Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 08, 1992, Page 11, Image 27

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    Stanford U.
feels the
need for
' Viltihk *■ >• mit th.il to*> mm h
Ilf viva I ill* «r> ha\t n« * i i timn turn ’rtilfi
iltf lathes \lifi mhiU it vjii>i viim iliim* vmi<|o
I K 'IKillliv j »ht s(i l » »% * 51* »f I if ! stlltlrtlU >« ll-lhrlllM’IvtA
If >i quit i < ash
VN ht li Ohu * Vat t 1 ymoi \n«h IU shuk nn th tl moiin
III ||\ } 11 • A*. ,11^ • .««!».»'. •! hi .11 'III •- I' '.'Nj.ljw :
attvri hvenirnl hn i plasma « tntrt that |>i< hiiim ii to |ia\ Sm»
for ioni dtinaimnv
I u,t\ j!i>f haul up 11»i munn Beshuk vi\> I- ■vlill
warn t enough tt • ti\ im «at
Xhtml ■ *iu- third *il ihr donuts a| PHI IMaMiia < rnirt m
Iiuntmv't'>11 U \a * • mu■ !r*«m in f• Mat shall l ’>av>
|anrt I hinkh . m ma^i i *1 the > nun
Ihrv'it tun to have around ^hr vi\s ! Iir> ir
i hi jjimmI sha|* and tho iriiniiigrt
Rr^ulat duiUMs • an n><tLc alwmi $! h) eat h month at lh«
• ruin
K« <ai«n»A> ot ihr Imam lal >4*1111 available some dm tot*
v. am students a^amst hra timing ovri /«• a Ions dun 01s
(.uiiii* mult i flu plasma him tn^ needle iiuiu ili.m omi
w.i\ I he mils rtnwt (MH In s|»m mu m .1 i.h < Mniul.un hi
|. iIhim m h.nt in.till- -i suiu-mrnt
\i liin 1 lir\ Houlilti 1 ,i'k mu lmv> ini'll thinti|(h null' '111 \.t\'
I lu i il .I'k nilicl “im ill tin 1 1.1" Sn hIi.ii > nun Inn tlunugli ihi'
nun- Km.ilh alu i itui vih 1I1.11 I 1 nulil ,um.ilh drm tin v mjiuiI m
appioai h mr arid ask me things
Johnsons c\|H-iii ii< i> ha\r lurlrd hrt ambition \nd that ambition has
<lii\t‘ii bn miu< .»i»r 11 when shr hist madt* a mark although i small om
in thr rat mg world
Kac mg a go-tait. shr won a pla<|tir for twang thr laslfst driven of tlsc* ilav
h Vk.iN all omrti. shr - inn johiiHon lain skipped iu i sc mot prom to m i
tilt* lltfil.tl ! »J m >li>. >< mi
For flow shr knows it will lakr tunc to rise ««» thr lop in thr ultra
t oinjM tmvr fwit! of auto t.w ins' ami at Is she has plrnts ot that to tparr
I tmih Incncl \igrl Mansrll ia« rd Foiinula ( >n« • omj* tihon> I ' \«mis
Im lou winning thr I oiimila t >tu* t hamptoiishtp the highe st honor in the
aim i rac mg wi »i id
And Johnson s own ultimate dic am is to win thr Formula Our title*
he t se ll f rgaldirss -»( what agr shr might iw • *i ptrh :td '• > U ■ I wni
\ aughan Stnnj"*'i Ihu Stanlord I
► A drop in the bucket —
students bank on bodies
l ikr iii.iii\ tolirgr stueirnts Hit s>as hasing tumble making ends iiu n
Hu ll (hr l of ( aliloiin.« Ij»s \ u g r I r s « hum fount! .t fob that srrmrel
it teal
Hr t|ix*sn ( uiisssri phones push |1.I|M |M»| Hip hmgrts \lltl he raids tip
(«> $7b a ssrrk tot Irss than an hotit suoik
Kill if \ti(l ask l It* vshrit fir gtxs Ism, r a vse i k hr piohabls ssoii I tell V*>11
hr sairgulai sjK*miitonoi
f i it 111«it his 1 ral name 1 has lx*rn donating tvsu r .1 wre k lot u»o|r (hail a
scat Hr is onr of a mini turf • >t 1 ollrgr sluticills rattling top dollai h\
exploiting fits 114(111 a) irsoim rs
I fit it s a it>( of people- who havr **l<l itiras al»out it hr sass iVtil it s
cirtimU’h fx nrfitmg Hu latlirs who vsant kit In ami it' Ixnrtiting (lit guss
who air ral lllllg ill*»lir\
k,m-n fn\ lab manage! lot ( ahlm ma (tvohaiik sass in* st sprnn
(Ion,ms air t t»llt gr age* nu n ssho ait he alths. ill gr**! shafx aiul nrrtl rxtia
llioiirs I hr e ompans e ipri ate-s spri 111 banks ne*at (hr l o| ( allfotnia
lie 1 ke le \ aliel StanftMtl l , ampuse s \l (hr fat lilts nrai Stanh»iti ! »of the
in trgulat titMUMs air t ollrgr stuth nts
l fir high numfxi t»l Slutlrnt (loutMS is a matin «»! simple «-t oiionnt s Fox
sass Krt iple lits srrin (o Ssant xoilielxxts with a , ollrgr edue .ttioil she
sass \uti sslirn st»U ir 111 s< fieiol, soil lie e el iiunirs I his gises sintlriits
Stnnr sjK lltlmg HttMirS
\ gtnm1 S|x im sample* — onr that has a high sjk im t omit aiul suisisrs the
tirr/ing pox e*ss tan ram donors up it» S V» Honoisgtito 1 sjx im hank
vs hr 1 r p.n ntigi aplut sitlrtis aiul maga/mrs ait pjusieird to fat ihtair
rutul.itinn \ftri in rrixutcd pirgn.uit u*s tlonois air chopped from tht
File viss lathriing t fnltltrn In nrsri will know tlix'Ml (Imthrf him
r\rt\ (vv«t luonUtH i .in urpirss ifir* untmiiic s\%n-in and
ifK f r.iv ih* i i\k t»( ba« trtml inh litms. vim I urm I in .1
tl<w ini at (lit l ,m< Mi uiiifta! fU«nnitMitk m hii^i tit I >it
h s likt amibuii' rlvt tl vim tin thirty in iihkI* latimt, ihrN tia\c* ih» ill
■ V • *' ' l 1 •< i » .
► Crowds don t get any
tougher than this
(ail M»iur }«>kc t» »l VoU I f* W* d* * s .1 blonde I ill'll oil the light .>f I* 1 m \
Stir DIK IIS the * .11 iftmit \\ hat doc > a blonde uv hit ankle waimeis 1 In
I.ID4 Inwrui
if you laughed. should urn l»« ashamed *»t souisell Doesu l the
pt evading M*n.Ml»vH\ «»n i ollcgr t .iiiipus* s tell us it s not ught t» > mak< bin • »1
othei jieople Has jt >kc telling I hi ofite jx >iilit allv HM * »i lei t'
\hhough < ampus t omn s sav the ait “I (riling {«>t« nuallv ofhmivr |* »k« s
lives on silicic uts todav an t autious aUm! wht ie and ft» whom thev II tell
i nlain puns
"People still tell till < olo| jokes sa\s Jav Wood tuft, a srinol at Wake
lores! I in Noltl) ( aiolilta 1 he\ just w a«t it what thev sav tic |haiding <*n
who is aiotiiid the in
l lit a I nit‘split it o! in* least d st llsltivilv to other s foil es maliv )«»kt s I*» In
told in sin.ilit i anti t lose i knit gioups of students siu I *twrc u< e I lam ion a
srmoi at kniinan l m Soiitii t aiolma Hut jokes about mtnoinu •
homosexuals and im*nit i11 outii’.tie (o lx he aid atoiind < ainpus
In the wake ol p«»liti< al « mm ti>e\s on < ampus, though, mam students
inav Ik* taking the edge oil then jokes
Kobe 11 Si hum hi a pi oft \mh • *1 \mei n all studies at the i < »l Noll e
Dame. saw seitsitivilv to divnse gioups on i ampus has » ausrd git atet
awaieness u4 tlw difletent c s m jokes jK oplt* will tell tn teilam situations
In private, il students think that thev an not hurting amour s Id lings
thev nu hange jokes with mote o| a lute to them, he vass In puhiit .jokeis
iia to avoid the* tough edges on humoi that might invite coni lit t
I hough thev mav I« ollelided tiv an of!« oloi joke students laielv sp« ak
up. vi v s Si tin mill who tt at lies a «lavs on A inn it an humoi
Hut l iai moll sav s (h< *s« who ale of I ended should teali/e students al e just
living to have some tun |«»kes are just jokes and vtm don t tealiv think
|Ki»pli I X'iiev e t hell • • Matthew f h unn luim.itil
- Murphy Brown,
played by actress