Oregon Daily Emerald Snorts Pac-10 offers national showdowns Two games In I ho Pacific* 10 (Conference this week feuture u pair of nationally ranked teams squaring off. That's not surpris ing considering the Pac-10 has five loams In this week's Asso ciated Press Top 25. The biggest game of the week pits No. 1-ranked Washington and No 24 (California. Wash ington Is 2-0 in the conference after beating IJS(C 17-10 lust week in Seattle. (California's only setback this season came against i’urduu early In the season. Last week's slaughtering of Oregon State has them at 1-0 in the confer ence. (Cnl Is u! home, and Wash ington quarterback Hilly Joe Hebert is not happy splitting time with Mark Brunei I Kemember this, if the Hus kies win, they'll come to Aut /en next weekend ranked No 1 in the nation. Pick: Washington 24 Califor nia IB. In the other nationally ranked showdown, 11th-ranked Stanford will take on 19th r.inked UCLA in Los Angeles Since its eorly-sooson loss to Texas A&M to open the season, Stanford has played flawless football. They have won four straight, including a huge win over Notre IJiimo lost week. UCLA was crushed by Arizo na lost week, but the 3-1 Bruins believe this will bo the game that gets them back on track. Cues* Again. Pick: Stanford 31 UCLA 20. The other ranked team. USC. plays the Ducks this weekend. The 20th-ranked Trojans have yet to play a home game this season, and have gone 1-1-1 in their first three games. USC gave the Huskies a run for their money last weekend, which could lie a confidence builder Oregon Is playing Its best football since the Bill Wusgruve era. winning three straight But the Ducks have won only one of their lust 21 meetings with the Trojans Oregon is ranked No 22 bv (ho Sow York. Timos computer poll — which, by the way, is not prone to human er ror (wink wink) The Ducks re ceived one vote from the Asso ciated Press, which is oil the votes they got in the Lim or old office Pick: USC 17 Oregon 7. How 'bout that option The last two weeks, Oregon State has been kicked in the teeth by reality, getting crushed by Utah and California Wash ington State wiii travel to Cor vallis to see what it can do ugalnst the Beavers lackluster defense. The Cougars just missed the top 25. and are un defeated with NI-L-dostlnod quarterback Drew Bledsoe load ing the way. Pick: Washington State 49 Oregon State 8. Arizona State comes off its potential season-ending loss to Oregon to face Pacific. Is that the team in Forest Grove? Pick: Arizona State 35 Pacif ic 14. IU'17iJ Put the power of Oregon Daily Emerald advertising to work for you. Call 346-3712. If you planned on going to see Oregon play No. 1 ranked Washington on Oct. 17 but haven't picked up your stu dent ticket yet. you’re too late. The McArthur Court and Casanova Cnntor ticket of fices handed out the final student tickets for the game Wednesday. Tickets wore made available on Monday. Reserved seating and gen eral admission tickets for the game sold out this summer. The athlutlc department made available another 2,200 general admission tickets on Sopt. 29, but those sold out soon after they went on sale. Standing roam tickets will go on sale Monday for S14. A ncar-rocord crowd Is ex pected for the game. The last time Washington came to Autzen Stadium, the gamo drew the second-largest at tendance In Oregon history. Thu game was also the last time the Ducks defeated the Huskies. The Huskies are currently 4-0 and the Ducks are 3-2 go ing into their game this week end at USC. Atlanta wins, goes up 2-0 ATLAN TA (AT) - Before the Pittsburgh Pirates worry about their tails and arms, they have to take cam of their beads. They return home trailing 2-0 in the NL playoffs following Atlan ta's 13-5 victory Wednesday in Came 2. and the first thing on their minds is preventing a rout. "We've boon getting our heads boat in and we've got a head ache," Andy Van Slykn said. "We're in the emergency room and wo hope we're not in intensive care by Friday." "We wore embarrassed.” Pirates manager Jim Leyland said. "We're in an uphill climb and it's not a good situation to be in." 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