President Bush gets personal about his views on education, abortion, the economy and addresses the concerns of an ‘important audience.’ /Vv/f/z til (*r< ' Hus': t-iikn! Srfit S ;nli> fdthns ftvtn \ I h« N ilionul ( «*!’ Maj^.mnr Mitt l t fill I t;i >< f\. A?/v'; \ /.-* I, -( u:< ktr Sfntttu-1 hi a 20 minute trlrphimr mtrrnru' from the Whit* / lou sr. Hush i t*n iu(h inn tin gnmth .it Ik-m hut nrvrtthrl* '' thru- .nr liw i oilsri UtiVr uti.u trl\ Hut t< >1 i*ii!v v*« irin.i \|im, .UH MHt tjiMuth I M ^ »t I*» lx u'i\ < .in till on pi r«lu lions hut I I h lirM t ri (.tilth tirxt t .time in \r.u I*' unu Ik ttiui h nu *u ml him « »ii iKn i tin unit * * i * lUth vw should I* ijr!hni» » irdit ittsir id o| < till* i>tn !«»i i dm aiion tundm^ U11H4 Mihstantialh tughri II.iviiu; said that. hi the loiiv; i lilt the iliswr i is to hr itirraSH irvututitHu/ifig tun K to i| ediu atHHI sWrin IH »f • »Uf » * »ll< y;r s\Mem. Vvhl< h i\ uttutue and the hrst I think in the entile world IVojilr si ill i of m f|. h kli'. ;v to the' l tilled Stairs ho giaftnalr desires, hul l think we ve to do moir m h duoiti*h I .* iiid that *» wh\ wr about getting a fob irhrii thr \ graduate VI ha!, dun fig your vv irtui Imn, do \au plan to do to imfnov, \tudmts' (hutut\ of getting a fob when (hr^ gradttalr and truth suit that ndltgt tmrstmrtit will pay off 7 \ WVII. m ih< In st plat < the r< i>t»t»i11v has been misnable. but m 11in ». »rw H s j m »im ( | lot a strong ic < oNt iA 1 < i me just i In k i »!l iii Mlplt • >1 things tli.»l I talk alxnil I he M hi"i \ 1 niic s in ilimil to Ml S jkic rut used t«» Ih J I lc*t s se t ahotit Mtt» I hat s mll.ition and tin (-1111>!« »n tnrni, v * tht*\ n irlatiwls good i nil) paled 11» h hat it s lwen Inllatn»u is d«»wn t<> about V pt 11 rni the* lowest in ages Inletcsi i tit s ait d«mn and unetiiph»\me nt is si d I I ai too liigh IVnt the* s11.»i f «d working age poptdation with I o h s dniing m\ admimsi i at ion is blnalb aveiage t»J J [|k*i« rut | whit h is the highrst in l S hisi<>i\ and I nlr tins lx< ause all w< heat alx >ut is In »w Kid the rt i >n» *m\ is And in im \iew vs i (h intnrst lairs down, inflation clown, tile* Hull and the fat w • n ke el out ol t he c ot poratioiis noh I “I'm not saying everything is perfect. I am saying that we should he getting credit instead of criticism lor education funding being substantially higher." haw ilm mogfam \uiri H *i O Sprakiuii of th* K through 12 program, should fund tlud* nt ftiut filioti at jut hlu i ul Is g? s and nan ffutits m the \am? .atw a% h (hi-‘ugh 12 to fml thrm on a Uvrl pUtSing jifld* \ SU&AA fctOCK! ( t VWrv ru>f ' \ \\ * d<» ha\ v i high le v r I < »l |»*•«»\>l< attr tiding » tdlt gt |k I haps lilt lughrst III out hisiniv iml i lion i hrlirvr ( the \y. gt »vrt lilllr til has I hr X ICM'lllll'N I * » j>.IV t « 11 ;j c\ vi \ ImmIn s rdtn i tit>li ,il lilt* Ini'll Irvri \imI I 111111 k l lit 11 might lt» hr t ottmr til mil in ctitu ation |iist like t hr i r is m pi i\ alt st t It»i wink aiiiI I ilit i Hi n r t iiink that pi isalt t«dlrgrs ha\r a pi.ti r. puhln uilivri Mlirs haw .» piat« hut I tit >ii t f k lirw that lilt gm rr miirnl lias rnough 11 s*mu rs I«» gnat antrr v\ v \ \ inid\ vs ill haw [a t ollrgr | rtliit atu»n paid \\ hat \sr ait titmig is tli*i11 lai in-lit t in in ms *»i IYII giants ami think wi ir poised for .1 \rn strong inou tA, whit h i>flris a I«n “I hojK . [Mint triall\ to college grads \nil ihe HMviti I sa\ jiaitii uLiiK is most .ik* bring rdu* ated foi ihr future* Most understand the* umiso should }>n*|».*n us to Ih thr most (oinjK-liliw nation hi ihr woild Wr air aliraih thr hugest r\|joitri thriein lirs thr fug mu ( ( 'is and thr big job growth ( »|»|m »i tin ill \ So. onr. things ha\r l»ern U *» sli »w hut 1 would sa\ that this global rronoim. whit h has Im rn m trt rssion, is < hanging Wr vr had ti\r t oiisri utivr c|iiaitris t»l giowth and as that gtowth bee ornes uioir vigorous thr job market will hr niiirh motr robust So t**ll mi not to dt span and thr education, ol ionise*, is thr kr\ to onr sr« ononiu lutuir () So 1/ / was to tell them not to despair Mr President, when do you think that wage turn will hafrfrrn 7 I mean I know you don l tune a crystal hull for pterlu ting those types of things, hut 1/ bated on the* indicators and hosed on rising growth, that kind of thing, when do \*ni think we re gonna make the turn 7 () \\ hut \f*< ifu fdutis "i */<» v'u /ime /<»> htgfirr Mutt Mum and M\ funding during \*>ut \rttmd trim T \ Well. let me viv I lake great pnde in Ok* t.u I (hill oui funding ini higher ediit tin *tr \iu! I he .UKWri in that we have gotten it at tin highest level n n Ik en at 1 dun t have the* exai t figuies. hut the mi iravs in tin maximum IVII giant awards lot I«* vs ami middle itn ome students went from 51?, l‘Mi to$ • Tun the- largest one* veal iiu least in historv I don t think the \metitan |>eop|r know It n tint We ve expanded the ehgihilitv h»i IVII giants to less •han half tune students lot promoting lift long learning It s im \iew that some who ait in the wolk plat e ought la have at t evs It* these kinds of giants \nd we te allowing almost all lamilies and students ttMjualih lot a student loan So I m not saving eveivtlnng is |jei1e< t I am saving that (J \/f I'rr'.tii/'t ;t, tin ritiifi r,trurfil is kr'i ■ .•mnti i irwng udls^r stuiimts \ < >|l. Ill 1 k \f% (> What Ktmtfu fnnjM \.d\ ngntu (tfni ihnngrs . Ut \ w/v tin \n> Witrki (hiln that \ou \ * euthutd n\ urU* \ VWH. ill tlie IllHl |»l.n v vst .tit fill global Ir.idci mi i In* rnvironnwnt li »' tin* I miff I Si.lit > |«» whom r\n\l>»»d\ l« m »ks I« »i iht Minur i> absoluirh rssrntial t«n sound t n\iinnmt |min \ \ rn tandidh. "<• have dour f.u more than anv admmisti aliott on W1 Idt'l1 )t *vs |o| r\.»m|>l< \\r ||.t\r tl*»ilt* molt mi ihr I l*\ t'lilt»rt mg rxisting t lav* \\t \t- 11 \«»liiiinin/t