From the Publisher Y( )t i .in hr Mil i i>l iilic ilimi> lilts i Ire non \t .11 tin < .milt (|.|||'S I .11* .llNlllt Mill .ini Kr(nihlii ,iii■> and mm ,i |iiiiiiiiin iil Washing Inn I i‘|)irir lil.illV i fold tin lli.n pirvidrniial r.indnlalrs .ill, .|\ \ ||.l\ I i.lll'lt ,tl ** Hit (111 Il'Hl \ Oil ! S Hill I III I I M .IS Gov. Clinton chat* with U. In North Carolina President Bush talks to U. from the White House. "deadline” aren't in the political v mabulai \ 1 enlativelv " is tile i lose'! i lies ucl ()m deadline " a-. Aug. 28 We were tentative!' '( hed uled in inter'icw l’iesideitl Hush \un -hi I he i atupaign was cooperative; I he weailiet wasn't A I’tei 11urrit ane \ndtew devastated South I lot ida, the pi esident ( an i ( led Ins v Itedule ind( liniielv ()ui tnierv iew was a ( asuallv netci a i teilihli lniimi l<> s| thin lls in t nllev{c sin ileitis l mil I I hi\ ir.ii, the t undulates s|K-ni neat Is an hour talk iliK with I about llic issues von ,u< must < nni ernrd ulw ml (iui (jucMmns^fir luvcdunllif n^uliMil / s MllSrs ■ it tunic I It.Ill I ,< M HI I I i||ev;e sllltlf Ills Hatl‘ Hiwille I c< use < andidalcs ( >111 dunks I" Kl IS Seed’d . aiU” We lrallied a Uit in tin idtitsi ul mu i|ti< si Idi dn interviews must iidtalih that lanipai^tl nijiani/a non" is ail d\\ nidi nil limn l atl\ t the president s w hedute Vi i dialing In mu 1 .ittot l>av week st.ii ted nn Mdiid.n Sept 7. W< dnesdav was \ug '.?•>. and (lie week ended dll k I idav . \ng . \S i .dsn learned that the wdids detinue and ( >n Vuy t than/indier tailed met union (,u-« iislx in i. \ ( WV did — in a senioi < iii/en's u-ntci Im-iu( i n (ampai^ii stops W< had almost until up mi Hush when Kib Scet;ci ( .died Sept 7 and said she'd haw an aliswi'l earlv i a Ml a in in I iis Wl^cles) tin’ ni si das I lie editnis made lesenations mi a 7 a in nielli In Washington lln scheduling meeting ran Ian Inn ue finally got lli< • >h an In mi alu-i die Might lelt. I mlemewt d I’u sidcnl Hush dial altcmomi In phone Writ culfxt I ilia ideal uni In scud die cdllms In Washington nidi i ml a d< tiiulc ^ rs Ht»lh ot the candidates gave ( — and Y< M — more time than nc reipiesied We learned a lm almul them llum these es< lusne inn i \lens W<"' interview n as nn t/ we i on Id meet him Sept I in THE I If HI ANNUAI AT&T Collegiate 1 nvest ment C 2hal lentie Nov / fill >>. i'm IHSjf Sy0ur°PP0ftu, "egiate n'ty to • Cha"^ge. 'ZZkl W'°//5£rw »*ATar ^ZT^^^Z,S500Mo,‘^'°xl"‘vm'm' ^ yooVbe trJ°UrPorTio‘>o over „, °CCOUnf °»d Period “m, Z„Z°‘ “ »°>'*n;Z l,"g *°« . 0s *vll as an a"for,ust ZZ f°r mWe to™ .—-w: ,soosZsr,^^ /S «tt 2, “sands ^OO.OOq °foth w ro//( £V«“ students Sponsored by ■•Ill* ATfcJ Co-Sponsored by PONTIAC. Texas Instruments Radisson J