Oregon Daily MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1992 Gathering mourns Salem residents’ deaths □ Religious Response Network sponsors memorial for slain homosexuals By Matt Bender Emerald Reporter __ A group of about 100 people gathered Friday outside the Lane County Courthouse for a religious service In memory of two homosexuals from Salem who were killed In n firebombing last week The memorial vigil for Hattie Mae Cohens, a blank lesbian, and Brian Monk, a gay man, was sponsored by the Religious Re sponso Network and was led by four local religious leaders Cohans anil Mock wont killed whan someone Ihrttw a Molo tov cocktail through the window of a basement apartment in Salem Two of the four suspects in custody have been identi fied as racist skinheads by Portland police, according to the As sociated Press The Lane County religious leaders said they came to the vigil at noon to remember Cohens and Mock "We are hero to mourn the loss of those two souls and to commemorate their willingness to be vulnerable In these very frightening times." said Reverend Sally Bryan, a minister from Turn to VIGIL. Pago 7 Fowl-weather fans iwB. _ ^—w~*m~ ___. _ *—j Pwo t>f More than 30.000 Duck tans braved the elements la the Oregon vs Arizona State game Saturday Rudy Herr Sr. (left to right) his grandson Jared, and Jared s dad Rudy Jr watched the Ducks crush the Sun Devils 30-20 Saturday marked Oregon s first Pac-10 win since September 1991 See related story Page 17. University Telefund aims for $1.5 million □ Money donated by alumni may be directed into a gen eral fund or a specific pro gram By Mandy Baucum Emerald Reporter _ At one lime or another, many college students are faced with the ombarrussing task of asking for money from parents or the financial aid office. But at the Uni versity Tolofund, asking for money is more than a duty inspired by need, it is a job. Telefund employees call alumni and ask for donations to the University. Do nors may direct their money into one of two pools: the President's Fund or the Dean's Fund. The Dean's Fund allows donors to give their money to spocific schools or specif ic areas, such us faculty recruitment. classroom equipment or research. The President's Fund is a general Uni versity fund Administrators decide where the money should go. In the 1990-91 school year, the telefund raised SI.3 million for the Uni versity. This year's goal is SI 5 million. Ann Koeliing. the University program manager for telephone outreach, said the tclcfund ultimately benefits the r.otnmu Turn to TELEFUND. Page 7 WEATHER Today will be partly sunny after some morning fog or low clouds You an expect the tem perature to reach a high of about 70 and a low in the upper 30s Just a Reminder Today is the last day to drop a class, change grade options .graded ur P/N) or change cred it* m classes with variable cred its. without a S!0 fee Archives Photo Religious groups avoid war of politics jSome University or ganizations refuse to take a position on Ballot Measure 9 By Chester Allen fc'rrwKaid Rupodi* Many of the University's rell j}iotis organizations have declared themselves conscientious objrc tors in I fit1 statewide Hu I lot Measure 9 battle. Tho loaders of the Restoration Campus Ministry. Collegiate Chris (tan Fellowship, Fulth ('-enter Col lege Fellowship, Intorvursity Chris tian Fallow ship. Campus Crusade for Christ and the McKenzie Study Center said their organizations do not take official positions ort politi cal issues. Measure 9, sponsored by the Or egon Citizens Alliance, would amend the Oregon stole constitu tion to forhid stale or local govern ments to "promote, encouruge, or facilitate homosexuality " Measure 9 also declares homosexuality to be "abnormal, wrong, unnatural, and perverse,” Bill Syrios, campus pastor with Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, said ho Is personally troubled by the languuge of Measure 9. “As a Christian, I find myself In a paradox because I don't condone homosexuality," Syrios said "Yet. I do not agree with tho tone of Measure 9. particularly the lan guage that links homosexuality with pedophilia. I find that lan guage personally offensive." Syrios sold there has been some discussion of Measure 9 within his organization. “There uro Christians on both sides of tho issue,” Syrios said. “It is a tough Issue for uil Christians." Collegiate Christian Fellowship College Pastor (lory Koso said ho thinks people need to make their own decisions ulioul Measure 9. "As fur as my position on Meas ure 9,1 encourage all to vote and to vote according to personal convic tions," Rose sold. Turn to CHURCH. Page 5 FROM THE PAST The King of Rock anti Roll' made two sell out perfor mances on Nov 25 anti 27 m lt'76 Ji McArthur Court SPORTS SEATTLE (AP) - There 5 little controversy over who Ihe No I team in the nation is It's last that top-ranked Washington has itself a little quarterback controversy Billy |oe Hubert doesn't like sharing time with backup Mark Brunell. and coach Don lames is upset with the offense's lack of production after the Haskies' 17-10 victory over Southern Cat on Saturday Tinlmng to be honest.* Hubert said "It s frustrating There s nothing I can d- about it though Mark's going to get time and we're winning games So what can 1 Gw n lames plans on continuing the quarterback rotation