From the Editors Its .ini.t/liii; h«m (iilictrnt \oui ojun loll o| .» * .tiuittl.ttc • .HI Im*»< *1 oil ftlsl li.ltn! 11 It J Mf > *i l‘ '!•' Ill tills |SM |( \Nf Vr lll('t) to llfljl Yt»tl i»< l hi lln .*< uii.tiUt rll \s 11}) l‘i c sltail t olhgr \iagaztnt firs* to ( .i n tishi *11» N < to iiilrhlth thr I k*tlMn rain inmum t \n hr vd at m»\n limn ii' \|m vmii^ si.« iivih v .(!m>ni tin < nviionment and f*»* ri^h him siiiH'Ml, il was hard In Ik In \r ili.ii this ilii' same |>*‘t smokm ell .ill dodgin' philandrim hill ( hnimi limn |.nni.u\ 1 hough In * i hr tousummalt 'i liiiino/n Mill have f * * |{ivr fhr gus (i n In I mi i .iim^ runti^li a Ik mt i ollrge shnl< niv in take a hall hmn of his him lot ,i hit r lo l.iu iiiU iMt u ssiih soiing |i mmaltsl* lh* president, mii iht oilier hand, sjk• k< todnrr/ editor* \\iih (h< help m| \|a IU II While t dilMix minsit vs111^ ( Imimi Sseir i in j >i C'M «l l»\ hi' ahthls lit i nr sialisht s ant! examples. ist will in\t i know sshrihn om t«mimandt i in < hit ! um i! ( lifts \. »u s Hill even «m iht |>htint tin piesi tlrnf t amt at loss as genuine Bush \ position mi issues like almilioii st t mrd im makt mule* sense when explained pt isMitalh IVihaps hail t lie* i s should lt*l iht unedited hfoiyr t»ul mine • tlii'ii hr mines at n»ss as a iral |H ist »n smnroiir sstth usum I hr visions, jm>silitiiis and jH-ismiah tit s m{ Iht sitlrnl hush .»(I«i (.m\ ( liiUon tan l>t Imind in flu t \tnp(s f rom in ir i v it vs s tondut lt ti hv l Md^ W r If led to lellhi t a lid I dates .ilt \mciu .ills to d< * \M»IM tli.til thru |Mirnts hut I think, im ^encia iion iiHt-N \oti Inttei than votive Iktii (.eoitp hush \ait1 'No vou n addressing noiiim II to a vrti nii|Mii iant autiiriK i* in voui puhlu ation \\« know » ollrge students air imi|m»i lain n s time t«► make* sure out leaders talc alioul i >ui lotMc'ins I he HIH aie o\ei, we need l«> cnsllle we will h\e as well as om patents h\ pailieipating in tile JHlIltU al pi * H (AN We e.u h ha\r a vole l el’s use It KeUes I uthlll I 4 till >• oil I ellowshlp l ot Nolle 1 kune STUDENT RESPONSES FROM ACROSS THE NATION A Voice for Free Speech I !_ Iff • idi ] >■ klr SpISIfit ! ' -i I ;!i ;! t< S* j«’i : i i i k i i\Nut » ‘ >i h < n. < i - ^ ! 11« n Nupieflit ( «*aji ( * "halt %jh « «li drt i j I allows foi llt < l|on» of s|M t h is hateful tu demeaning to others I also disliked ihe Supreme ( uuri ^ iir( himi, bin M was in »« wu> l«» tMrvnr the hash |>tin i iples of ihr ( onxtiUitton l muting hate st>rt-< h in wrong lio UU%e II limits ilir limloin of nunoruies to express lhfHiv l\t*N I is a m*ix* i nine than using deft *gatoi\ languagrinim U*»k In ,i time when high w Itook .in ban < I ( iii.h*t ' r f{\, (hr “halt s|K*rt h drt t%i«*ti o i strong support bn rwiYfittr s lusi \mrmlinrnt tights. not just lot those who abuse thru lights at th< r\|»rtise . »| nth ris t -HistiiuU' lights an an .ilhii nothing drat II vmi limit uiul >Mtr gl*ni|) < ,m si\ \ou hast t«» hi mi what itiolliu gnnip t an vis anti so ofl until nmiiiri an sj*ak IWhiu students stall protesting the Nuptt ine < < tin i s dt « IMOII. lilt v should kr< ji in mu»«.!■•■ .'< i.ilt sjK t- l I humus I indaman, gluduult slutieill, Diukr l The Incorrectness of Political Correctness i ail. a Purl to Rican \ftiri it an. wt King stM iduaih it gaitiing vtHJi maga/tnr s in ml slon tin (In Siipiemc ( nun\ filling against hunting fire sjieet h on t ollrgr t uttiptisrs I am iH iviiialh in fa\»»i of die ruling I do noi feel that am fellow t m/en of tlm t tmnin has the tight to limit amour s vjiert h onh lo ihai whit h is jw two vcmiv I *i nnsriahl* as il is i i^ht now tr \ni> ( lark, junior, l al I **vas 11 tire- n«ws moiu would just |>a\ attention t< flu I lU il.Hl.ui i\UH, JK ! ha|w w< < ould I»rt mot*’ oi{v tr D.uihI Vlman. shikit. I .of Piffeixirg U. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR \ddtess VOlll ( miespnndi IK e I" 1 etlet ' l dilot / / hrSnUunul Collegr MiI SOO ( cntlll \ I’.ilk I ist Millt S'JH, I n\ \tij»rle' ( \ '(Ollti?, <>1 I.IS. It In :t|ll-.Tll lii''i hit lude sour n.tiiif, \t*.n. v IhmiI .mil phone iuiiiiIh i Ini veri Ik.ilmn I l iters sImkiIiI lie iJOO vsuidsiit less / tesetus the light to edit stiliimssioiis U. VIEWS If the presidential election were held today, who would you vote for? THIS MONTH S QUESTION If the presidential election were held today, who would you vote tor? (>1 thr 5‘Mi« alls It mn \tu» to Srpt I *> l‘M) wet r lor ( lilt toil I IS lot Kush ks h »i I it hi tat tan I’at t\ \ \ndir Maiioii ri^ht lot K«»\n Priot ami six. I«>i dii « k |« m k I low aid Strt n litllC Itnioti icmIIn m airMiir I'tu finding that his nonoinic poll* ir> air just rxiieinrh . well, *m lalist tr.ilK — Mark Firming, junior, ( amplxll t North ( arolina I Ik lu-\r that liush is t« it.ilh iiu ontjM tc nt«»l his p *1 > and mid* m i\uij; l hr man kin ms nothing c >t to >munit s and ru n lrss a I tout hon«\t\ " -Kt)) Kmbrv, frrvhman. Wayne Statr l Michigan I would \oir h ii the* I ilxt i tat lan » andidalc* \mlic Mat ion I Ik lir\r that b\ \ntinj* fit fir t 1 Vim h i at it • *t Republic an.