Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 06, 1992, Page 17, Image 17

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    Pirates, Braves begin rematch for National League title
ATLANTA (AP) — Barry
Bonds has never l>eon Mr Post
season and the Pittsburgh Pi
rates are O-for-October since
1990. The only question about
the National League playoffs re
match that begins tonight seem
ingly is which Atlanta Braves'
pitcher will be this fall's Zero
Maybe not.
Sure, the Braves — one run
short of winning the World Se
ries last year — will start John
Smoltz. Steve Avery and Tom
Glevine against Pittsburgh,
which was shut out in its last
Game injury
kills soccer
15-year-old Kentucky high
school soccer player died Sun
day, 36 hours after he was in
jured in a game.
Scott Christian, the leading
scorer for Boone County High
School, was hurt Friday night
in a collision during a tourna
ment game against Highlands
High School of Fort Thomas,
Tim Grimes, the team’s assis
tant coach, said Christian hurt
his stomach in a collision with
another player.
The 5-foot-1, 145-pound
sophomore walked off the Field
after the collision He asked lut
er to go back into the game, hut
was not allowed. Coaches later
noticed that he was vomiting,
and an ambulance was sum
Christian was taken to St.
Elizabeth Medical Center South
in Ed go wood Doctors said X
rays showod that the boy hud
bruised his diaphragm, a mus
cular partition that separates
the abdomen and chest cavity
They told the family to bring
him back In 24 hours if he
didn't irnprovo.
scon s oromor. uiraon, ■£>».
said the family thought thu boy
was OK until Saturday night,
when ho began spitting up
blood. Family members were
getting ready to take him to tho
hospital Sunday morning when
he turned purplo and col
lapsed, tho brother said.
Tho boy was in cardiac arrest
when he arrived in the emer
gency room at St. Luke Hospi
tal West in Florence, Ky.. on
Sunday morning. The medical
staff revived Scott once, but he
died within on hour, spokes
woman Laura Cook said.
The Boone County coroner
scheduled an autopsy to deter
mine the cause of death.
The boy’s death is tho first
from an injury in high school
soccer in tho state, according to
Brooks Downing, spokesman
for the Kentucky High School
Athletics Association.
Members of the Boone Coun
ty soccer team met at tho
school Sunday evening to com
fort each other.
‘They've got to pull together
and help each other,” soccer
coach Cheryl Jones said. “It’s a
groat loss."
School staff and students ob
served a moment of silenco
Monday morning for Christian
and plans to fly the flag at half
staff all week, school principal
Bill Baker said.
three homo games of the '91
But. this year, tho Pirates —
not the Bravos' Big 3 — entor
tho playoffs on a tear, winning
42 of tholr last 5fi. The Bravos'
young gun starters havo won
just throe times among them in
a month, the beat-up bullpen Is
questionable with Alojandro
Pena out and Kent Morcker
hurting, Mike Stanton is the
only healthy Braves' left-hand
ed reliever to counter the Pi
rates' left-handed strength ot
Bonds and Andy Van Slyke.
So the Nl.'s first playoffs re
match since the Dodgers and
Phillies met in 1977 and 1978
just might not be an Instant re
play of the pitching-dominated
1991 series that featured three
1-0 games. This one might lie
an Oktoborfest of hitting or.
maybe, an October slugfesl
The Pirates am the first team
to win three consecutive NL
East titles since Philadelphia
(1976-78). but those Phillies
never made it to what Pirates
CM Ted Simmons calls "the
Grand Banana" the World
Pittsburgh also dixssn't want
to t>o reminded of the past two
playoffs, when Bonds had no
Kills In 13 games and the Pi
rates got zeroed out In the big
games. They lost 2-1 on one hit
in 1990's decisive Game 0 in
Cincinnati and were shut out at
home in Games f> and 7 in ‘ill
after taking a 3-2 series load in
Smoltz beat the Pi rotes twice
In last year's playoffs hut is 0-2
against them this season Also,
by starting Smoltz. Cox allows
Pittsburgh to start its strong left
banded-hitting lineup Alex
Colo in right. Mike LnValllero
catching. Orlando Merced at
first, Bonds and Van Slyke —
that was 70-34 against right
handed starters.
One of (ust two Nl. 20-gamo
winners. Glavlno (20-8) still is
recovering from a cracked riu
and won't slart until Came 3
Friday against Pirates knuckle
halier Tim Wakefield (8-1).
Avery will start Game 2
Wednesday afternoon against
playoff-tested Pittsburgh left
hander Danny lackson
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