SE QUESTION: What do you think of the University's policy of not giving a full refund after the first day of classes7 "If they | had not ' raised J tuition, it I might > have been1 all right. But with • the tuition increases, I think it's really unfair" "As a returning student, I definitely would like the option of review- i ing the class because I'm not familar with the profes sors or the class content." "It doesn't seem fair because we're all college students and money isn't a big resource -HAZE MOSS sophomore, undeclared “I'm disap pointed because l feel that it's anoth er nega tive step that will discourage students from coming here." - LYNDA WESTCOTT r senior, journalism “I think we should be able to get all our money back after two or three vis its to the class, when we actually understand what's going on in the class." - RICHARD HINES-NORWOOD lunior. political science “It’s a money making routine. I and it's a | quack. It's; lust anoth er way ot ■ -■* getting money into the sctiool system." -SHARON ADAMS senior, psychology -SYREETA YOUNG freshman, pre-business -NORMAN MESMAN freshman, pre med RESEARCH Continued from Page 4 to 1 ivo independently and free of paid support. "Adults In society are expect ed to contribute us wull as re coive.” Horner said. Professor Diane Bricknr works in the area of linrly Inter vention, a program that ad dresses "at risk” children, from infancy to age six. These young children, Uric kor says, are ui risk In the sense that the early years of develop ment art; crucial in determining how well an Individual will function later as members of the community. DKLUXn^ 4 BURRITO SAVE ON COMPUTER SUPPLIES COMPUTER PAPER $3.99 $7.98 500 SHEET PKG 1000 SHEET BOX FLOPPY DISKS TDK 3’/2DD 69* SONY 5'ADD 59t MOUSE PADS $3.88 FLOPPY DISK CASES SALE ENDS 10-11-92 I 'K/ ENROLL NOW THRU OCT. 12th FOR ASUO STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE It May Be The Wisest Investment You Make This Year! PER DAY That's what you'll pay to protect your most valuable asset - your health - for a full year. Per Year is all you'll pay to have protection that could save you hundreds, possibly thousands, later if you get sick or injured. The plan may be purchased for $186 Quarterly or $537 Annually (including summer, even if you aren't in school.) Also inquire about: • Dependent Coverage • Optional Catastrophic Benefits STUDENT HEALTH CENTER 13th & Agate St. *346-3702