DEVELOP & PRINT • 3” PRINTS « EMPLOYMENT Central Intelligence Agency Unique professional opportunities for those seniors and graduate students m the following disciplines and at the deglee level shown Degree Levels B M PhD Asiun Studies X Business Administration X Chemistry X Computer A Info Science X X Economics X X Foreign Language* X Ccogruphy X History X International Relation* X Mathematics X X Physics X Political Science X Public Administration X Psychology' Russian X X X X X All initial assignments are in the Northern Virginia area. Some require foreign travel US citizenship is mandatory Extended application processing time Obtain your application Irani the Caret** Placement Serve ice 244 Hendrick* Hall Complete and mail the application by Octnbei lti, 1902. Qualified applicants will interviewed at an early date. A* kti*-* • v*** v Political potatoes, absent audience litical Roundup Sonic people find politics him! to swallow But the EMU Fountain Court Cafe is doing its best to make it more appetizing this election season. Its "Fall Political Choices" potato bar menu of fers something for everyone For example, for S2.25, President Bush sup porters can feast on the “Republican Potatoe" — "e" included — that comes with broccoli and cheese This entree is advertised as "broccoli and choosey." uonms i.arr. r.rviw iwu miiviww w signed tho menu that he said in noi Intended to promote any one candidate "it struck me as Ironic that the thrive primary candidate! had food, sort of analogies meta phors that could get stuck to them." Carr said, adding that it’s all in fun. The "Democratic Potato,” dubbed the "(.hilly Willy." Is served with chili and. is again. "choosey." Il is also $2 25. A less expensive metal Is tho "Koss Perot Potato — Rich with the Works." It is SI 25. but the menu does not state what is included in the works “ For those voters, or diners, who can't make up their minds about the other choic es, there is one last alternative tho “Uncommitted Potato " It is St 25 und comes “plain.” Carr said he's a registered Democrat hut is wait ing until after the presidential debates to decide who he'll vote for. In the meantime, he's planning to conduct an informal poll In the cafeteria to see who students want us their next president The results will be posted in different areas around the Fountain Court Cafe, The pessimistic political olrsorvers who claim young voters don't care uboul politics may bo right Last week the ASUO sponsored an electronic mooting with candidates in the Instructional Me dia Center. No one showed. Ryan Decker!. ASIJO stato affairs coordinator, who organized the event, said ho was disappoint ed. "It was a last minute deal," he said. "1 think if we would have put flyers all over campus, wo would have got 10 or IS students." Deckert figures that students would have shown up if the mooting had been with candi HOT POTATO HAH Fall Politic al Choice RI Pt til l< AS POTATOE BROCOt LI * CHf f SEA S/./S DFHOCRATK POTATO "IHI i Hll LA WIT.LA “ CHIT I A CHEESE A %t.n UK t V OHMITt D POTATO PI AIN SI /S T Ht ROSS PI ROT POTATi» RK HI/ I HI IORKS SI OS d a t o s in more dy n a m i t: races, or if tho candi dates had shown up in person. Last week's mooting was de signed so students could meet can didates for tho Ore gon offices of socro t a r y of state, at t o r n e y general, state treas urer and the U S Senato via an l-ID-Nct electroni( hookup system to Portland State University, where the candidates were. Students were to watch the candidates live on a TV screen and then phone in questions to them Other colleges in the state participated. When the announcer said, "Now we’re going to ask the University of Oregon lid-Net site for a question,” the audience on TV at PSU was quiet in anticipation, waiting for the call. But all it heard was nothing — silence — bocause not one person was at the University site. "1 don't think students are apathetic," Decker! said "But 1 don't think they have the attention span" to sit through a televised meeting. By Ni'iw Di'Cuir SWEATSHIRTS T-SHIRTS SHORTS HATS IMPRINTED GIFTS U.S.A. COLLEGIATE HEADQUARTERS SALE ENDS 10-11-92