EDITORIAL Registering to vote no small matter In the past few weeks. University students have been bombarded with voter registration materials. The ASUO has virtually begged students to register, send ing out registration cards to every in-state student and appearing all over campus with voter sign-up tables. Add the Emerald's name to the list of organizations urging people to make a difference this year. This rou tine may be getting old for people who are already reg istered, but the fact is it's now or never. Oct. 13 is the last day to register for the Nov. 3 election, and this is the time to fill out a card. The ASIJO should Ik; praised for its efforts so far. It has given registration cards to Residence Assistants at the dorms, asking them to make sure students are signed up. Fraternities and sororities have ulso re ceived cards. It has had a voter registration rally on campus, gone door-to-door in the University area on weekends, und set up b Manorial Union and a a mambar ol tha Aaaociatad Praat Tha I maratd a pnvata proparry Tha untawluJ ramuvai or uaa o' papan a proaacutoMa By law Oregon Emerald Edftor PatMaiach Nnrt Editor Ed»torMl Editor Graphics Editor Emmfermtni Editor Jajui Bog Molm FaX*> Jm'l Pmtay F r*y« Morn MgM E4M FiHkm Editor Editor 1*1 Editor Sport* Editor ‘lifiyiiwnH Editor Pol Moloch Dor P««*n Hrv«r* jaraur D«v» CWtwvmu Studam Govatnmani Acihrilaa: Tammy Baiay Community: Tun Noll Mghar Education A dm in* at ration Cofloon Ftohkg PoOUea Ron# OoCmr RapotOta: Cfoiw Allan Monty B.'ucum. Mod Bondar Sarah Clark. Donna Gavin. l*a Knaaloi. Damian Met arm. Slava Mvna. Erick SuOamcka. Jaoquakna Wuga Copy EdNora: Juann Bra*, Amanda Farrua. Afoa Farran. Mary Khan, TMn Muaaar Trau Noar Elan Sham. Chnan Smgot. Manor Suaor. Amy Van Tuyl Photographara Kara Nptryan Mcha* SrvndNr Graphic Artlal Haatnar /tttauar Darkroom Tachnlciana: laa Maggarty. Mail Morin. Uchala ThompaorvAguiar. Todd Wt kama Advartlalng Snaam Barvan Scon Dana. Jamiar Hucfcina. Jana IroM. Cnna KanoH. Tom laacr. Jararray Maaon Gahan Or. Duprt Sradal Sraron Vox. Angm W.ndnam ClaaaRiad Paggy McGinn Managar Barry lagan. Sharon Sauna. Suaan Updagrall Bualnaaa Kathy Cardona Scporvanr Judy Comoay Production: Ingrid Whoa. PtaJUcaon Caononaav Knatmo Grwigar. Daa McCoOC. Stacy utchoa. Janmlar Roland. Jarmdar Smah. Anna Slaphanaon. Daralyn Trappa Oanaral Managar Judy Fkadl AOvartMng Dtractor Bryan H (.cpeaoga Nawaroom-M4»l _M-U12 Buavwaa Ottlca production Monngor Mcnaa noa» OMptay Atfvartiaing___ Ctaaa«tad AiKatIMng_... 1M-1712 MMMl S£CR£TS TO FLI5C. ^ore £7/fWfAU5/M5! y£$, £OPH£^i5MS' NOTHING WORKS VETTED To'ruRN THOSE FROWMS UPSll>£5'POVJhJ5fr^ NEXT TIME VOU'KF SLUE, TRY A FEw/J(f /NSTEAP OF... PB RSECUTlON homo - GEslOCIPE WI50GYNY WITCH HUNT FOR THE HO 5 W|F£-{?£ATWG LECniMllEP < SAY... i 1 FAAMLy VALUES ! FAMilY values Family values Family values FAMILY VALUE5 LP