ET ALS MEETINGS Uraldt junior Honor SocMy will h«v« «n officer* meeting tonight at 6 .10 in the EMU's Skylight Lounge For more information. calift*) 04 i$ noon th* datr before pub/it jtion Kt Ah run th* day or th* avertt union the event rake* pi* *t be tor* noon Notices of event* with a donation or admission ihargo wilt not bo oi < t*pt»d Campus event* and (ho** « heduled Drums* th* pith/Halt on dale wtU he given ftriotily The Kmc raid m verve* the right to e*itt kit grain tnof and ttyl* fit Alt run on * tpaa e available boots CHURCH Continued from Page 1 Other University religious loaders are taking public stands on Measure 9 Although the Baptist Student Union does not have un'officlal position on Measure 9, Director James Sanders said ho present ly plans to vote yes on the measure. "If I had to vote today, I'd more than likely vole lor Meas ure 9," Sanders said "1 believe homosexuality is a choice peo ple make, and it is not deserv ing of minority status." Several University religious loaders strongly oppose Meas ure 9 The Rev Tlare Muthison Dowie of the Presbyterian Cara pus Ministry said Measure 9 is a civil rights issue. "This issue is not a theologi cal one," Malhison-Bowle said "The issue is whether civil rights win lx; extended to guy men and lesbians " Mathison Bowie said shi; is angered by CXIA statements in support of Mens urn 9. "There are five or six verses about sexual orientation in the Bible," Mathison Bowie said. "There is so much distortion in what the CX1A says that I don't think we're reading the same Bible " Rev. Janet Cromwell. United Methodist campus pastor, said her organization is working hard to defeat Measure 9. "We see this as a matter of oqual rights and justice for all people," Cromwell said. "We live in a pluralistic society: therefore, it is Inappropriate to have u handful of scripture pas sages placed in stale law.' In a joint statement, Hillel and the Jewish Student Union said Measure 9 legalized dis crimination. RECYCLING AWARENESS WEEK Do Your Share! 10,000 cimilitril daily Oicfioll 1 tally l.lIR'tald U<> SSI I MONDAY Find a recyele bin for your emerald. vSponsnred by I* ?lr> ,4 all itomc*tH -cu! tree* ate uvrsj tn |Mjvr UO ( ainpus Kci y\ Imf M(> 1529 SETTER BUSINESS BUREAU We've Got It All! Don't give up the search! Try LOST AfID POOtID in the classified section. 20% OFF CLEARPRINT PADS & ROLLS (59.00 VLVIN CHAIR reg. $89.00 (99.951 ^ ALVIN PROFESSIONAL TABLE reg. $133.25 20% OFF ALL ALVIN FURNITURE 25% OFF PARALLEL RULES MAYLINE and PARALINER I &d« •ocU 10-11-92. Umilad to Hock on hand. OPEN EVENINGS and WEEKENDS! i k-mj Put the power of Oregon Daily Emerald advertising to work for you. Call 346-3712. FALL FITNESS & FUN FOR EVERYONE! RECREATION CLASSES FALL '92 FHmw AercOr i AoniMA Aufi t m 'y Aorttrcx Step Adf i«« » 'J**i AnriOm I ur* A«i<«T: fur* A»i<» » AUfctiaui * W.AW Armors W4»Ann«*a XflM > 4 JS(*n 4 l'4*t> 0 3*4*11 034*11 M 3(^»n 73f<*it Int 4 04*1) 0 34*ii Una /Odum 4 34*T) SJUpm Ikaa 8 3C4»n Tin *•0 3C4»n 7-8 3t4«i Location r«xx yj CaoX 3fi? Oat 220 GwXifc? f«wS70 C'«2?0 Ctex 3W OufX 36? cmxx>! c*m> L*i36 EaU? r*4/ CmarXHV) Lac alion (iar Port GwPort Location G« 220 Etxn E*177 Location G«X 360 Location GnrMd rnrPort Fh S20 s?0 $20 $.■0 S25 $25 SIB SIB $20 iso s» $20 $20 S18 Ft* S2S s» Ft* $20 $20 *20 Ft* $20 Ft* $48 $48 uuKwor me ohms »» « rvooueny jpw ww Classes run IromOd 12 - Dec. 4 Class registration - Gerimger 103 Early Re^stration - Oct 1 4 2. 2 30-4 30pm %) at •* cwm Recast ration • Oct 5-8, 11 30am-2pm Late Registration - Oct 12-16, 8am-4 30pm For more information call x4113 or come by 103 Gerimger Hat