Oakland, Toronto square off in ALCS TORONTO {Al’l — To *00 ex actly how much and how fust husebuli is changing, just look at the lineups for Toronto and Oakland now and compare them to the Blue Jays and A s that root in the 19H9 AI. play offs. Only three years ago. the siarlers for Toronto in October were: Prod McCriff, George Bell. Tony Fernanda?.. Lloyd Mosnby, Monkin Wilson. Lee Mazzilli. Nelson Llriano, tlrnie Whitt and Kelly Gruber Recognize those guys? Only Grubar will bn on the field tonight when Gama 1 lo gins The rest are long gone, out of Toronto or out of the game, and have been replaced by the rirsult of an aggressive strategy of making trades, signing free agents and developing young players Other clubs have trim! to do what the Blue Jays have done None, though, have been more successful a! changing players without changing the winning results "This is a better team than we had back then," manager Otto Gaston said "Wo certainly have more power, and our pitching is better But. it's not al all the same team we had Jack Morris will start the opener for Toronto and tie fol lowed by David Cone Gaston has not announced who will pitch Game 3 In Oakland, al though it appears Juan Guzman has the edge liven though Toronto Is the only team in the majors with 10 straight winning seasons, a streak that includes four AL Hast championships In eight years, the Blue Joys have never advanced to the World Series "People have labeled us chokers and 1 know (Milwau kee manager Phil) Garner said a couple of times. We'll get them, we know their reputa tion,' and this and that," reliev er Tom Henke said "Hey, we stayed focused and won the games " "This is my fourth time win ning the division," he said "I want to go to the next step." Not many of the Blue Jays have been beyond that first step The current Toronto play er-. have comb!nod for -it ap pearances in the playoffs, but have won only five pennants and time World Series Morris has been on two World Series winners he won the MVP award last Octoirer and Al fredo C Tiffin was on one By comparison, Oakland's players have totaled 55 appear ancrs In the playoffs and ad vsncod 42 limits Tho risult ha* boon 18 World Series rings The A'*, however, also have? something to prove. They’re still smarting from the period of 1988-90. when they won three AL pennants and tx-liovisi they were the best team in baseball oai h time hut won just one World .Series The only time Oakland made it ull the wav was 19H9, when Henderson tore up the playoffs and Dave Stewart and Mike Moore dominated the earth quake-torn World Series against Sun (-'nineteen. Stewart and Moore will pitch the first two games this year against Toronto, but Oakland also will bring a different team Imth in ulhieles and attitude Done is the Hash Brothers mentality Jose Canseco is out; Ruben Sierra is in right field. Henderson's strut is slowed by back spasms Davo (tender son's smile is sagging because of hamstring problems "Rii key had a great series in 11)89.'' Oakland manager Tony LaKussa said "If you look at all the great stuff we had going tiiut season, you can under stand why we won ” ASSISTANT Continued from Page 12 *ion II during the 1977 cam paign Zomboukos decided to head north in 1979, taking un assistant coaching job at Oregon Stato for a year be fore joining the Ducks in 1980 "I've had a lot of good kids through the years," Zomboukos said "Gary Zimmerman (1981-83) was a great player and onexi el lent athlete, and Scott Shepard (1980-82-83) was a really dedicated young man Ryan Zlnko (1980-83), Brad Smith (1983-86) and Chris Husko (1986-88) arc some of the other kids who stick out in my mind.” As if Zournboukos didn't have enough responsibili ties, he also does some re cruiting for the Ducks. Some of the stan d outs Zournboukos has brought to Eugene Include Bill Mus gnivo. Derek Lovillo, Joe Ear well and Alex Molden. "I am honest and straight forward with the kids,” said Zournboukos of his recruit ing techniques "Wo are for tunate that some kids ran sec through the used-car salesman attitude that some recruiters have. I also bo* Iiovo that Oregon is a goexi school, und that helps a lot." Musgravo was offered re t:ruiting trips but not schol arships by Stanford and UCLA, hut Znumboukos says ho know the Grand Junction, Colorado native was something special. “Ho was a winner,” Znumboukos said of tho cur ront Son Francisco 4Uors quarterback. “He had an un believable record in high school and that is something that I look for in a kid," As for Molden. the red shirt freshman who is hav ing an outstanding first year for the Ducks, Zoumboukos exports him to only get bet ter. “If Alex continues to work hard he can lx; as good as any cornerback this school has ever had," Zoumboukos said, "And we have had some great ones." As for Zoumboukos. he will remain the man behind the scenes at Oregon, taking care of the important - but unheralded - tasks needed to make a successful football team. Look for your "Lucky Letter" today for a FREE classified ad! 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS IK Stxty Ih*» « Wite. H*1 hay was gtHA!1 Good tucfc lor m gfufll B*J N 113 UO Genor&i BvMatw If you cam® to IntroOUCKuon, you need fo got yOu* f R£ t copy Ai 364 Oregon Haa. by On 9 no LOST 4 FOUND FOUND M,»*i 'Mriwo' Appro® 1 yr o*tJ. 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