Israeli report puts Bush in loop NATIONAL WASHINGTON (AI») — A sorrel Israeli government rofiorl says thon-VIce Prosldont Hush was clearly told In July 1S86 that arms fur-hostages deals with Iran were a joint U.S.-Israeli operation. according to an sinner writ ing a book on the Iran-Contra scandal Bush has always maintainor! that tho July 29. 1988, brioflng only descrllxid an Israeli oporation Tho March 11. 19H7 report first disclosed on ABC's Nlghtllnr program Friday night details Israel's delivery of IJ S. weapons to Iran in return for American hostages and Includes an account of a July 29. 19M1, briefing given to Bush when he visited Israel as vice president Bush later used an account of the meeting by Iris chief of staff. Craig Fuller, to assert that the vice pros! dent understood the man who briefed him, Israeli counter-terrorism expert Amirnm Nlr, to be describing an Israeli operation Fuller's written report of the meeting refers repeated ly to Nir dismissing the stops "we" took in delivering weapons to Iran “The word 'we' that appears in Craig's report throughout refers to tho joint Israeli Americ an team," says the Israeli report, quoting Nir. Nir also "made clear ut the outset lhal he was briefing Bush in the narnn of the joint team and at the request of (White House aide) Oliver North," the report added. Israeli journulls! Kan Fdollst — tho author of a forthcoming book on the affair rend excerpts of the report to The Associated Pros*. Nir said in his account in the Israeli government re port that "it is dear to anyone reading” Fullers memo that the briefing concerned both countries' roles In a 198ft shouting match on national television with CBS anchorman Dan Rather. Bush said hr- hadn’t known the details of the Reagan White House's Iran ini tiative. even after Nir had deserdted the operation Bush's staled reason; "I was told what they (the Israelis) were doing and not what we were doing, and that’s the big difference.” Bush addisi that "control” of the operation was "in lire hands of n foreign power." Nir. un aide lo Israel's prime minister, was killed in November I’tftH in n plane crash in Mexic o. The difference between Nir's recollection of the U S role and Bush's is the latest puree of information sug gesting Bush may have known more about Iran-Contra than fie has acknowledged In un article Sunday in The Washington /’os/. White House counsel C. Boydon Gray labeled as "stale ho kum" the suggestions by Richard Secord and Howard Taic hor that Bush played an active role in the arms-for hostagex deals with Iran. And Cray said that Bush "does not recall" the strong objections to the Iran arms deals by Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and Secretary of State George Shull/ In the past. Bush has flatly denied fieing told of the protests by the two Cabinet secretaries Missile restrictions set after accident WASHINGTON (AP) — Tho Navy said Satur day night it is placing sovere restrictions on tho NATO Sou Sparrow missilo system while investi gators search for tho cause of a firing accident that killed five Turkish sailors. "Until further notice, communders have been told to pluce their Soa Sparrow weapon systems in a restricted level of readiness," a Navy state ment said. "This action will Include removal from the system of certain components needed for missile firing. Operational commanders may elect to keep systems operational on selected units if it is deemed necessary for adequate self defense of the ship." The statement said Admiral Frank B. Kelso II. chief of naval operations, has ordered a "top-to bottom review of the entire Soa Sparrow system, to include all hardware components, mainten ance and operational procedures, and operator training." The Navy said tho Sea Sparrow has been in op eration for 17 yoars without any incidents similar to tho one Thursday in which two missiles wore launched accidentally from the aircraft carrier USS Saratoga in the Aegean Sea about 80 miles off Turkey's western coast. S AVI W% ON TOTAUY COOi 1ANSPOKT SWIATV T-SHITO AND PACKS - Entir our chmon a shirt COmifT AND YOU COULD WIN too RUCKS WORTH Of C.RIAT lANMORT VTUff MISSINC PHYSICS IS FOOLISH. BUTMISSINC THIS IS INSANITY. ^A^ATCM -WIND! O* tvtwrr ANDOTMIR > AMAZINC MOUNTAIN ' VI Of 04 Bi AMONG THI FIRfMOOrtOm IN TNI fTOM OURINC TANtRORT WUK AND CTT A T-FHIKT MUt THAT* MCMT FRII ^ V? Cnttr to win a nut ixhuokt TWIATIHIRT. 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