Sinead rips pope’s picture on ‘SNL’ NEW YORK (AP) — The NBC switchboard was still getting calls Monday from people who couldn't believe their eyes when singer Sinead O’Connor tore up a picture of the pope on Saturday Night Live. ' "There was an immediate viewer response that continued on Sunday and continues to day." said NBC spokesman Curt Block. From the show’s conclusion through Monday, tho network received more than 900 calls from poople who didn't like the show — and seven who did. ”1 was offended; tho execu tive producer, Lome Michaols, likewise was offended and sur prised." said Block. "1 huvon’t talked to the cast." "I want to emphasize it was a spontaneous act on her part and unauthorized," he said. The segment was aired na tionwide, including on the West Coast, whore the show Is tape delayed. “There wore discussions after tho show on what to do. One of the thoughts was that in editing it out. It could oven druw more attention to it." ho said "In hindsight, seeing what tho reac tion has been, wo might have Tornadoes undetected by old radar PINELLAS PARK. Fla. (AP) — Outdated weather equip ment is to blame for tho lack of an early warning before killer tornadoes raked the Tampa Bay area, tho region's chief meteor ologist said Monday. "The current technology is definitely archaic," said Robert Balfour, chief meteorologist at the National Weather Service office In Ruskin on the east side of Tampa Bay. "The best wo can do with this radar is dotect it as it's hap pening. It wasn't designed to delect tornadoes. It was do signed to dotect rainfull," ho said. “Thoro was no indication of a tornado." Tornadoes swooped across Pinellas County on Saturday, killing three women and leav ing a path of wreckage through residential neighborhoods In Plnollas Park and the Largo area One woman was missing The storm injurod 53 people, leaving six hospitalized, most with fractures. It also destroyed 125 homos and damaged 350 others. Balfour and his boss, Paul Hebert, the service's Florida manager in Miami, found no fault with tho way forecasters did their job. "In my opinion they did as woll as they could with tho information and equipment they had." Hebert said. The Kuskin office put out warnings after receiving two calls reporting a tornado on the ground. Weather servico offices are getting new radar units that muasure air movement inside clouds and can give up to a 40 minute wurning of tornadoes. Two have been installed in Florida at Melbourne, on the state's east owst, and Eglin Air Force Base, in the Panhandle. The 35-yoar-old system at Rus kin isn't scheduled to be re placed until 1995. Meanwhile, authorities con tinued to search for Amelia Riehl, 80. who disappeared during Saturday's storm. managed it differently." O'Connor, who was In Eng land on Monday, wants the ac tion to speak for itself, said spokeswoman Elaine Schock. The stubble-haired Irish sing er, appearing early Sunday, stood behind a Rastafarian scarf and several candles while sing ing “War," a song by the late Jamaican performer Bob Mur loy. who also was a critic of Ca tholicism. "Wo have confidence in the victory of good over evil," O'Connor sang 'Tight the real enemy." she said. Then she held up an H-by 12 photo of the pope and slow ly ripped It into several pieces O’Connor paused, then blow out the candles and walked away A commercial break fol lowed. "There was total silence in the audience: no hissing or booing, no scattered applauso," said Block. "In the control room, there was surprise." At the dross rehearsal Satur day afternoon. O'Connor loro up a picture of a child ''While that might he offensive to some viewers, we could allow that to go on the air,” said Block That night, "when she went to the stage with a picture in her hand, no one thought any thing of it." he said After the number, O'Connor immediately went to her dress ing room, reappeared for the "goodnight” segment, then left the building within to minutes "To mo, what she did was an act of hatred and promoted In tolerance.’' said Joseph Zwilling, a spokesman for New York's Roman Catholic Arch diocese The singer hus publicly railed ugainst the church-state relationship in Ireland. Includ ing prohibitions on divorce and abortion and warring among Catholics and I’rolestanls The singer sometimes weurs a T shirt hearing the phrase. "Re covering Catholic " Look for Emerald football supplements before home games! SCHOOL SUPPLIES! 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