I Irrl that I owr it to ms
(<Hinli% t<> pi oxide that to jx-oplr toniin^
alonu lx* hind uir it I < an
(> ) fit tn ought uf> \/PS. uhal
ulrulA v>u do to hand If it as tj fdt\\uaJ lumrm,
imt itl\o u\ a MMKtl visut unth <i \tigtmi alUuhttl
\ Well, niimlx i ime I would talk aU>ut
k .1 Ini mme 1 think tlu- piesid< tit has j$ot
to t the eouilUV i o1111oi table with
talking alm»u( it and de altnvj with it \ oil vt
i»ot to m*t people thinking ahont it
Nniiiln t two. I would put one pn\on m
« liaise ol tii;htini> the battle against \I1)S
Some one im ison who e ottld » ul .u tow tin
hiuram t .ft I it line's of all the dtifrirnl
agciu i« s that deal with it I he thud tiling I
would do is to at least implement the
i e-< omineiid.il u ns o| these two \ll»s
( eillillllssieins I would luild the' Ksatl
White Health \e t at a hi^hei le ve l so v« >u
i an <!«» mote te-seau h and treatment \nd
finallv, I think vein ve got to have an
ai'vp essive. a^K* essive e*ffot t to e ha nip
pe ople s ix haviot You’ve |»ot to ge» ini**
the'se* s« fiends. in the* he*allh edue atioti
pi«wam and in it» keep the se kids alive
1 hat s what I think we- should do
•iiUniH'd ft«»m
() Well. Maria \ /.Warm litrl Slue han
\pt> mi assistant !>• the president pa media
affairs f pushing wv thru and / uvin/ to rnakt
\U re / j*rf erir
\ ( utin on M.iii.1 N ou n ^oini.i i
l! ! I! « ( ! 1 s « -^n| ( llull^h |i|nlii< Ills \\ ! i.ti
is u>
O What tin irii atint as \nut f'c i'/st
triumph during \aur term. and what do sou
count as )ouf worst mistake with regards to
high- ntw cltuai ami other issues 1
\ Ne.ih VSrll I thtltk t le.n l\ llie bluest
(I i IS 111 I »t> is ih« i li.i!i|»rs (.1 kill }>!.«« «
.iioiKid (li« woild \nd when you vet .»
K iiiiilii d ( km iii.im when you m i hh iuii
memo s talking jkm« cMi > tas 1» olhei miln
Midi lie 1 .isi who h nol* *l\ dte.irned v>.ts
jM*\sjhh when \ott vet die collapse «d
the SiiMt't l- Illplle. wliell loll see ttlliniliev
s< in 111 of out I'Miidei almost .ill |»« »tt »i4 tin
deilloi lain ionic win li mil see the
expansion i>| mu r\j»oHs sales, whn h
tin .ms (xilri inteinational tiaete , wr \r
>t .1 |t*( te> trlchialr m dial wlieile .him ♦ *1
ttcc-doin .i ml ill' in oi i a e v and lice
mat krts S.. that I think lusti >ix 111 *« *v\ is
\ri\ imiMiium and me I titled the triii in o!
(iiiiim . standing up against a^n ssion in
tin Middle l .iM I mean that imilnl fin
(oiintn Ihii iihii'Ii moil* unjwutaiU than
dial run, »i sctil a message l«» a^git svois
an»und tin world. So 1 dunk um d have
to lump all «»l them* logethrt as what I
would sav arc* picttv good
at e ornpltshtnrtiis h»i dir filM \e aiv
I dunk in umis «»! mistake whe n I writ!
ahuu; with I hr Hciiiui i.Hit ta\ lilt lease
ha i k in I UUI» h»( ol Hading lot ol
hie k< i itii; I wante d to get a control on
spending, on deuurstn dis< letionaiv
spending, and the pine tug h»i that was
one* tax me le ase- and I dunk I made a
mistake on dial '"so I woulel have to It h ik
ha« k and suv dial e«unpn iiiin < Ik I n* »l do
what I wauled it l** do who h was lo
stimulalr this rc«moim and ge t it going
I a I se» Irani it \e»u make a mistake \oii
ought to aelniii n I hat s due in u ul life
and I dunk it s imr even loi a pie sidriit
(J I krone >*/i4 fnlink i>tt your
days unlit JondtttM. U# very much
abtnrttQtr your hmr tn adtltrwtng tollrgr
studmts Unlay
\ I clul I feallv did \ ou know H s
11111 ii% He ie I .1111 what »»N .ind 1
I r III rill hr t l Ilf C edlege* elav s \ e* l \ . \ ri \
tir.iilv I iritirillhri going du n light out
o{ the scivur Mattel e»f I at I I slatted ill
t >« loln i . W’htc h not mm tv e\el die I in those
da\s |ust t 4Use* tile st heduies weie all
messed up Kaibaia and I weie maiiini at
the* time, so I didnt have the lah lah
iiateimtv hte that some had We talk
about it .1 lot. and we- temembei out
blends we made* thete; those tnetidships
still last through a lifetime. a diveise
lileiinie S<» vim 1 e addi essing Venn sell toa
\e 1 \ impoit.mt audience in votti
publication and one that |>eople tbev
ma\ not know 11 now hut those
liic*iidships th.it aie made thru* and the
evjH i tene es gle aned thete will last \e»u lot
a liietime \ttel I spe*ak trout considerable
and I think me»st people would e one eeie
rathei diversified expeiienc t S«» gennl
luck and thanks |oi giving me this
op|>oi tunitv
lor (hr luluiv
\V< voung
\ nu t it ,ms fat <
an * \« iting
I In I of met
So\ id l mon
.mil 11 n Nalrlltlrs
ai» r m hi at mg
the \me t ie .hi
lei < ,i fti.it tin lli.H ktls piodtltr a
jiioNjii iuih tuition l In1' is opening
lu w markets all ovt i tin world and
<•! t<1 mg \ mi rig i am mm r
t aim i»|>|x»i Utilities
(toil gc Bush has opened lie u
inaikrfs hiiiii Waisaw to Buenos
\iirs lhr piesideilt irtenllv
ni gotiatt d the Ninth \meiu an I in
Iiaili \girrtneiu \\l I \' vvhit li
will » it alt a Ik e nadr /om at u *s\ all
• >1 \* u th \mei it a
Bill < Itnion, <>n thr «*thri haiul. has
Ihtii eritieal ol N \l l \ In i atiM hr is
m Ik d with lhr hig laUu unions
I hr piohlem with Bill < linloii anti
lhr 111K* i a I Uemot iats is dies would
lalht i uv llu h-<in.il government to
plop up old tailing mdustiirs than
unle ash lhr tier maikrt fmit s it»
t it ait nrw irt Imtdtigu s anti nrw
p »bs
Bill (I inn m and Ills Drniot i atit
< ohttiis in thr ( ongirss ahvavs pami
a d<M»m antigl«K»m pit tint I lad ihr\
lit til .dive I BO \tais ago win n lhr
light bulb was invented. lilt s would
hast been i mining ai omul
st i t aming t hat llu irdn al
govr» nmi iii slunilti protect thr
( audit industiv
llu |)t iiu'tialu ( ongirss has
Ik t ii a t«mMant <»hslat it It • Birsidrnl
Busli s rt tiiuunit agrnda Nrailv
even et oiioinii pmposal lilt
piesident has tnadr lias Ihtii kilted
h\ tin 1 k nit h i ais in ( ttngn ss
Xml tinallv on i he issue* •»!
ihaiatlri and moral leadet ship, the
pt esident v is it mi in>|k it lain lo entrust
to viinnmc v%lx t lat ks these tjuahties
Iwn issues help illustrate* this*
point <.e«ugt hush seived this
nation in \N«»i It I Wai 11 Kill ( hnton
sat in his ivoi\ lowei at (>\toi<l
planning vsavs toavoul the dealt. Uho
do miii think possesses the moral
aut hoi 11\ to at t as * nmtuandei in
< hie! -
I‘iesident Kush has lieen tough on
illegal ding use Kut Kill Clinton
lei t ilth was asked on M I\ . il he had
to do it again, vs on It I hr inhale He
lesjxmded. “Suit it I < ould I find it
ahhottent that a ptestdenlta)
« audit la It vsould ti iviali/e illegal dmg
use Who do vou think |>ossevsrs the
t ha rat (ei to lead the wai on til tigs
I* i exit one \oung Xmetitan to
another, I ask lot vow snppott foi
1*1 esident Kush tins \ovrmlx*i
Tooy Zagotta, chairman
College Republicans