ATTENTION STUDENTS Since you last registered to vote: I Have you moved'.' 2. Were you gone for the summer .’ 3. Have you had a name change? 4 Has your residence oi mailing address changed? 5. Wdl you he IK years ole by Novembci 3, 1992? 6. Are you a new resident to Lane County? If any of tlu* above applies to you, y ou need to register or re-register to vote prior to the deadline to ensure your voting rights on election day. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1992,5PM I.AM: ("(HJNTY I I 1 (TIONS I 35 LAST CHI AVENUL I LC.I NL, ORLGON 6X7-4234 C’artls are available al hanks. Depl ul Mulm Vcvliiclc Oil ices. I’osial Set vice Oil ices lliimn'hout I .me Count), and I ancl mints I ledums, I I asi Ml) Avenue. I uuene 2 DAY CALCULATOR EXPO SALE MONDAY AND TUESDAY OCTOBER 5 & 6 Demos by HP, Tl, and Sharp Reps 9-5 pm both days WIN GREAT PRIZES! m HEWLETT PACKARD HP-10B HP-14B HP-17BII HP-19BII HP-12C HP-20S HP-32S HP-42S HP-48SX HP-95LX 34* 74* 99* 169* 89* 39* 69* 109* 329* 579* 29” 5995 88°° 13995 6995 2995 55M 8995 27995 47995 EL-531 G EL-506D EL-735 EL-733 15* 29* 49* 39* 1995 3495 2995 Texas Instruments TI-81 TI-85 TI-BAIU l 7995 10995 1995 13th & Kincaid • M-Sat • 346-4331 Put the power of Oregon Daily Emerald advertising to work for you. Call 346-3712 Measure fattens up Voters’ Pamphlet ( A I') — The state Voters' Pam phlet might be more appropriately named "Voters' Volume." This year's pamphlet con tains Ml perspectives on Meas ure 9 10 for and 58 against - and will total 34 pages of the approximately 200-page book let. Nearly every segment of Ore gon society is represented: reli gious, business, labor, legal, po lilical and gay-rights perspec tives The apparent record number of submitted statements indi cates the intensity of debate over the measure that has trans formed Oregon into a national battleground over the issue of gay rights. Measure 9, which would amend the state constitution to dc< lan’ homosexuality "abnor mal'' and "perverse,'' would re quire state government, includ ing s< hoots, to discourage ho mosexuality. Under Oregon law, the state Klee tions Division is required to publish every statement from anv individual or group willing to pay the S300 fee or gather 1,000 signatures ol registered voters In the case of Measure 9. till parties opted to fork over the ( ash The only restrictions: entries can bo no longer than 350 words and cannot bo slander ous or libelous, suid Elections Division Director Colleen Sea lock. Though tho number of state ments on Measure 9 is an ap parent record, both opponents and supporters say there easily could have been twice as many if they had not worked to keep the number down. Lon Mabon, director of the Oregon Citizens Alliance, which is sponsoring the meas ure, says more than two dozen organizations and individuals offered to submit statements in support of the initiative. Mabon says he's not worried about the mismatch between the number of statements of fered by supporters and oppo nents of the measure. "Most are going to read two or three until they get the picture, and then they'll stop," he said. Statements in support of Measure 9 include an entry by OCA Political Director Phillip Kamsdell. "Despite the glaring truth about the homosexual lifestyle, some Oregon public schools art teaching children that homo sexuality is a good and normal choice," Kamsdell concludes. "No one gave public officials this authority." DEVELOP & PRINT • 3” PRINTS | 24 ^ 36^5^ 2nd ^ I | ■ exp exp t# set ■ J I coupon must accompany order. I ■ CAMPUS 1 HR PHOTO ■ 1231 ALDER • 683-4693 NOTICE All International Students Enrolled in the ASUO Health Insurance Program Dependent Insurance Enrollment Deadline: October 12, 1992 It you arc an international student, new to the University, with dependents or a retaining international student with dependents not previously covered by the ASUO Health Insurance Program. you must enroll and pay the premium lor your dependent's coverage by October 12. IW2. C overage tor your dependent! s) w ill be elleelive on the date they are enrolled in the program. It you are an international student with dependents previously covered by the ASUO Health Insurance Program last year and you want to continue their insurance coverage from September 13. |yy2, you must enroll and pay the premium for your dependents) bv October 12. 1902. ll you have questions, please contact the insurance coordinator at ^46-3702 or at Room 101 at the Student Health Center.