Washington authorities crack down on g reeks SEATTLE (AP) — No major problems wore reported over the weekend as police stepped up pulrols near University of ^ Washington fraternity and so rority houses. The increased police pres ence followed a Crook Row brawl the previous weekend in which a student was hit in the face with a boor bottlo, losing sight in one eye. Fraternity members and Husky football players wore involved in the fight A half-dozen police cars pa trolled Creek Row on Friday night. Seven police cars plus officers on foot and bicycles pa trolled the area Saturday night. Police issued about 35 cita tions over the two days and made about half-dozon arrests, all alcohol related, Lt. Fred Hill said. University President William Cerberding has appointed a 16 ‘Most of us are here for scholastic reasons, and we aren't Just a bunch of party animals.' — Rob Skarperud, president Alpha Sigma Phi member task force to Investi gate alcohol and other behavior problems on Greek Row. Fraternity members said problems are the exception, not the rule, "We're not bad people," said Rob Skarperud, president of Al pha Sigma Phi. "Most of us are here for scholastic reasons, and we aren't just a bunch of party animals." SAVE ON COMPUTER SUPPLIES COMPUTER PAPER $3.99 $7.98 500 SHEET PKG 1000 SHEET BOX FLOPPY DISKS TDK 3V2DD 69* SONY 5’/4DD * 59^ } MOUSE PADS $3.88 FLOPPY DISK CASES 99