EMU cuts back on waste By Tammy Batey Emerald Associate Editor The EMU Skyllght-to-Go's trash cans are now emptier because of a move to use china plates and metai utensils. The wastebaskets of many University staff members are also emptier because they and their colleagues can now opt to send out fewer copies of tnomos The Environmental Issues Committee is the force behind these two changes. Karyn Kaplan, campus recycler at the Physical Plant, said the committee repre sents a "grass-roots" effort to make a change. "It's u pro-active group," Kaplun said. “It's very progressive It’s a positive op portunity for stall, faculty and adminis trators to come together to work on the issues that concern everyone.” Skylight-to-Go stopped using paper plates and plastic utensils on a trial basis early this year, said Dennis Carr. EMU food service director. The EMU sub-com mittee prompted the change, which EMU ftxx) service employees had discussed Carr said EMU food service considered using reusable eating ware to cut Isick on paper costs. EMU food service saves about S250 a week. But Carr said he is well aware of the environmental message the food service is sending to students "it's a way of doing what I call precycling." Carr said. "If you can use u plastic mug instead of a paper cup, or a china plate instead of a paper plate, you engage in a thoughtful avoidance of dis posals." Starling tins past July, faculty were given the option of whether to send out memos to every staff member, Kaplan said Faculty ran now choose to Mind only throe memos to each department. Departments can post the memos to guur antne all stall momboni see them. The committee also convinced the Campus Copy Center to copy all materi als brought In by faculty on 100-percenl unbleached recycled paper, unless the professors roquosl otherwise. Kaplan said "The purpose is to create a healthy en vironment for the campus community and a forum for troubleshooting major campus environmental issues," Kaplun said. Brian Hoop, who was ASUO Universe ly affairs coordinator last year, and Alex andra F'ooin, Iasi year’s Student Recycl ing program director, thought up the idea for an environmental issues committee. Hoop said few students are probably aware of whai the committee does, but It is having an impact on campus. •‘It's a really low-key com ml line that does iltlin things," Hoop said "But at cu mulatively, Ihoy'ro making a big differ ence In the quality of life on campus " Dan Williams, vice president for ad ministration, solid ho implemented Hoop and I-'oolu's idea and created the Envi ronmental Issues Committee a year ago "A number of those issues have been concerns of other groups," Williams said. "The purpose of the committee was to servo as an umbrella to these groups. I think it’s served that purpose." The committee is made up of five sub committees addressing issues such as pesticides, alternative transportation, waste reduction, energy and the EMU, Kaplan said CORRECTION In an article ubout the University To In fund printed In the Oct. 5 Emer ald, Ann Knelling, thn University pro gram manager for telephone outreach, was misquoted in the story and an en larged display quote. ■((Milling said thn telephone opera tors "usk for alumni to comment and give suggestions regarding the Univer sity of Oregon We do listen to those comments and (kiss them on to the deans and the president " The Kmrrruld regrets the error and any inconvenience it may have caused You |ust got I*'1 witl» (hr advertising powe r ol the Oregon Itally Kmerald. Put It to work lor you: t oll our ad department at :mo :»7I2 Emerald Northern exposure r. iff Photo by Jo" University freshman Heidi Niedermeger carries boxes that came from her hometown of King Salmon, Alaska. Niedermeger sent her computer and clothes by mail before flying to Eugene. Opticolor Film 135/24* 100ASA isa One Day 4* Reprints 1-Hr Photo 2nd Set 4" Prints 990 Overnight 2* Set 3" Prints 99e Opticolor Film 135/24-100AS A 199 J M5ff i lues weds I_^ t rti In Lane County! UNIVERSITY OF OIECON BACK TO SCHOOL SAVINGS Frame plus loam core luion Single’159 Double M 89 Queen *209 ROCK SOFT FUTON 686-5069 1122 Aldaf GENTLEMAN’S ENCORE quality resale clothing FOR MEN AND WOMEN Of DISCRIMINATING TASTE 1111 WILLAMETTE I EUGENE, OR 97401 » 343-6179 W« Boy. Trad», of Cosign )