Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 08, 1992, Page 14, Image 30

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    Gov. Clinton takes a breather from campaigning to discuss the job
market, AIDS and why he thinks he owes students a better future.
/htntfH’uUu fnriiti/'fititii tutrmnt* Hitt1 hnlon mrl
: - ■ . 1 ! ' . • \ i >i < > I 1« k »
M.ijb*4«/inc W.’* f hum i. kfllfS / uthlU find
Matty Withams /in‘i ' * ,.v nrut\paf*ci nUtmx
\tuitni 11 i t I hi l \fit higan atui km
\1tl\r* /»■ •'» Irir^mj Vj7/ f ximfMiigt) stop
\tirf / /,« l N * f h>t- > */#■-»»/ rworrthan
*0 mmulrs lathing about lhr tuns \ of gtmirst orturrn
W 'lti MVn II \xnlrfrafn nuiunjattunngu hal
rln v«< «'• tw T>J\f tits fot >ol>\ fni
< tiUrgr gffitis 7
\ Kiim. I want tofjo m<»i< for \!H.ilU>mmrs\
Krrj» in niiiict. most foi»s air < iimIcmI in \m< n<.»
In Mn.itIt*i Iiiimih nw In itir Ust 1 • about
‘‘i jx ixmi «>t tin nru \i >hs h.ivt* Int ii«tr.itrd in
units «»t mule i >«* \iid most «»l those* w< n
In Imolo^ics \<»v\ ihc'H will Ik* .1 lot of vn<»i k
likr that ill tin ‘:HK brt ail.sr if < t lit ba< ^
dr ft iim m ihr |)ii>|K’i vv,i\. \vr will Mill < <mtinur
to mvrsi m in hiiolo^u .il .Hhanii N 1 li.it n vt*r>
imjM.n.mi Hut it w< uk«- ill thr drfrnsr iuh
.uni juil tlirm into dotm stn tri hnoloyjirs thru
\»»n vmII Ik ^rn< i.itinu m (ominrn i.i! .liras tin
kinds of jobs th.it on« t- urn* provider I fm. f>\
and l.iiyr, h\ ilclcnv rniplouis So tliosr air
w roUegr sfuarnts I ft/
/olftntan? are rxrerpts
from the tftfrnuu
(> / mint to ha fllM
on the tax ttnti spend
fear I full (*eorgf Hush
w?ms f • t* ftiming (<■ m
the last inutde of ueek\r
utxmg il it'iU fall short of
a lot of thr goals for
raising caprUu for thr
tntqnams that \ou fum
pi of* or ,t If Sou lurtt to
tatsr taxes. and
spenfitally on totpv
rations hr « hums it is
going to putt rin pi os n\
to las off (hr i it'* A ho a
rather than imteasing
the work four
\ Ills! o! .ill, I
don't to raise
t .i\<• v on » i >i j»o
i attons I hr onl\
thini* that I have
pi nix»srd in .1 mii.ill
fee ilt.tl i * njMH atn ms
would has( t»* pav it
ihr\ don i spend I
pri ( rut ot thru
Imvroll to retlain
thru woi k Ion <■ cu n
\ r .11 li.»t l hr s i«
pi ru iulmvi, on* ot
the mam things that
ih* \ i ** hum* p
I r sr ni inj*, | is | that
I \i proposed a i
pet t rut pas loll
llu i rasr on r\ r i \
i ompam in \iliri x .i
I hi a v * i aer i «»i pt»
"I think access to a college education
should he universal... I don't think
the money should keep them from
getting and staying in.”
i fit* i »J lid i wo arc .is
that 1 think .nru-n
imp* *i i.ml
() \r rut tor t une has
clear ly articulated
proposals to ensure the
future nf our
environ merit. hut
you've stopped short of
radio sing many of tin
ptofnnals he \ outlined,
mi huh tnf the lorta term
pha\* out of tht min imi
combustion engine
What util \tm do.
including increased
allocation, restrut
luring federal agencies
and i nter national
agreements, to make ttu
senator s proposals a
rrahts f
\ l rl me i cnjx »nd
Co iwo things I list
with legat'd 11 >
internal (omhiisiton
engines \l fullest s
and 1 do, (no, i hat
the biggest global
moblein is global
wai iiimg Xml (bat
it's also a big
\mt i u an pi * iblem
\ ml he v\ as einbai
i asset!, f«»i out
«iminis, when hr was
down in Bta/tl at the
1 .ii111 Summit at Ri« *
when the othei
ads ant rti natitms
wanted us tt» sign <*H
»»n a g!» *bal wai ruing
11eats w hit h would
base i»iiniiutted ns n>
I .idol) III \mn it .1 sjH mU inoi< ih.ui 1 [k hc iiI
of thru |ms11>11 m ii.lining thrii vtnik foot So
tolt.il im plan does in Imm« allv-.ni iiurntixe l(
\ass ll vou spend ai least l pi itt nt ol \t»ui
pax i oil t>n training and xot» s|>rnd h imighls
mn all soul employees, sou get a tax
dedttt lion foi that and von don't one the
goxei timeiii anything lUil »l sou don i sjx ntl
anv inonrs on ti.lining, thru sou pas that I
| xi«tin into a 11 nsi hind, to hit h vs 111 Ik used
I (Hi j mi t ini to it'd am xx oi kris toho ait' going
to Im iliioxsn toil ot stork and toho don i haxe
the skills that lhe\ need in the glolvtl <*t on*mix
So most < oinp.init N xs111 nol pax ansthmg
untiei ins pio}M»xal lint the tompanies that
i hnoxr 11«»( to >|m*nd anx nionev on training oi
not to spend anx moties on then front line
tooikeis. aie nit leasing ihe likelihood that
those xvoiki is toill he put out «»t sxoik \nd
xxc ie asking them to toninhuie to a fund to
tenant them
() ( Union, coUrgr gmttunits titr U\\
hkrfa to fitui a fob thou any of thrtr fnnierrsuns sttut
created hv Hin.ill Imimikam v l( n h lalnrn taie
I mu lot .11 nil 11 MI l\ III hill* 1 •MMl, 1?. ( M M » V«MHl
|m op|» ,»! of 1C him Mosl ol the job gellCI atlnfl
iii \iiirii< a is lmm vm.ill huMiim s So one of
tin- things 1 have- pro| mvd in that w< ptovtdc a
sjx< i.i! iiu entive in oin tax i ode. a long n i in
capital gains ia\ f«»i people ulm invest in small
businesses || viiu hold iIh* investment Ini 11\«
u mi s then u mi unhid puv taxes on only halt the
normal gam l hat will encouiage peoph to
llnu nmnev into business ventures as opjmsed
to short n un linanc lal manipulation I think
that's veiv important Ihe oiliet tiling that i
pin|M isr to do that vs ill gruel ale a lot ol foils f< »r
college graduates i> t«» icinvcst all lilt* defense
c uis in domestic (ethnologies Some ol them,
basic alls straightloiwaid things like building
new highways and bridges and uatei sWrnis
s* »nn nl them, things that will take advantage «»!
new (ethnologies, new highspeed tad
networks, new waste rccvcliilg networks,
alternative eneigv tlevelopinent. natural gas.
solai eneigv and new eneigv conservation
I t*4llH (’ ( t >■» ( MliSSlOllS tl) the* I'T'.iO u»
vr.u 2000 \nd all the***- othri toiimiicN vnd
line and we said tin \nd so we- had thought
.itx>ii( what kinds ♦ *1 tiling wr t tiii do to irduic
gloh.il wailinin' .it home .tii<I .iimind the* 14!**!**
l i t me jum mrnitou two thing*, first «»1 .*11, I
think u( should i.iim tlu* mileage- standaids on
.iiitoinohih’s .mil I think v\i should t onxrrt
meiie* .iutomohilrs to huni n.uuial gas as
nnposrd to gasoline* 1 hr re* air all kinds of
t n\iionnic ntal U ne tits imni that Hut in e*\e*ry
majoi aiea, tiom pollutants jtoj emissions
they go wa\ down d you hum natural gas I
think we ought to hum more* naluial gas in
jMiwt-i plants You < ould liasc* the* same* thing to
the* r\te*nt that gasdisplae rsoil In new plants it
you take* gas inste ad ol 1 oal in new powri
plants, you have* that ttupae 1 1 o rue*, those*
things .nr ye n im|>oitant { 1 he ) ne xt issue* I d
like lo me ntion is 1 think wt* ought to do a l<»t *»!
ci< yclopmrnt with rrnrwahlr ie*s*M.ners in this
e * uni try We* still hay e* only si 1 ate hrd t hr
( i<nUftunt on /'mjr /<>