ARCHITECTURE SUPPLIES! Largest Selection on Campus! Oregon Supply 720 E. 13th Next to Dairy Queen 683-2787 BACK TO SCHOOL SAVINGS ¥ mnw plu$ toW) CONI MOO Single *159 Double *189 Queen *209 POCK FUTOIM 686-5069 112? AJOof Gat raault*... advertise In tha ODE Oregon ^\vortszvear SHOULDER BAGS, BACKP $5.00 OFF ANY SHOULDER BAG, BACKPACK OR QEARBAG WITH THIS COUPON , COUPON CAJ#OT K C OM8WFD ANV OTHER SAifS. | UMTIO TO STOCK ON HAND COUPON FXHHS 10-1 1-V2 ACKS, FANNY PACKS ! TRAEGER * WEST RIDGE . EAGLE CREEK HIGH SIERRA 343-5688 720 East 13th Ave. Eugene In the new University Center Building OPEN WEEKENDS! 10:00 7:00 Mon Frl 10:00 5:30 Sat 12:00 5:30 Sun T Germans rally against violence, want peace ■ WORLD SACHSEN HAUSEN. Ger m any (A P) — Thousands of poo plo gathered at the silo of a Nazi concentration camp Sun day to protest anti-Semitic and anti-foreigner attacks across C'.crmany. The demonstration at Sachsonhausen, just north of Berlin, was the first time Ger mans rallied at a former con centration camp to cail for an end to current rightist troubles. The symbolism of the site was heightened by the torching last month of a barracks there housing an exhibit on the camp's Jewish victims. ■'People today hear daily news about attacks on asyium soekers," Robert Guttmann, the deputy chairman of the Central Council of Jews in Germuny, told the demonstrators. "Poople hear about them with less inter est than they have for soccer re sults.” Police said some 5,000 peo ple, most of them Germans, took part in the rally sponsored by Jewish loaders, state govern ment officials, human rights groups and othors. "I think It's Important for Americans to know that not all Gormans agree with what's tak ing place In Germany now." said 40-year-old Sonja Jura, one of tiie demonstrators. While the thugs have boon cheered on in some places, many Germans have deplored the xenophobic attacks. About 25,000 protesters demonstrated in Frankfurt, Nuremborg and Berlin Saturday In support of foreign refugees. Young rightists have been at tacking refugee shelters, for eigners and Jewish sites, mostly in Germany's depressed eastern region. The militants have blamed foreigners for aggravat ing housing shortages and bur dening an economy already taxed by unification. Demonstrators booed and whistled as Froidrich Bohl, Chancellor Helmut Kohl's chief of staff, read a message from the German loader, especially when he asserted that rightist and leftist terrorist attacks were equally barbaric. The government has boon ac cused of responding flaccidly to the xenophobic rampages. Since the Sept. 26 arson fire at Sachsenhauson, the site has become a symbolic rallying point for Germans outraged by the attacks. Accepting a German peace prize in Frankfurt on Sunday, Israeli novelist Amos Oz said the fim may have been an at tempt to erase Germany's mem ories of tho Nazi era. "But it is not that past that is buried in Sachsenhauson," he said “Tho past — yours and ours — cannot be buried. No! It is German present and Gcrmon future which is in danger of catching fire." More thun 200,000 people were held at the camp between 1933 and 1945. About half died, including an estimated 10,000 Jews and 18,000 Soviet soldiers who were exocuted. Back-to-Campus Inventory Blowout Sale: Champion T-shirts $9.50! (Reg. $13) \ PRICES DO NOT INCLUDE LETTERS 1 Boulder Apparel Medium Sweatshirts 'Tit 1WEBFOOT / All Champion Ring Collar Sweatshirts Champion Reverse Weave Sweatshirts $20! (Reg. S41) A / AU Champion Shorts W No ^discount coupons ! accepted for sale items. (The prices are already rock bottom.) $15! (Reg. $19.50) SALE ENDS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9Th HOURS 11-5, MONDAY-FRIDAY. ★Huge inventory ★Embroidery ★Screen printing ★Group orders a specialty ★Visa, Mastercard, cash, checks with I.D. u 'Tk 1WEBFOOT 239 East 14th, between Pearl & High Phone 344-1034 • FAX 344-1290 a