UNIVERSITY Peacekeepers to teach ‘respect’ By Tammy Basey Emerald Associate Editor Respect Singer Aretha Franklin wanted it and University students will lie taught how In give it through a new ( lass this fat! relied the Plans keeper Program Peacekeeper Program Instructor Thom Alberti, a stall member of l.ugune Pem eWorks, said the class will leach students how to deal with ton flit t peacefully and how to rirsprx t the opinions of others. "Often when we deal with tonflictive situa tions, vve tend to disrespect the opposing group or individual," Alls rli said "if there was one word to dost rihe this i lass, it would Ixi 'res|» c l ' If you respect other people's ideas, you’re starting off on the right loot " No matter how peaceful students are. they're liounil to encounter conflict, Alberti said The i lass will instruct students on how to deal with all sorts of ronfliet-filled situations, from a riot to an argument with a roommate Tilt; t lass will require a high level of participa tion. Allx-rti said It will include role playing ses sums, guest speakers and two weekend work shops (aiitilin Twain, ASUO safety affairs coordina tor, said she first had the idea of t reating a peace keeper class after the Kugeno riot that followed the acquittal of four white Los Angeles police of ficers in the treating of black motorist Rodney King Following the riot, 20 students and administra tors tixik a crash course in peacekeeping Twain, who look the crash course, said it was "insight ful" and taught her ubout the dynamics of the re lationship between police and students "Wo thought it would lx; a good idea il we could decrease the role of police," she said Thu iiic.i al students taking on the role of 'peacekeepers came from Kugene Peat :i Works During the Gulf War. 75 jurat ekeepers from the organization kept a 24 hour watch at the Federal Building to make sure tensions didn't explode into violent e. Alberti suit! Peacekeeper Program members will confront Ihxtlr own racism, homophobia and sexism. Twain said "I feel like (lie class won't i>e successful with out a really diverse, group of students,” she said "Clearly, it we have a bunch sif any one group, it's not going to come off right because the com munity is diverse * Police officers, peace activists and ethnic stu dent union members are among some of the peo ple who will speak to the class. Twain said Twain saul she hopes < lass members will use the peace keeping skills they learn to help defuse conflict at parties and student activities Polue will know the names of students who ve taken the ( lass and will recognize they're there to help in conflict situations involving students. Twain said The Office of Public Safety is funding the class OPS Director Carey Drayton said he likes the idea of students learning to deal with conflict "1 think it's great,” he said "It's a fantastic way of doing business I hear ail the time that society could police itself, hut I've been in tills line of work 15 years and I've never seen it happen ’’ Students have until Friday to register for the peacekeeper class through Duck Cull. The two i rrdit class is taught pass/no pass and begins Sat urday. Oct 24 Usual meeting times are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 30 to 5 p m The ASUO department of safety affairs, Univer sity mediation program and the Office of Public Safety are sponsoring the Peacekeeper Program Researchers develop social skills programs By Demian McLean Emerald Reporter While Measure 5 may have reduced the Universi ty's education department, education remains a strong theme among researchers at the University's ('.enter for Human Development. Professors, graduate stu dents and undergraduate students work daily at the center to teach people with developmental disabilities ways to function more inde pendently in the communi ty. Developmental disabilities can include mild to severe retardation, speech or hear ing impairments, and abu sive home environments. Running mainly on federal funds since 1(171, the center is a research institute with the mission of increasing tho independence and produc tivity of people with devel opmental disabilities. Researchers at the center approach this goal with a wide range of strategies and apply them to people of all ages, from infants to adults. Professor Robert Horner heads the center's Special ized Training program, which deals with adoles cents and adults who are i moderately to severely men tally retarded. "These are kids that have been excluded in past den udes," Horner said of his subjects, who often behave anti-socially, biting class mates and eating harmful objects such as coins. "The solution used to bo to put them in an institu tion,” Horner said. “In the past 10 years, we've seen that strategy has failed. When you exclude kids from their peers, they don't learn," he said. Along with graduate stu dents and other professors, Horner devises ways for these people to develop so cial skills inside society. This includes holplng schools deliver the educa tional support a disabled in dividual needs. These are steps in what Horner says is the larger goal: to enable these people Turn to RESEARCH. Page 9 1 25% OFF DRAWING PADS CANSON and STRATHMORE SKETCH BOOK 8 1,7x11 BLACK BOUND BOOK !>6.99 r 25% OFF V GRUMBACHER PRETEST OIL PAINTS WINSOR & NEWTON WINTON OIL PAINTS Ui!-%K _ STRATHMORE RECYCLED DRAWING PADS ALL SIZES $2.00 OFF ARCHES WATERCOLOR USE THESE COUPONS and SAVE CANSON NEWSPRINT PAD qx^cx (JWm »♦ H«t *D »?OC« £> x /MONEY! OPEN EVENINGS and WEEKENDS! Sc** •ndi MM\-92. Umi*d to dock on hand. 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