CROSS COUNTRY Cross country teams set for second meet of season By Steve Mims Emerald Sports Reporter The Oregon women's cross country team will be back in action this week after a suet ess fui opening meet last weekend in Canada The Ducks opened the season bv winning the Simon Eraser Invitational last Saturday in British Columbia Oregon placed four runners in the top 10 at the meet, including Nicole Wood* ward, who won her first colle giate cross country title in a time of 17:1.1 "We got off to a really good start.’’ Oregon head coach Tom Heinonen said. “Nicole ran strong from the start and no one could catch her She beat Sarah Howell, last year’s NA1A cross country champion, and Leah Pells, a Canadian Olympian w ho ran in Barcelona.” Three other Ducks broke into the top 10 at the meet, including freshman Heidi Van Borkulo (.oldstein, who was impressive m her tirsl college meet, finish ing fourth with a time of 17 tf> .Sophomores lenna Carlson and Idl Calient finished eighth and ninth, respectively, giving Hemunen reason for optimism Heidi ran aggressive from the front and was close in her first race." Heinonen said. ‘We got solid performances from lenna and Ml. but both think thev can run belter " Two other Ducks who almost crai kisl the top 10 .ire Knka Klein and Niatnh Zwagerman. who fin ished 1 llh and Ktth, respect ive ly Klein, a senior from LalmoniIs. Wash . finished the meet in 18 17. seven seconds ahead of Zwagerman Also running for the Dm ks this season are |oni Wareham. Mon We got off to a really good start.' Tom Hetnonen, Oregon vi .'”'*"' " . cress country couch u ,i Davidson and Ann Patton Orngon enters this Saturday s mt'i'i in the Sundodger Invit.i in Seattle rankl'd ! >lh in the nation, but Huimmun said that mav even lit- too low i’ti,it is tint- for now,' Heinonen said "I don't know it we are twller, hot we may !>•■ It is still loo early to tell This weekend's rat e should tjtve Heinonen and Ins team a liet ler i hanee to see where they are at The AMmllsfonl Koyals, at luh team from Canada that nnished seeotul liehmtl the Dut ks last week will tie ill the meet, along with Washington The Huskies tumbl'd third .it the Simon Kras nr Invitational. hut Heinonen said Washington ran its second team "We will run against Wash ington this weekend. and tin", are hotter than they showed last weekend," Heinonen said AhUittsford is alsu in the meet, along with Seattle Pacific and some teams from the mountain stales One perstin who probably will not he running this weekend is Sally Miner, a sophomore from Portland, who is still reo>\ erne; from .1 swollen ai hides tendon in her right loot "Sally is improving hut she is i erv doubtful for this weekend. Heinonen said "There is a chance we ma\ redshirt her if the injury does not heal " Heinonen said he feels good almtil his learn hut is still not sure when; the Ducks are at this point in the season "Cross country is probably lb*- most difficult sport to judge your train." Heinonnn said I he nature of the sport is that you don’t get specific feedb.u k oil vour performance bei ause every inurse is different I'he men's cross country team will i ompele in the Willamette Inv italioiiitl on Saturdai I'he Ducks are coming oil a so. cessful ippearance Iasi weekend at the Mountain West Classu m Missoula Mont (lo gon finished second ui the meet and was let I In freshman fsarl hesk.i. who finished eighth in the ra« e Kedshirt freshman Tr;« y Hol lister was the second Oregon finisher and finished in 1 .'itIt overall The two teams are preparing for the I’acifu 10 Conference Championships, which will lake place Oct 11 1 I MIDDLE EASTERN & 19th & Agate MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE 683-6661 30* OFF ALL MATRIX PRODUCTS* ’51" OFF MATRIX PERMS* GO AHEAD HAVE KEN Try a Matrix Essentials perm. Designed for your hair texture and type. Fuller, shinier, more natural hair. So easy to manage, you'll have lime for fun. Call today. Oo mr 50 West 13th • Eugene ^ 686-1435 * participating stylist* only. Valid tliru October 31. New clients onI\ 1992 CATCH ON TO EUGENE’S BEST PIZZA, TRACK TOWN PIZZA IS: • 27 of the freshest, tastiest toppings piled high! • 100% real cheese and our own home made sauce. • Fresh dough made daily. • Delivery anytime we’re open (11:00am till late). • Locally owned and operated 4/ for 15 years. WHY SETTLE FOR LESS...THAN THE BEST!?! i Now two convenient locations • • TKACK TUWJN HZ-M 1809 Franklin Blvd. 484-2799 TRACK TOWN WEST 2511 W. 11th & Wilson 484-4262 WE DELIVER ANYTIME WE ARE OPEN!