ET ALS MEEnsCs The Inlrmalional Stndrnl Ah 114$ Tho Bla« b Student Union wall anting rwaption will ukn plata tonight from ft to ft in th« Baan Wa«4 Conbrtnrt Room hot mom information, call 34ft 4 .17ft Fra-phytic a I Tberapy*>c c a pat Iona I Therapy Chiit tv mooting tonight at 7 in (adar Room B For mart Information, rail 34ft 32It Tba Survival (antor will hava a general inwratt mooting today at ft pm in the Bon Under Room ror mora information, tail 34ft 4 m Th# Tad 1'ont (or Unwonted Sotual Behavior is mooting today from 1.' m> u> 2 00 p m in (adar Room* A and H For morn information, t ail 34ft 3210 (allig* Damn* rata will hava a general mooting today at 5 *> pm In (antury Room F For mora information, call 4ft4 4ftlft KKIH40N The ( athola NnmtM ( anbr will have a •tudent m4M followed hv « wx.iai tonight at » !><*> ftnu Newman Oub meeting will take piece following the «wi*l at 1014 pm The N'vwitun (Tub i* * group af Catholic college ttudentt who build community through dlacoMlotift. mervice at'11 v i uat and «ocul event* All ttudenu are invited to }otn the Now man ( enter located at l II '*53 Kmefaid St for more information, ceil 143 TOJl I nilnd M«4hudw4 fellowvhip (.rm»p wtH meet nought at ft for a dear rlpUOR of atudy group* ihT* year and at T pm for a prcfyam and w >r*hip at the We*l«v foundation, 12 3ft Kincaid St ft amt to the oookator* New mtudant* ara waltomo for mot* information. < all Campu* Paito? Janat (j.irriwnl! a? 4«+M MlSCKt.l ANT OCS A verlabrology orientation and dimplay by Urute Cate* will uke place Unlay at 4 20 t> m *l 424 W ltd Ava row from RKU r’or more Information. call till X04 TVe Outdoor fruftam will prevent Hard VVtrnJ* A Mown' »• tt* WMiMidty noon video today at 13.10 pm at ihe Outdoor Progrtnt room For morn information, call 14* 4W4 ( «wf Planning ami rUtomml Northn aril] hove *n offu0 orientation today about •ervtcet and interviewing at 1pm. Room 3IT I tendril k» ( owf PUnnmi and flatomrnl Smb« will accept bid* for tha following mpanie* Krito l ay. fudge Aden* ate (.eneral Maty * Coopty'i and l.ybrand. Ttmbortine Software. Prt<* Water houee and Deiotte 4 four ha Open vign up began yevterday for KPMO Peat VUrwt* k. t Georgia Pacific RumoN Stover Candy. Arthur Andereen and Alt o Alaska Oead/ine for tuhnutflng Kl Al* to (he Kmeraid ft^nt d**A t.\(l' Sun* um). i§ mwn (he day he/«->re pnbti**titwi Hi Al* run 1 ho dav 0/ the *%*nt union (he event take* (dm k l*> ft*v ru>*in Experienced CRIMINAL DEFENSE CALL HUGH DUVALL Vtitliud & CUik. Alloincjs PC. 345-3333 • (XJil/tiroath Tost • Drug Dofonso • Slop** \ Stxirchu» • T orgory< Shoplift • AsamiJt/Mariissmon! • MlP/> also Usu Ol I D "Price quoie by phone" BACK TO SCHOOL SAVINGS F rarrie plus foam cow futon Single *1 59 Double *189 Queen ‘209 ROCK SOFT FUTOIM 686-5069 It?? Aider A time of healing and a time of hope for Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, and their friends... Join representatives from the Dean ol Students Office, University Counseling Center Office of Public Safety, and the Eugene community to discuss ways of dealing with the increasingly stressful environment tor gays lesbians and bisexuals Wednesday, October 7 3:00pm • 5:00 pm EMU Ben Linder Room TERIYAKI ALLEY BE BIN RICE_5.50 CHICKEN BREAST STEAK.. 3.50 YAKISOBA NOODLES.Ig.3.50 sm.2.50 TERI BEEF._3.50 1306 HILYARD • 345-9555 If WAFFLE l CONE I I 7 '.f/ Campus SUBSHOP 1225 ft lder 345-2434 Not valid on delivery or with am oilier discount* or coupon* One coupon pei customer bpto 12/20/92 CO cl LU Q CL O O LU CL Sony Cassette Recorder Z) 2995 • One tow:*' recc'd • Auto sM ott • Cue & 'eve* ■*’ Retail 39® Sony Walkman Speakers • Water resistant • Carry pouch • Bo* m amp5'®* '- ^ Sony Sports Walkman Z) ■ AMFM tuner • Auto Reverse • Water, shock resstant Panasonic-Cassette Player Z) • Auto reverse • Anti rolling • 3 band equalizer ‘",,u Panasonic Cassette Player ^ • Compact • Auto stop • Detachable belt dp*''* 6995 Ratal 79" 8995 Retail 99" 4095 Rets* 59“ 1995 Reta« 29* Panasonic Recorder ^ 0nly9995 • External me input • AM/FM cassette • Auto reverse Hood Springs Z> 20% off • Sparkling Water, made in Oregon' Healthy Snack Bars Z) 20% off • Fibars • Health Valley Fat-Free Bars • Tigers Milk Bars Laundry Bags/Hot Pots 20% off o ^ nrr^rrir Oregon Ducks Tee 20% off • 100% Cotton ,<* green, tphtmg duck Retail 1?* S XL, 14* XXL Duck Boxer Shorts 3 20% °*f • 100% Cotton, wfiite w/ Righting duck logos S-XL Retak 12“ Sports Hat 3 20% 00 • 100% Cotton twill kelly green, adjustable back Head 4* Stonybrook Lotions 3 25% off ■ Botancais. cruelty free, unscented & scented Neutrogena Hair/Skin 3 20% 011 Bee A Flower Soaps 3 20% off Plastic Soap Boxes 3 20% off MulU Vitamins 3 20% 00 • Insurance Formula S Women's Formula, fortified & regular Stationery-By-The Piece 3 •Asstd styles, colors, recycled, making individual envelopes 13th & Kincaid • 3464331 • M-Sat GO Prices effective thru Oct 10th