MttN it Mills r w A big pain in the grass I lit* gt.iv* in.iv lx’ lonij «*,! Sf.Vlr I vJlH | 4|| j»| t njti M l.lSSt s 1 4i t il mill 4 $ n million M.ftc iHM.liiri • uf. ils« t Him* Sun Bn.irci >•! 1 i u\tr< > r > E 3 i i j > i ' ' i j i st 11 j i i i" n nm i »am put vertu « \ in* hiding \<>nir i Ir.inmg and in ami mam r I hr hoard ieduced gioimd main Iriumr and linn (onirol to Jh |h i« mi leaving lf>4 a< rev of grai* and f>0 of Ml iliiwci garden* neglected h»r a teal hw riluaih dirt cu n hope It) III)fi vnilie4 til die laud min a naltii al j>i aif it Manx ()SI undent* Minjdv an happt In hate limit* * law \ open to them. rmi if n me am unkempt t}• mri hrdv and a late r of gtune on the Hum* \i It aM die t it not < tilting my d.nw' .it opposed to « tilting I hr latsii. vats Mudc ttl ! tu%!c*r kiisleij ( 1IV.II V I loort «me e t leaned tveekh . ate* i le ane d umndik ( .uprfv in jmiMh .neat t leane d tpiai t< i It mm air cle aned verniannuallt «»i anmiaift \lid e nllt tv a w i on idol v staiissilh and i lawiooiiiv 4ir < leaned e tc it eilhef dat instead of elailt Welcome to the jungle called Ohio State U Pinching prnnirs mav wmk ini .t while, bin William | Shkuih vie* pit sidmi lm finunti vne t titling servnt »\«»nh .i vhoilteitii solution («i.«laigri budget tftsis in the long i tin it tmild hull tin* tnmeiMU. Shkum savs "It cnuld have a negative impassion mi the patents .inti stucic ni* who .in looking at < >M jiiiiini hurt Unit-\ sav\ stud* ills attending < >M ate g* mug the \.unr unpiession ul the w bool ahradv \|ijw.aam r has a lot to «I*• with attitude hr savs it ptnlrwms walk h\ Hash laving ailo\rt the plat r and d tin Imaids an nrvri i Iran and n«'im ait* tilth* it \ going to tome tun in then attitude Htit I'lesident I (.oidmi (»re* N.iVv tintv Homs ate tin lessri • >1 two e vils l imctsitv nItit iah Minplv t hn krd thru priorities, he savs Being able to »tllct students t lasses t ainr • nit ahead ol lawn t air Some things air m«nr Ifnp«»itant than othris. and now tlu* vrn iiiipmiatit is going tt» stjufcvr nut the* im|f'Main < .t « s.t\s ■ ( »|oi 1a I'i dU'c k l • I ..t lm, t )hm Stair 1 kand iv.» veil |»iet tms I tlnu »vi alwaw i»i\( oin i n |>h<»iu munlx i lot hnihrMiifonnabon Rand mw although sht vaw sht «)«h sii i irt mil ai flic m hoois ot hue amour who hr* hr» aftci a sjx at h Kami holds lavi t«i hra fctrmmi \alut-s and vtw laws against prostitution are g. »\r 11inu niaI oppi t svHMi o| wtnnri t \lni waul women lo hr avail.lhlr l« »i thrill hn muiir- but lhr\ don I want the piolrssion to attract ihru wive s 01 • hiltlirn " she says Hut iht piolrssion is alliat tm^ snmr studrnts despetair for tash (am* !k -gm wuiking as a piosiitutr hn Kami hull \rais ago as an undergraduate Sht wt»rks in >n hum ' < at h wrtk and rai ns a wrtklv past hrt k of about i'; -Jim \! :'.;H • IIOl ht 1 If .ti ll.tlllf -alsti ll!« mil t| OIK' "f Kllltl s UUI\t |S||\ talks SflC* vns slit he ard abtmt what sounded like an raw hit Kami said N on sil anumd all dav order <'hinrsr hx»d md gne blow n sh< ■ • \nn I « »vit'i •,/* \ * -{ Mmm '• ‘a ► Go speed racer; go speed racer I nslf u< ini n .it the I’mim he (it is mg m hool in Honda think St a lit ui d l v iph< mu »f < Kathryn Johnson has Ik t il the same age ft it neatly till re \ cars i)f i\< tv must U at least l«S to rat e at the sc hool. m» shot tls altet turning I h, Johnson asked one of flic* m.houl's itisttUi tots bet lathes to ftmte present hi t ag< iomitli ingolfH lals li> l«*l hi i *»n the Uat k Johnson s innt drive rained tin leeognttion, although nut the kind lot vdm h she d In *|>rd. I tir I its! tline 1 w.iv Mill on tlu ti.K k tin lust lap I took two weeks aim I niinrd hi - I spun out she sass II sun vpm twin*. you ft- oil tin uat k hu the das 1 his was m\ IiinI session lust huh r\ri and I d allrads spun l u isIhmIs ssas like ( Hi (.<*1. vsr thought she ssas t girl and woulddltse slowls So tlu v mi k named mr Spin I or two w ars Johnson ssas the youngest female dttsei rrgisiried with the I\»jm hr ( luhol \mriua \tie! .»> lai as she knows at 1 s. she still is I Vi a him she is a woman, Johnson has had to ram tin irs|K*< t ol her tellow dnvns .dong (he ssas “Mm o alls in k me <*ti when dies get (hat attitude like Oh, sou le a woman, sou noihn real name I claims she ».»s introduced (<* ilir pmtession through a univrtstH speaker in e women s studies • lav* Krhee i i Minnesota'* most n«»i« »tn»u> madam, has pavxd hn 1111^1 to lumdicds ot students at the l of Minnesota. as Hell a*. St ( loud State Mankato Slate and Minne apolis South High Se hooi m IhmiIs that haw unite d her to vjaeak Kami who has l**en in tlie business lot 20 vraiv *a\s she' tieliew s prostitution is |Ust a noth* t profession I heir s nothing wrong with women ptowding ma hi e\e hangr hn ntours as l«*t»u *,s dm like it she Rand was found guilts of r.t* ken < ring and promoting prostitution in \pnl at e onhng to e ourt d«•< » ha otnmunu ations maehialc Rand has giwn talks aUmt hn busine ss at the * h«n>l. and metal students haw* woi k« < i feu her \,iouu she man. professor of phtloviphs and women s stuefirs. saw > V' • III III *111*1 I* ll» 1 II IIU m in I 1 I H I I II* » \ w 1 ■ * I. » ll j.iui 1.11 It I IV (lit-1 .ii .Hid in iii tun t- ii I >111 In lilM ul lllr SL||| IUiImi R.ii mu Si Ii. ml |. ihluv 'll "i" llm mu util ut ilu Im Lt i ii h nn Im using iii gi i In i cat mu gi-.ti flir !» i 0 EMC AUMONO. THE MINNESOTA DAILY. U OF MINNESOTA