2)0 HELP WANTED THE ASUO WOMEN'S CENTER IS HMINO!!! THE EOLLOWWG POSmONS ARE AVAILABLE: Women In TraneMon Co Director Woman s Raaourca E Ralartal Otttca Am it! ant Woman's Olvsrelty Oraaor Safer ids Admritt'aftve Attittanl ■ Wortsuxty Dtpatcher* • 4 poMlona Wonttudy preferred Appkcanoo* are ava,.a»t« at If* Women * Center Suite 3 EMU and at the ASUO on** Appft canon deadline Monday Oct S, 12pm The ASUO Womens Center • an AAEOE Women, minorities end ditter ent y noted encooraoed to apply ' 1 Program Coordinator Position Announcement University Housing at Iho Unrvorslty oi Oregon is now accepting applications lor the position ol Program Coordinator Thu a halt time position ( 5 FTE). twelve month. '.acuity position with the nr* ol Instructor The Program Coordinator is responsible lor a broad range ol T amity Housing Community support programming and Srngia graduate programming to include a variety ot community programs and tnemaa that support student academic succaes. lamiiy growth and development, educational, and recreational programming Starting salary tor this position is $10.SCO annually and includes all regular laculty Denetilt including haaltn. rat-ernem. and reduced I union A ia. heiors Degree IS required 10 be LnnSJdU'Od tor Ihit position Pro’esuonat eiperience or training in program development, implementing Out reach programming tor non traditional student* and tneir families it) a higher sducalion sotting Other quaMicanons include enpenenoe m supervision ot a multi cultural stall, yuwiedge ol student development theory and/or personnel • administration, eserosir^) a leadership rote m a community setting, the ability to organize wort. mu capacity to adapt loan ever Changing wort envtronmani. and to wort welt with co-wortors. residents, ana the general public. It hired, me candidate must be able to obtain an Oregon drivers license Academic appucaion tome and atttlional viiormaton are available from University Housing. Walton Compel, Un.versay ot Oregon. Eugene. I 97403 Fas 346 4268 Ah Employment Application and 1 s.ppiementa mtormanon mutt be i ■ucerved by Friday Octobar IS. 1992 I An Equal Oppodunay. Altirmalive j Acton jE OAA) tosutulton 215 WORK STUDY CL E Ft K. CASHIER and COPIER OPStATOR. Cashier needed WF ”*m to 2pm copier operator needed MW 9am Noon and H 1130 330 Work study only need apply Stan at UO^tu Apply In Rm B34. EMU No* hiring worfc-Mxfy quels led student as computer hardware Wware spec mat Desire computer maintenance slut* In nardwara and suhuara $6 7S*tour CM Jemce at 346 3414 Poster Craw Paadlona. The EMU CiAurat Forum (Suae 2. EMU), naada ■WO good students wan WORK STUDY tor on and on campus poster routes 8 vxrvwea*. Contact Andra Boon al 346 4 3 73 iQtSca) or 346-8123 (hm) Fro choic4 data procaaamgrgrapnica genus needed 84 7Vttour. approx 20 hours term 683-4982 SAFERtOE B HIRING! Salanda a a v»e night time shuttle service lor •omen we are row hiring dispatchers foj rvght time positions are available Appcationa available at the Womens Center, suae 3 EMU AAEOE Appucatton deadline Monday Oa 5. ’2pm ns APTS DUPLEXES Campua Ap«rtmanta Fumtabad 112 Badrooma Fall ralaa 137V14S0 4612123 3 Bdrm apt lor rant Famaax Apt Ml man 1 bta tront campua 715'ti E I6tf\ y.ttS.TT'0 a 9 monm laaaa 6*3 2110 1 1 2 badroom apt. 1430 1619 laundry tactual. uraamarrad fw Duttdmga. 15th 1 tVyanJ location 3-atory panthouiti. VE KV WKH17' doaa to campua, ampta on ana para mg Parlact lor 4-6 raapon»>txa rakapia paraorw I1490wontn 343 1255 2 todn* apt, I5tti 1 Htt 1499 464 9022 Eatia apacioua. tignt and ntoa 1 norm unlurraahad apt Fraan pamt naw carpal Panotjatoony laundry, panting 1315 * dap 967 Paflaraon naalEtiataKorWwaat 34 3 4109 Redwood Park Apts. 0uU(, Coun try Living With City ConvrAi«nc« IlnlumltliMt 1 Bdrm IMS. (starting Nov 1) Low Utilitles-On Busline Equipped Weight Room, Spe Wood Perl 4 Playground Laundry FeciWtlse Alow Furnlchad tultea Studio, 1 4 2 OR $600 to M/5 Individually Decorated Completely Furnished Everything From Cable TV to Linens For Bed, Bath 4 Kitchen On Site Management Team 4103 W. 18th 484-5775 2 bdrm, lumurwl v#r> n E. 14l#i 1 6 2 Dadroom* Laundry *3/5 *450 mctudaa utataw MN Jaffaraon 2 Dadroom* m 4 pta* OH partung (4/5 Pal wan ralarancaa SPRINGFIELD 120 F Slraal 1 Dadroom laundry Parting *320 152 South 33rd OuM. amall building 2 badroomt *380 II* C Slraal 1 Dadroom Laundry *300 No pais. Shoam by appomartant. *43 W. 101ft **4-1130 7TT» FAU RATES Walk to campoa 60m maaa naaly r* torbtthad quad* • PmaaaEntranca • • LioaPam Location * • snara batMuc/ian * Drtvabyl/SOMayard Waal Ettata Northaaai 34 3 4108 MO QUADS Jennings Co CEDARWOOD QUADS 44! t inn 4 b*oc*» !0 campu* Pm*o room* All UT1UTC8 PAiD. ot>%*e dry from *205 Ca« NOW 686 MHO j4on.315 ♦ V* uH 4»4 5130 To olufo 4 bdrm rxx/s* Non *mo*ar 735 E 22nd tl7$/mq#ith ♦ dop 342 2282 WORK IN A WINNING CAMPAIGN! TONIfc NATHAN (or Siaio Smo CM Frod 688 Aieft. 600 9821 260 MEETINGS laabtan, Gey. and Bi-Saaual Amanca fm gar+m maatmg Tuaa Oct 1( lyn Sola 3'» EMU Into 346 3360 luthacan Campua Mm wiry praaanti a uuOf o« Ecaaaaaiaa. Mor % HOpm a Cnmtua Houaa. '*M Pots* INACTIVE CATHOLIC? . ALIENATED CATHOLIC? n youva Own away *om tha cnurtn, a ara (Kitung away tom < 111W*a dmt. nurt by tna churcft. at«aW» 10 Hem TH 0 10 30pm fix* 30pm l*gMo« Pool. *o« cud Jan rm *xi__ SKIERS! ' Ayou ■reonauad m ea-ng 0MN1U0I O SAi laar"’ tNwo arid tin an onam inncnal maaimg lor ad ntarmlad or Wail. Oct m>. 100PV m tna Cadar £’ Room *n tha f MU Coma cnac* t outi BASEBALL tntormatonal maafmq lor an ihoaa r taraaiau m paryvig UO Baaaoad Tuaa 1041. 7PM Cadar E KARATE SELF-DEFENSE SELF-CONFIDENCE SELF-DISCIPLINE U of 0 KARATE CLUB informational Moating Woo Oct 7. 7 #00pm EMU Cadar Mourn D_ 295 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT TUB ART CINCMAS 492 E 13th ■ 686-2458 IPS um«rs**a“ToTt» OfSCOUMt V OM CAWW* BP B5 ’JMIVffiSW BLADE RUNNER ► tuiiiwow xxo At/roc* mausa MAM VMMO OAJMn MAMMA M t» U T*Q »»0 Too f«N, mhcIi loo ckrvor THE 4TH ANIMATION > CELEBRATION BIJOU l ATE NITE ^ ENCINO MAN ar TOTS i ■ LAifM SINGLE WHITE FEMALE FREE QUICKIES Bring tNa ad and purchaaa 120 or mora In marchandlao and you'll rocolv* a Iron 10 mimAe adult video while supplies laall SWEET SENSATIONS 2727 WILLAMETTE 345 500S New Arcade-Novelties I . .-.J 305 HEALTH l FITNESS Pacific Nautilus morsnp tor sale camtwig Wall Aerobes. mngfit*. ate Can M3 4902 320 SERVICES ADVANCED ELECTROLYSIS Non ottering student vnrodudory Oncoum Years ot tad and success 345 5770 FREELANCE PHOTOGRAPHER meipanwe »vraotapmg or tin pnatog taphy Demon Corners. 806 9000 Professor me nee to house s» Nov Aug ion Ed Blame #04 977 1 #28 E mail. Internal ufi 5#Vrg.nie edu Unplanned Pregnancy? We can help GonMentic! Free Catty delect on Bnvgni. M7B8S1 Need a space lo call your mm? term Hemal lockers in the EMU $4 par term. 15 Key Deposit EMU Hoc Carrier_ Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson *• QuaM4<»RY WV>H ONCt Sa*<4 SHE *E HtE wit l «KV So I 'ftMtil* *•“**■* MTS*1 A r btc«Mt * CL<*rt rf UE* Sc*i «*•' «•*<•«'*•( Slif’rl*' «na SV.*t. •ioftlSiZbd Mots P oEuyre. Mout-a M»M S4.U. MBA *** *•*' GOOD Potter G"rt.S « GOOStBu CROSSWORD By Eugene Shtiffer ACROSS 1 qiKWUm 4 Cbomcal •nd tog 7 Wading b«d 11 Moby ft pUfftU#/ 13 Gov HeMrti * of Tmm 14 * — tood«« b»* 15 Mf« Cop ptlmki 19 T'ump* c«ftino hoMl. tamAo/ly 17 YArtftm * d»niAl 19 Impudool 70 Month) b«r> 22 Come •t/(p utmam 24 Ov»f \h*t* 29 SpfoHtc candy 32 t «gbt on on# t l««t 33 Cfutftmg 34 S« Bmm bohm 39 Vminyo l>*to on pa/1 nm* 37 G/oal #n thufttoftmt IS Not lull strength 41 Mnad up 43 Doggy rio' 44 Stare »lup«J*y 44 Oongrega lion separator 50 Judy's daughter 53 l Salary coOectwn 55 Secluded CWTW SO Leading man? 57 Slimpy s pat 50 33 63 mph wind MSu* GO Govl agant 11fudas on lh« account DOWN 1 Small amount* 2 G*fdy*pt MtiMl 3 Cr«* t V*1 4 I owU>n No* • Wrath 10 R«4ctt«d 12 Sporting •v#nl 10 V««w 21 f Mfy wrap 23 J N link 25 K% m«4tured m ft . yd* . Solution llm* 24 mtn mi, ate 26 Othamnaa 27 Patrom/a tha t look motwia ?fl am *Inp 20 Second hand 30 Anthro 31 Tarhona pooch 33 A lout* of Franca 30 Coo IlMUl miteu 40 Thompson o< lUrh lo Iha fulura* 42 Bashful or Staapy 43 Placa hu a patch 47 Daylima TV antry 40 Gmn Va# don rota 40 Suppta mantad with “out* 50 Talon s t&ght 51 * not ctioova to run* 52 U»a 4 ray gun 54 Addition a»y MM Mission Statement The University of Oregon Bookstore, Inc. wanes to be a partner in your education. We arc dedicated to assisting our student members in achieving the highest measure of success in their pursuit of higher education. It is our goal to provide course related materials in a timely manner, vis a vis non profit purchasing and merchandising. We strive to furnish products and services which arc not only supportive of students' educational needs but make attending (he Univer sity of Oregon both fulfilling and convenient. As an organi/auon we are committed to adhering to the highest ethical standards while promoting personal and corporate excellence Moreover, we recognize our place in the University community and listen to its concerns and strive to respond appropriately. We recognize our responsibility to operate in a manner which will ensure the exist ence of the University of Oregon Bookstore in meeting the needs of the present and future students, faculty and staff. Our mission as an organization is to make our world the best possible place. In order to do so. we assume a partnership with the faculty and administration of the University of Oregon in promoting the education of its students. We believe it is through education that knowledge and wisdom are conveyed from one generation to the next It is the students of today who will be the leaders of tomorrow-leaders who can make a positive difference.