Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 08, 1992, Page 13, Image 29

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    The Candidates
Go to College
George Bush, Bill Clinton beware: A new power of student
voters may seal your fate on the road to the White House
Nobods paid mix h attention i«»
vniciN I»k t- Nathaniel
IU .mi hump m 1*188, the seat a
st uni ‘^1) pnmit ol iK-to-lM
vt*ai -< >lds vs mi i«»the jxillv
IVuut hainp. uftet all. vs.ts a
iik iiiIk i ol one of the weakest voting
hint ks in the cmmtn. a group so
(list on net let 1 liom the pohtn ul ssstem
that onlv one in live college age students
soled in stale anti It k al elet lions two seats
Most <d us feel we tan t make i
(title* i ent t •." s.ivs He am hump, a l «»t
Soutli Honda gi aduatc student " I In
use! age I s to 1M sear -old doesn’t watt h
tin news High st h« h »| students t an t find
Ill, 1 mtrd Stairs nil .i map v.lijiireum
I , It 11( I sa\ | Mill! II N ,1, 111 ( pLn .1 lllg pal I Ml
OUI llWS '
In trimsill voting. n irnainlv hasn t
In tilt- first vrai IH-vraiatkls < nuld
voir, I1* 11 |icnrnl < 11 the in tail thru
ballots B\ I'IKH, llu- numhn ol mllrgr
agr votr I s had di opprd 1 I I pr11 nil,
mill r than twin- I hr dri 11 nr aim ini’ all
I S volris during till sallir period,
am il tllllg lo (hr l S ( rnsits Btnrau
Ihn thr timrs. Brain hamp sass, an
i hanging
Mim and molr studrnts air li t-ling
thi s i an make a i hangr hr sals I lirs
air starling to untie r how things arr
inrssrd up aiound them. \nd thru an
The Student Vote
1,062 students on 41 campuses were
potted Aug 24 and responded to the
following questions:
wftsJ p#fty
A'f , -vti r*o<st»f»d
. .wrt ttw
Oct SdewSf*'’
□ no
l ^
#>•* |
•Km <SoI~
you pt*n
to »0W
2J\ !JS
Nov 3'*
□ bush
a other
□ uNOEooeo
□ anti
Ci procMOKC
Whicft of the fofcvung <%sut* <*f© mo©*
tmportanf to you^ fcf^c* top fcv#)
Job tnjtrkai
Hijtw tOoctbor
Economic growth
He*lh c»*
Student hnencuu ma
Foreign pokey
Detente upending
(JltMT <MM»
Orug abuse
Ftytegn trade |
Ww3> canOdato do ,
you *<« look oul*
mor* tor yOUf rtmkl f'
u a stodtnnn fcghar
O neither
Th*» pc# « not *C*f*«K Pmcrnmgm*
k)f emct' Qu«#toon me b*6md on ihc
nnjtr&m o* fwp©nd«K*** to &uu
moir me ssage s »onuuK to them
1 hr sr an* iik s',u$( ' dial » andidates
citttii i bothn srmlilii' m I hr past savs
( vnthia ( omad an assistant piotrss*k t
publit admimsiianon ai ihr I "l lr\as
I hr (aiupai;>*ns hast tended t‘» ivjnoie
people in dial a^t* group twe aiise* then
vs.imi l i big pan >t!. (otuadsavs ihrvw
brrn Itlrralh unite u «»ll as uaiidrimg
But not r 111% \r,u
I he ir seeiii% to hr liu»i< of .t '•*« lal
tniiM inue to grt invol\e*d dm v rai
( miraii >a\s I h« se |x-op|e have « deMie
h *i » hang*
! his ina\ he the* le.ll I M n» J I \rai «»l«l
voir I s Ion t t am h< lairs to lake* lloti* r <»!
thrill, she va\s
\ l l hr \ntu>ruiH Mny \ln^<imsMinev
\ng 2 I of 1,0a2 i ollrgr si licit* i»t> «)U I I
i aiti|>us<-\ natii mwidr >11« »us H*» |x*i t rtit «»l
the stude nts suivrxrd air irgislrtrd fo
wife atiel Hh |« ti rut plan to voir
1 \ In I vsilal, |>i» side nl ol the
( .roi yrtovsn l Studriil \ss« w lati* *n. savs
slude tits air stalling t«* rrali/r the value*«»!
mm vote
In oidet lot [lh« »andidatesj to p.»\
attention vm has* to sou 1 \ sdul xavs
Vmei »c .» i ight novs has a terlmg ol
des|>etation 1 ook ,ii itic budget defic M
( )m past gi-neiabntis base taken oil! a
» haigc at a mint ami we base to }>a\ it oft
\11<I that maxec11 ledit« an! mav base hit
heunc- this vrat loi a lot • *t c i>llr>»r students
I in inletested iii tin n miuim
bet allxe I II he looking l*n a job. saw
Malt tala Ke\ev a xettlni at thr I «»t
Illinois \ lot nl inv Inends an having
lioutlie iu mw finding a job "
|ellie\ (.lasso, a jtiuioi at the l ol
South Hoik la. ixwomrd, t«*»
\s a t ollcgr student, the et ouoim
t t»nt eins me the m«»st so when I get uul of
< ollege tliete will Ik* a job lot me he saw
t notigh college students. it seems, an
basing the same anxieties I lie job market
is the* ton issue loi stude nts tes|*indtng to
the l stines
in lac t. t ollege students ate c mu fined
alnnit ec oiiomic issues m general iitghet
education, economic gfowth amt health
c aie loll**\s the emiionmc nt and alxution
as subsenuetit issues most tutfroi taut to
( mu ad flu i atielidates ait stalling
In aeldltss nc v% issue v uiirs unjxntallt !•»
c nlii'ijr .l^e \» »lt*l s
i he se .ne issue s thr*V hasetl ! Ieall\
Uitheteal vuth ill flu past 'tie sa\s \licl
that s a gew kI ineite atie*11
ll s I gnttel imlti.Hloll mele e el foi
sluile Ilfs like Mile lu ll < «»hen .1 JUIlHi! at
\(»i l h ( an ilma Stale- l
I | if |c a I e a l« »f * it issue s I ha I e Olle II11
111< like | >1 .IN f I III se he m ils helping j*«'ple
III (till «I V% It t < Ml It 11 Y and lloimiM
I Ights. Ilf sa\s
\ltel though alw >1 ll* >11 is liol a lleSs Issue
[o pi fsielr ll I ia I rln 11 e i ll s . ll s one a‘l
|k m e iu til the students sitt\e\ed sas will
a! I < 1 « the si \ u I c leu president < >1 the
St tide I Its sti I \ <‘ \ e< l if j>e I e e lit e e Misielc I
the mse hrs anti aheu ii. »ti and 7 1 pen rnt
pi e m he »li e
Mm>ttie»n is a map»i fae tot sa\s Sands
Ik. >st a semen at Kulgrts I I gill ss Mill
e i >u!e i e all it a litmus test fit hertV 111 Vote
1 he l sill \ ev indie ate s ( hntnii is
leading among » ollrge students, with
|)(-|U‘lll III Sllppolt of til* \l LlllN.t'
gosnilot \Im1111 'J.S |K'M c ut plan lo voir
t< a Hush anil JJ |k*m rut air undo i<lc-iI
\ii \mi\tioiig, a junn»i ai lYppeidmr
l in pall nl l hr ‘J'i j«‘h « ill who srln tril
Hush m the mum s
I think ( Imlon's tdras air extirtueh
ilrstnn tiv* anil I would hair to m e him I*
president. so I m voting fm Hush as thr
Ic\mi «d two rvils l x i arise I dm it l»k«- what
Hush has el* »nr rtthei. Itr savs
Hut Krve ss,i\s( lintoii apjx-als to lu i
I tom vshat I havr irad it srrins like*
( lintoii is a hltli moir dun 1. taking a
Ilium tjosition and oflrring a little moir
than ( .roigr Hush on issue s sin ll as till
n «»n< >mv.
In thr rml, r\jx i is hojw e*<rllrgr votris
like He \rs will eair enough to take the n
(oiitems to the- polls, rieatmga strong
student vote lor the* lit st tune and setting a
standard f«*t ’he futuir
It de pends mi Uliliout. ( euitad sa\s
It then is hig tuitiout. .1 laigei |>mfiou ol
l.s l« r'J Pve ai-edels than «*vri Ix foie, Ill the
Iutuie e anelidales will l'*»k at that gni.ip as
a les* Ull e e- \ le M is 1 idilig oil (his r|e*e tie Ml
jti\ Urnurtf I he Ihtllv NeXUS. t of
( ait forma. Santn lUitftam. lottlntmtfii to this
By James Anderson, Daily Iowan, U. of Iowa and
Bill Frischung, The State Newt, Ml< hh.a\ Siam l .