EDITORIAL Measure 9 symptom, not cause of hate Ballot Measure 9 claimed its first victims with the deaths of two homosexuals in Salem last week. Or did it? Hattie Mae Cohens, a black lesbian, and Briun Mock, a white gay man. died Saturday. Sept. 26 when the house they shared was fircbombed. Immediately following the tragedy, opponents of Measure 9 began using Cohens and Mock as martyrs for the No on 9 cause. They believe that the deaths are the result of a climate of hostility created by Measure 9 and Cohens and Mock arc but the first of many to come. However, they may be jumping to conclusions. There were at least four other people living in the house at the time of the firebombing, including a reput ed member of the Crips gang. Any one of them could have been the target. Police have arrested four suspects, at least two of whom have been identified as being associated with racist skinhead gangs in Portland. Skinheads have nev er needed a ballot measure to justify their brand of ha tred and violence. With the November election getting near, there are still many undecided voters who may be swayed by this incident. If it comes out that, yes, Cohens and Mock were killed because they were homosexual, op position to Measure 9 may increase. However, if anoth er reason is found, the Oregon Citizens Alliance and other Measure 9 supporters will point to this incident as another example of gay-rights supporters crying wolf. An equally plausible reason tor the attack was tnat Mock, a white man. was living with Cohens, a black woman. Nothing stirs the ire of racist neo-Nazis than mixed-race couples, and that fact alone was more than likely the motivating factor in the attack. Of course, the reason for the firebombing, whether it was homosexuality, race or gang affiliation, is irrele vant. All hate-crimes have a common root in igno rance. and it is at that level the problem needs to be ad dressed. Measure 9. the OCA, neo-Nazi skinheads and their brethren are but symptoms of the greater illnesses of prejudice and bigotry. To blame Measure 9 for the deaths of Cohens and Mock is to suggest that defeat of the measure will make the problem go away. Nothing could be further from the truth. Defeat of Measure 9 will do little more than maintain the current status-quo. Hate-crimes existed before Measure 9. and they will continue to exist even if the measure fails. The fight for equal rights will not end with the (hopeful) defeat of Measure 9. Rather, it will have just begun, and many more people will die before the war is won. Cohens and Mock were not the first, but rather two more in a long line of innocent people who have been killed because of who they were. Oregon Daily Emerald PO BO* JIM lUGINI OMIGON9MOJ Tha Or«oon DM* Erww • puMKd aMy Monday Ihrough Friday during lha KMO yaaror»ITuaadayand ThuradoydunmthatummarbydiaOfdgonDady EmoraidPvidaahmg Co Inc. M I ha UrwarMy 04 Oagon. 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MchaM Thomptorv Aguiar. Todd W» bama Advarttolng Shaam Barvan. Soon Dana. Janmtar Huduna. Jana IroM. Cnna Kanoh. Tom Loach. Joramy Maaon. OAai Oh. Dual* Si add. Sharon Vai. Angia Windham Claaadlad Paggy McGmn. Manapar Barry lagan. Sharon Sauna. Suaan Updagrall Builoaaa Kaihy Carbona. Suparvaor Judy Connoey Production Ingrid Whaa. ProOUkon CocvdtnaKy Krtatma Grangar. Dm McCobb. Slacy MnchaA. Janmlar Roland Janmtar Smah. Anna Slaphanaon. Daraiyn Trappa Qirural Mimotf Judy Rad! Advanalog Dtfactor Bryan R Coppadga Production Managor Uchala Nawaroom_J4B-SS11 Otapta* Advartlahtg Buamaat Ottica--MS-331* CtaasStad AdvartlaSng 34S-3712 TOO AT ft CMUCKtC 0*n CM** «*M «cwft M*» M** MjM THE LIBERAL PRESS WUINCR Ox nr** ho4*l Oapandt Bush fw»W Wn©<*mW* ELECT BILL CLINTON! Inept Bush Panics Accuses Media of Bias ( Imton Cortcclly Views Coverage as I air In 4tt i l*» ti vivi hit Ijiln ii ilit ii* t»i i .»m|WM£n, ( mitNt.iy whine J itmul il« im ita JihJ iin i»»v< i4j **l h»* [MeMilriHy I 4 Miking nil' iral lirnvUi . he i liimcil m |»nh i\ u ml hi fav«M ilu tin Ui*KunlKiJ UivrittiM ul Atfclit\4V *h<*M itinghlful ..I ^**ifnl jllam ( if nit mi 4|tfK'tttct! y in uni inti jitui ui Uuirc of llic Ul' j»\ l*C lit\|M>ICll Ihc S4**»ll l*» l»c ;r ci r»cMJrni\ italic* of uitlul jut cii rcjim11or 'I think it»c p»r\\ citvciARC **( flm 14*11 jLit^n lu\ ttCfl ju\i I ihc , * \ji«I »« OttMMMl *« < •* I S#ctl#fit Voting for GOP Linked To Cancer_ Matty iwoplc vo,c Republican wind up mu Itacting tamer. aemtding i«» a rctcirt iocdii.nl survey comIm led by Ihc non -parti can UciiMKiaiic Medii.il DikIiun l»»r l'lint*m AiMKIJlHHI Willie III* ill.II Am OlOftQK. U Cat I Inent Rush D ETTERS Trashing Trojan More lhan 15 your* ago 1 be como tho first person to lx- ar rested at tho Trojan nuclear plant Ninety-five other prison or* of conscience quickly joined mo on tho bu* bound for Multnomah County jail. One of tho jailors osktxl why wo blockuded tho plant. As I explained my reason*, ho looked morn and mom upset. "It sound* to me." ho said, "llko they've arrested the wrong poople." Following a well publicized trial with testimony by cancer researcher*, an insurance com pany executive und a former Oregon Department of Energy head, the "Trojan 96" wore ac quitted. The jury hoard our message. Listen to tho facts, Oregoni ans. You are in danger You've boon entrapped by a shabby in vestment that imperils count less future generations. Since then, the people of this state have missnd several dem ocratic opportunities to remove this cancer from our midst. The data we had in the 1970's con cerning the health risks of nu clear power has only increased and become more condemning Recent seismological evidence shows that Trojan has always been a disaster waiting to hap pen. We have two mom opportu nities at the polls. Oregonians must not be foolod by millions of corporate advertising dollar*. PGE now says, "We'll shut it down anyway by 1996." Like thoy took care of their waste pools by I960 (still there and overloaded)? Shutting down Chernobyl by 1991 would have boon four years too lato! VIp Short Eugono Whitewash Recently thero has been a new trendy T-shirt compli menting many faces of the Uni versity student body. Tho mes sage reads, "Love see no color.” This message is reminiscent of othor profound crunchy say ings like, “give peaco u chance." “world peace." or my porsonal favorite, “peace dude." Now these slogans arc sim ple. easy to print on T-shirts, and complement the evor pop ular Tevas and Birkenstocks quite; nlcoly. giving almost any liberal that sincere "gee, I’m not a racist" look. Howuvor, the newest slogan. "Love soo no color," is not quite so harmless. As a Korean-Amorican wom an, I have found that love — or perhaps more accurately ex pressed, validation from white people — does come one's way if you conceal your color, as similate your culture and meet the whito standard of beauty as much us possible. In essence, if you whitewash yourself then thn saying holds true. But wo are different colors, and one's experience differs be cause of their ethnicity. This is a wonderful fact, and as a cul ture we must start celebrating the diversity that exists, insteud of the old liberal mentality full of oppression and denial. Racism is complex and oflon hides itself In complacency. Love does see color. It's timo for white people to start educat ing themselves about the expe riences of people of color. Christina Lowria History Not again Departments have closed. Tu ition has skyrocketed. Enroll ment hus dropped. An educa tion that will prepare Oregoni ans for the 21st century has be come harder to obtain and will be less accessible for working class people in the upcoming years. This is a result of Measure 5. Many who voted for it now re alize it was a mistake, that the effects have crippled state insti tutions. and the benefits have gone almost exclusively to largo corporations. Many are owned not by Oregonians but by stockholders who reside out of state. What is particularly distress ing is that University students votod In appallingly low num bers. While voter apathy is rampant, it is the 18-25 age group that votes the least. Per haps those who say wo. as col lege students, are to blame for the sad state of Oregon's higher education system are partially correct. True, it isn't encourag ing to see politics controlled by PAC's and interest groups, but voting does matter. Students need to realize that democratic systams don’t work unless the people contribute. Every student who isn't regis tered to vote shou Id do so. Reg istration cards and drop boxes are located throughout campus, including the ASUO office in Suite 4 of the EMU. It only takes a couple of minutes. And remember, if you don’t vote, you have no right to bitch about the outcome. Andy Harris ASUO Asst. Stats Affairs Coordinator No fear I am a straight Christian and, until recently, a single father. Examining gay and lesbian rights concerns and family val ues helps me glimpse old fears of being called a queer and fears of having an "abnormal" family. Fear numbs me in hid den ways and generates hurtful judgments of others. Jesus directs us to wash oach others feet. Paul admonishes us to greet each other with a lov ing kiss. Could I kiss the man next to me in church or wash his feet? What about the Chris tian with AIDS? Why is there so much con demnation of certain sexual be haviors and so little practice of God's Intimate rituals? Are we paralyzed by our fears? God's love can overcome my fear of being treated harmfully as an abnormal, perverse fag if 1 share affectionate intimacy with other mon. Love can also overcome my hurtful, laboling judgments as it frees me from this fear. God, teach me to cherish the diversity of loving relationships between individuals and all unique, loving family bonds Forgivingly overcome all fears that shun, condemn and deny thy loving kindness in our world. May your still, small voice direct our vole in November. May we euch strive with your loving spirit not to blame ho mosexuals — or others with differences — for ouT fear of them. Wo can cast stony votes of fearful judgment. Or our votes can unfurl messages of Josus' accepting love. Ethsn Parkins Eugsna