Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 08, 1992, Page 8, Image 24

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    ► Oh give me a home,
where the buffaloes roam...
I olj^rf iail^.itlli£ • *i t flit l Ms k < »l .1 I* it tip I v*Ht of sluijiHlV' NrusklO ,111(1 C|»gS .It
.<tcMai(li\i Mou .ibiHit 'wtirigalinu " isith Husks him ,U the ( »! \Sashmanhi < h
Humjtin It with studentshow Icv*s \\M
It s« ollc^r mn.*n.i vtlinr students vsill do just .lUmt ansthing lot thr
h«*tiu tc .»m I ikr it thr I o! Washington
M< t* student' jum rut H4Vr> neat thru home field l«n Washington huts
thr i isih/rd !*M>/in Hid » misin oil thr trains tit.it Imidrt Musks Stadium is a
i hiss i idr
ll * a < rfebiatof\ t\j>r thiny; s.iss u*ii)oi IVtrt Randall < oliegr
si t u i< fits >! i ink l*< t .til thr turn - hu at is trasoti 1 his ss something sjh t tal.
s .IT > I. iiHric tit Musks I.h.iImD games ,m siw < j.il t'\ruts
SjM i j.ii though (hai Mudrtii* will go .ill uni I*»i tw it tram* \nd on* r the* mam
« \« in Iwgin* those h sjHihMblr Im Malting the v^.iu .Hid lathing ihr troop* lakr < nntiot
M tv ■ !ikf K ilphx ’<! fhr ( oloi.idn Butt.iltM > Ilium bin Mip}»»lt l* < h cMit-int •. o tin VJHIUti.il
Iradrr* «»l diri <*lli i»r tooth.*!! Hof Id
k.ilj'hw Hi ih<- lihh toikpriit llir ttmtiikrt tA i «»l*n .uii* iimm >>i u* ihc }>n<)< .md fm « »i iVnuifk t F<»lh»wing
• t- # j• *! «^v*r\ Mr C.mil M*«»n K.ilplur h.is i iiimucd (ii<u cliti**n o| Ir.Mmg ih<- < •«*#«»i.ul> * tc .tin
. Hu* i^ M > 1 tin' Mart i*i Hu gaim .mm! • umI lull I*.iff **1 tin- (ton mclmirMuniting!' tin • imi*»i \ farm It
11i’m ui.i(i< »n ,i( HtiJi.iU^ivIr
! hr (. aton don I iire'd a rushing buffalo. though l <*1 Honda Ian* have <**oigr l dmondson a 7<»-srai ■<*kl I am pa le-sidrnt, who rouses
flu tans with a "two hi!** lout bus, m\ hits. a dollat ttu t ! started vtiiti' I.’ ye\n s ago When (I hold up ih«i( sign and blow that whistle I t an get absolute
silrtn t in that stadium \nd with a wail of an atm I e angri s'i iHMi going strong It sa real levrlation," hr saw
\s lot thr Ian pat tit ipatu »n to end all u adit ions in thr at t ol 1 lunipin It' at 1 rvas \\ M game s In the pie- eminent prrpai allot i«*1 * hrri mg \ggir spe< ?at« us assume tin
p< witioit \N tlh ha< k. Unt loiwaid and hands on thru knees \.vM Ians air m a slantr that allots thr loudest j*>ssiblr • oordinatrd veils I hr\ 11 nl\ ate thr I- mstrtns o! foot hall lanatu s
Utrt the game hasrndrd \n t«»n salrh m thr Inmu* tram's hands it s time- to pm a « apjx t on thr aitriuuon with a toll ot toilrt pujMi
\\ hr ti tin \uhuin I igr t s < oiiepiri an * »ppon<ml at |e >i t i.tti 1 Ian Stadium studruts Hi* k to thr iotm*i ol t ollrge and Magnolia streets t«- K < «11 1 ooinet V wrapping toilrt pape t around a
gioiip * *1 oak. tie e s |<m atrd a« ; • *vs thr "ti r« r (tom I < * unri v Phannae \ \N hilr no olln 14J oigam/alion sponsois the* r\rnl. it s a tiadttn *n loin aird h\ thr t it\ ol \uhiim and its polu e depai in unt
de'spitr subtle- attempts to elemiiplas It
\t time s wr o-n ire! t4*t|ue II tin u fivitv saw \ubum Polu i(upt am |ohn l e * khai t "hut the i m fmels it harmless and at t rptablr f>ehavioi It s an at»rptrel tradition V\r don’t« ondemn
|! ol , ; * I' S' ! »^; ■ '• o I . an ' < ntrnilx-1 • llli.ii: ( *ai)aKhc t. / >u !f V « l 5 IV git
► Duke early birds catch red-eye courses
I i eihimn at 1)11 k< l
who thought eail\
ill**f tilin' < lassi » wet e
«»nh .« hii'li v Inn>1 Ik.tssli
at e getting i i udr
awakening at colitgr dns
< H|i< t.iis itiCle .11 <
Ion mg !j eshmen to take
s a m i ompnsitton
"It is harsh/ sa\s
11 e >hman Danielle
l nniiiun U e just got
out of high school whi te
we had lo wake up
{lieforr) S .» tn ’
1 he new poll* v is
supposed to a lies late
* .iinptis Inis ♦ inwdmg
and dimmish the uuddas
* lasso h an * run* h
Bill giaduate students
who hast to tea* h the K
a tn 4 lasses h it rooms
lull of gti»gg\ Jl eshmen
\nd thev aie align
Alarming thought: Freshmen up before dawn
mui%v helotr the new
[mile v look plat c >.»\ s
student* wtm'i leaf n as
imit h at x a in
\ lot oi pet iplc t an i
fuiii turn tha! cai ivhr
saV s l lass diu ti'Motl
(nun ! J Ik- as good
fresh man Will I lenson
vivs students in lux 8 am
t lass were mn attentive
during tin tiist week »»|
t hisses
“ 1 he teat he I was alert
and veiv awake a hit
imnr than the students
l lens* hi saw
But Ham Delink an
asst it late I egistt a I at
Duke. sa\s someone had
In give
It makes sense, hr
savs. ft) letjUlie the
heshuien. \tituallv all tit
w hnm at t tv etl at thru
high si htiuls heltn e *
a m tti fake th< earlv
linlkMh i onMiHctl (lit in i»ri"ic tfir ;>« ,u \ wrni mi"
rflrt t
"\St in tppairnth in» mnir w»nih\ <*l srll
irprrvni.iiH»u than (l>« h\pothrtuai txvi^u/ylin^
hrshmrn lhr utmci\it\ hopr> U t an makr«Ir ui and
v»ih : s.tv*»I iit'hdi ^lathiulc MUtlriU llill Maxwell
Mi* li.u I (ill r II v who « oinpletrd ihr wiltitn;
nuu i i.tNM '
\nt! altlmu^h I rmiunii iv divip)M»inird with ihr
m lu tlulinn "I iiir t i.iNM N, shf sa\N hi\t veai slutlml**
vhoultl r\|x*t l n* pa\ thru due*
\\ a tiohmau it kind "I mu k«* I rininun viis
When I in a s"pht*im»ir, I'll piohahh think it *
■ Mu harl Saul. I < i ■ .1 hike l
► It does matter if you’re
black or white at Memphis
i kiting i huninmiiing own .it Mrtnphis Sun- I h.id tumi d min i
ill.tl k sshltl- thing 111 tilt' past tr\s w.ih V. tills \r.tl Mrlllpllis Sl.ttr isi tu t
hast a in hi in inning ■ out t
\lid Muiitnrii Suns »h*» wmt the tin.il i nitui, is wjsuig ,i i Inn till
giHHlim tu tilt- time tmirh ss ii.iditiiui '1 drfmiuh think ixiiph- iil.tnii
Hie she savs I hr\ .tit to sa\ Mir
v trwrd h up But what it .ill U»ib down to
Memphis St.itc is wav f<> • tat lallv divided to
handle .1 homo omuiy* ipieeh It \ not Vhcif til
I hr tumble
1 hr homo umm^* omtt, mdrrd had
Ix toinr tiouhlr foi the I ennevsee uuivetMiv
In I'Jvi Memphis Matr < towned iiitst hlat k
cju^rn in more than 20 veais 1 hr nrvt vrai
dir univciMiv ct owned a sound bla< k uuren
Hv 1001 . when Suns defeated .1 hlat k
contestant foi tf»r tiuun. dir battle lines had
I seen di aw n
I o
Sim* They t>4*me me
till* '1 ■
" I he *htle urn- taking up for me-, .md the t>!.«« ks uric*»ailing
me a < heatei and a bad |« ivm sa\s Sims who was allowed lo 11mam m
die i at e despite mb at lions found b\ an elct (i< >n t omnuvuon
Sftavsii l aitc t, the l ‘ *n ijiutd. let used tu t ii/vtu Sm^ 1 liev did mu
want anodtet hla* k queen and that was otnions ( ,utei sa\s I hate to
\uv it w in a blai k white tiling. but it is
s». tdmmisti a to! s put an end to dir hi *111*. onuitg»• »uri this \ eat
but l“s'» hlat k hornet tuning queen Yolanda I fill vns tat lal t harg< s
dining hornet ommg ate an tnduanon of mut h Utgei pnddrms vdnt h. a
■ |.
ks'.'ink'iknhr1 [ olkrntmkv