EDITORIAL Ross returns to run really relevant race He’s buaaaaack. Ross Perot has answered the call of "good, decent people” and has agreed to rescue the presidential campaign from the clutches of the issueless two-party monster. Perot said he intends to force a debate on the is sues. but only on those issues he decides are deserving of his attention. That eliminates discussion of Bill Clin ton’s draft record. George Bush’s knowledge about Iran-Contra and Dan Quaylc’s intelligence. However, it also eliminates any meaningful discus sion of health care, education, poverty, the environ ment, energy consumption and a myriad of other is sues. Perot is a businessman, and as such, his focus is on the fiscal health of the country. Few would argue that uny issue is more important than the nation's economy. However, health care, edu cation, etc., are all issues that depend upon a strong economy, and vice versa. But Perot is attempting to run a single-issue campaign, and the American people (hopefully) will vole for the candidate who offers the best complete package of ideas. Perot's late entry into the campaign must be viewed with skepticism, if not suspicion. As voters may recall. Perot dropped out of the race in July when the media began investigating his background. In the months since then, both Bush and Clinton have under gone a grueling vivisection of their personal and pro fessional lives. Meanwhile, Perot has been left virtually unscathed, with the exception of having broken some hearts with his initial pullout. With less than a month to go before the election the Perot campaign needs to be examined with a micro scope. Allegations of Perot's use of private investiga tors to spy on his employees is one of many questions worth looking into. Perot's 800-number, through which he tallied calls urging him to run, did not tally calls urging him not to run. Rather, those calls were counted as "Run. Ross. Run!” Is Perot on an ego trip? Perhaps, but then again, what politician isn't? Only someone with an enormous sense of scif-importanco could survive the electoral process that the media have created. And while there is no legal requirement that politicians submit to for be ing grilled alive, it is only fair that each candidate goes through the same process, good or bad. A best-case scenario has Perot forcing a debate on the issues between Bush and Clinton. A worse-case scenario has Perot becoming the central issue and dis tracting Bush und Clinton from a meaningful debate. Perot can't win, and he must be aware of that fact. Whether his entry is the result of an overblown ego. or a true desiro to help the country, remains to be seen. LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than 250 words, legible, signer! and the identification of the writer must be verified when the letter is submitted. Tha Oragon Daily Emarad a puManad Monday through Fnday during tha tchod yaw and Tuaaday an) Thunder during tha iwww by lha Oragon Daily FmaraK) PwWanmg Co Inc. m tha Urovarwy oi Oragon. Eugana Oragon I ha ( maraid oparataa mdapandanily cl lha Umvaraay wan ottna* a Sola 300 ol tha Ere Manorial Union and a a mamBar oI lha Aatooalad Praaa Tha Emarak) a pnvaa proparty lha unlaarU ramovai or uaa ol papart a proaanratra by Mr Oregon Daily Editor: P« Unach Nm Editor Editor Ui Editor OrapMco Editor Entortolmnont Editor i twy FiMKnct tOIH EdttotM Edno* ■part* Ediaf fimfn Horn SupplMMM* EdHor NtgM EdMof Jw B»g uon HAr«r» J«nM Dnv« Cfwtxyin—u WMurMH (.ORiKI Sludara Goratrvnant Actrvaica tammy Batay Community Tim Noll Hlghar Education Admlniatratton: Coilaan Pon*g Poktlea: Ron# DoCav Roportoto: Chaatar Attn. M»ndy Baucum. Mon Banoar Sarah Clark. Donna Gavin, liaa KnaaM. Damian Mclaan. Slava Mma. Enck Sudanoia. Jaoquaana Woga Copy Ednon Juahn 6roam. Amanda Foma. Aloa Forran. Mary Klam. Ilian Muaaar. Tnaia Moor. Elan Snaar. Chnao Smgar. Manor Suaor. Amy Van K-yl Photographers Kan Nguyon, Mens* Shaxjiar Graphic Anal Haaihat Etoauar Darkroom Tachnlclana: Laa Haggany. Man Mom, kAcham Thompson Aguiar. Todd W» lama Advanaing Show" Borvan. Scott Dana. Jonmler Hudur*. Jana Irota Clva Kanott. Tom Laocn. Jarorny Maaon. Oman Oh. Ouatm Stood. Sharon Vat. Anga Wlndheun Cloaca lad Poggy McCann. Manager Bony lagan. Sharon Sauvo. Susan Updagraft Bunnna Kathy Careona. Separvaor Judy ConnoSy Production: Ingnd Whns ProdWton CoaUmma Kratma Granger Daa McCobO. Stacy Macnaa. Jmwier Roland. Jenrvter Sman. Anna Siapnaraon. Dararyn Trappe Ganaral Man agar Judy M AdvMtaing Otraotor 8tytr H CoppAdg* Hrmvoom_J4A-JJ11 Bunn— Oftic#-MA-S512 Production Manager irecnie mom Dtaptay Advert Ming CtaaaWed Advertising. Mt-sm Hi-4143 t-; S0N\E80DVS got ID AAAKE TWE 7DUGH oeciS^S. IP THE REPUBLICAN AMD THE DEMOCRATS WON'T MAKE 7H£M... . r *vw hav£ 7b (b£T BACK /a/ THIS RACE. r AAAV8£. CAM WE GET A CONSENSUS OM T7MT? VJfcLL MAKE UP Vt?UR MiMDSl *2^ ^'LI MA KE My D£a$ioW. /r'S A tv^ousand 7b OW6 A6AIAJXT AWYWAV... AJOT ST/CHM6 WVA/6C.K.OWT I mot |F >fcy cA.J'r OfciOC .. M»€6sH1 I if 4NWCANJ Altbir «EADV I I FOU ME W6 itfOULD \ _ 'i f|gf ItfM 4 VO 6f rAtfw<%/fS T :s ■ n; Whole story "Activists vow to protust In effort to save timber" read the headline on an Associated Press wire reprint In the Emer ald Northwest news story (Sept. 2B). However, the Emer ald failed to reprint the entire article, as recorded In The Keglsler-Guani [R-G, Sept, 26). "Log-truck driver Jim Kin caid of Williams, who is out of work, took part in a tour of the (Sugarloaf Umber) sale Thurs day pul on by the Forest Ser vice. About 70 environmental ists and a few other timber sup porters joined the tour." This was the final paragraph of the Emerald article. To con tinue ... " 'Cod gave everything on Earth for man to use,' he said. '1 think it's a damn good timber sale. They'll be using helicop ters to lift the logs out. There isn't going to bo a lot of de struction.' "Environmentalist Lou Gold, who spends his summers atop Bald Mountain as the self-ap pointed guardian of the North Kalmiopsis Roadless Area, said heavy logging already has se verely hurt the urea. " ' rhoro is this ocean of dev astation out there, and this is tho only Island of wholesome ness.' ho said. "There were no takers when he offered a $100 bill to anyone who could show hirn a 500 year-old tree in tho tree planta tions surrounding the Sugarloaf Sale." End of AP story as printed in The Register Guard. Sadly, the editors of the Em erald chose not to inform us of these additional facts. Although not un originally well-written particularly balanced piece of writing, it Is important to pro vide) context to people's opin ion and actions. John Organ Political Science Don't delay By now you probably know the ASUO has boon working hard getting students registered to vote, hleven thousand letters and cards wore mailed out. We have also done wookend drives, door-to-door, tables and mom. All we am asking is for you to register and vote. It only takes a minute and the ASUO will even pay for the postage. Why are we doing this? Be cause this election contains bal lot measures that directly affoct all of us as students. We are also looking at candidates who have different attitudes about education. Voting is tho most powerful way as individuals we can shape our government. It is our way to let our officials know what we want and what we don’t, but you can’t be u part of the process if you first don’t register. You have until (Jet. 13 to reg ister. But don’t delay, register today. Bobby Lm ASUO President John Thomas President, Student Senate Bob started it I disagree* with the editorial tho Emerald ran on Oct. 2. It road. "Packwood, AuCoin run empty race." You are correct in viewing this race as one devoid of con tent. What you failed to look at is tho history of Dob Pack wood's political career. Ho has a well-developed pattern of ma nipulating political campaigns to ensure that important issues am not discussed. This is what ho does. He raises ungodly amounts of money in between his six-year oloction cycle, und then uses that money to Intimidate and discredit his opponent. This year he began his at tacks on Les AuCoin oven be fore tho contested Democratic primary was completed. Ho re alized ho could nut compete with AuCoin on their records, so he has deluged the air waves with character assaults on Au Coin Do you expect the Au Coin campaign not to point out this history of manipulation? Boliove me, Les AuCoin win ning this race is contingent upon Rim forcing Bob Back wood to discuss the issues. He does not have tho money nor the desire to play those mind less games. I would expect the Emerald to realize this. Ryan P. Dackert Political Science Trap-setter Bob Packwood has set u trap . for voters. He runs vicious, neg ative ads to which AuCoin must respond or risk our be lieving Packwood's claims. Then the two are seen as equal ly annoying and trivial. Packwood needs to divert our attention because if wo vole on the basis of how the candi dates stand on issues, ho will lose. AuColn was a loader in pass ing the Oregon Wilderness Act Packwood wants to overturn the Endangored Specios Act. AuCoin voted against the MX missile and Star Wars exotica Packwood supported them. Au Coin wants a 60-percent cut in defonso spending, >vith the money to go to education, child health, and similar programs Packwood opposos any such cut. AuCoin favors banning log exports. Just last month Pack wood blockod passage of a log export bill. AuCoin fougbt for years for cable TV regulation. Packwood voted against this consumer protection bill (could his vote have anything to do with the S45.000 he's accepted from the cable TV Industry?). Packwood's gambling that you'll look no further than TV ads. After all, a campaign treas ury of millions of dollars of out-of-state money can buy lots of ad agency talent. Don’t let him buy your vote. Look at the rocord and vote for Les Au Coin. Patricia Daniel* Comparative Literature