ELECTION *92 Bush says Clinton waffles on NAFTA DOVER. Del. (AP) — Presi dent Bush on Monday said ri val BUI Clinton comes down "on all sides of every issuo" and pointed to the Democrat's stance on a now free-trade agreement as an example Bush referred to the recently negotiated North American Proo Trade Agreement The pact will fie Initialed Wednes day In Texas by the trade repre sentatives of the United States, Mexico and (Uinada. with Bush scheduled to witness the cere mony. "Once upon a time he said ho was for NAPTA," Bush told a rully in historic: Dover Croon. "Then the labor bosses told him thoy wore against it so he said he wasn't sure he was for it or against It. "Now he’s looked at the polls and ho sees the American peo ple wunt NAPTA, so |ust yes terday he said he's for it.” the president said. “He saddled his support with all kinds of reservations and qualifications." Hush said Clinton on Sunday ondorsod tho agreement. which nstab llshos the United States. Cana da and Mexico os the world's largest free trade zone. In en dorsing the pact. Clinton said that additional steps should be taken to ensure tho protection of American jolts and tho envi ronment as the agreement is implemented. The three countries are lo ini tial the agreement in San Anto nio, but it cannot Ixi signed by the United States until Con gress has time to review it Bush flow by helicopter to Delaware, which has just three electoral votes, and, after his spooch, had lunch with 75 con tributors who paid 51,000 each for tho privilege Ho saw a few protesters. In cluding some wearing Pinoc chio heads and holding signs that said, "Rond His Nose." Hush's speech hud boon billed in advance ns focusing on health cure for children, but the president hnroly mentioned the subject. He did criticize Clinton's record in Arkansas on issues affording children, citing the death rate for youngsters and child poverty. "Maybo the children of Ar kansas would he better off if he spent less time talking about It and more helping them,” Bush said. Clinton communications di rector George Stephnnopoulos said Hush's domustlc policy had neglected the nation's chil dren and tha,t now ho was "try ing to paint u different picture on the campaign trail.” Earlier Monday, Bush in a television interview repoalod his charge that Clinton support ed agricultural sales to Baghdad and met with Saddam Hus sein's ambassador. I Savi ON TOTAUY coot lAMtKMT tWtAT\ T-tMim ANOMCn I _ thfTTR OU* DtWCMASMIirr CONTtfT AMD YOU COUU> WIN K» SUCKS WORTH Of CMAT (ANSfOKT HUH MISSING PHYSICS IS FOOLISH. BUT MISSING THIS IS INSANITY. ^A^ATCM "WIND* Of eviRirr amp other AMA2INC MOUNTAIN vi pc Of ■ -5 B ►t AASONC THl HRST K» PtOPtl IN TVII STOW PUIUNC JANS PORT Wl IK AND CfT A T-SHIRT MU I TNATS WCKT 'ML ^ tSSs}. fWtATSHIKT. SWIATVANH AND T-*MIPTT. THinrt a winnir ivwrr day (so hanc ON TO THAT UHm WOdl I Polls show Perot no threat to Clinton NEW YORK (AP) — Polls released Monday showed Bill Clinton maintaining a strong lead, with Ross Perot in single digits and President Bush losing the ‘’bounce" ho got after the Republican National Convention, In a Harris Poll of 1,015 likely voters nationwide. 53 per cent said they would vote for Clinton, 36 percent for Bush and 9 percent for Perot If the election were now. The ADC News-Washinglon Post poll had the candidates' percentages in the same order. 48-35-9, with the remainder uncommitted to any of the throe. Both polls were taken Friday through Sunday, after Perot ro-cntored the campaign. The margin of sampling error was plus or minus 3 percentage points for Harris. 4 points for the ABC-Past poll of 799 likely votors. Perot's support was down from 19 percent In a Harris sur vey two weeks oarllor. The poll indicated that further slip pago of Perot's support could help Clinton, who was named by 56 percent of Perot backers as their second choice. Overall. 31 percent of likely voters in the Harris Poll rated the job Bush is doing as excellent or pretty good, which is close to his July low point, after a rebound to 41 percent in August. Kq\|AoM 9 1 HOME DELIVERY 343-4734 Hours: Fri & Sat 4pm • Midnight Sun - Thurs 4pm - 10 pm The finest Chinese food home delivered. Fresh cooked hot and tasty from the Kowloon kitchen to your home, dorm, or office. 2222 Centennial Blvd. Eugene, Or Look for our Menus on Campus & Duck Buck coupons CLIMBING SHOE DEMONSTRATION TODAY - 5:00 SKINNER S BUTTE COLUMNS Factory representatives from 510 on hand with the newest models for you to try. MFKENZIE OUTFITTERS Questions? Call David Hawkins 485-5946