GAME PREVIEW Oregon Probable Starters OFFENSE SE - 8 Derrick Deadwiler (5 9. 165, Jr) QT - 75 David Coilinaworth (6-5,285.Sr) QG - 64 Jon Tattcraall (6 4.280.Sr) C - 57 Tom Curran (6-2. 260. Jr.) SG - 65 Mike DiFonxo (6 4. 295. Jr.) ST - 66 Juatin Starck (6 6. 285. Jr) TE - 88 Vince Ferry (6-4. 240. Sr) OB - 16 Danny O’Neil (6-2. 180. So ) TB-21 Sean Burwell (5 11. 190. Jr) FB - 24 Juan Shcdrick (6 2 228. Jr) FI - 81 Ronnie Harria (5-11. 188. Sr ) PK - 3 Tommy Thompaon(5 10,180.Jr ) DEFENSE LE - 54 Gary Williame (6-2. 273, Jr.) NG - 97 Romeo Bandiaon (6-5.280. Jr.) RE - 99 Jeff Cummina (6-6. 265. Sr ) LO - 49 Terrell Edward* (6-2. 226, Jr ) ML - 46 John Taumoepeau(6-2.232,Jr ) IL - 51 Joe Farwell (6-2. 210. Sr ) RO - 40 Erneaf Jonea (6-2. 230. Jr) SS - 7 Chad Cota (6 1. 188. So ) LC - 1 Ale* Molden (5 10. 180, Fr) RC - 4 Herman O’Berry (5-11. 179, So.) FS - 12 Eric Caatle (6 2. 208. Sr ) P - 3 Tommy Thompaon (5-10, 180. Jr ) Gfaptuc by Heath*? Red-hot Ducks face true test against Sun Devils By Dave Charbonneau Emerald Sports Editor All right. the Ducks have won two straight games. They scored 5*1 points last wwk against UNLV They have run (or more than MW) yards in their past two games They have held their opponents to less than 50 yards in two consecutive games Arizona Stale lost their All-World running Im* k last week. So what could go wiong when (In-gon far e-s the Sun Devils this weekend7 The best gauge to measure what the Ducks will lie up against when they play Arizona Slate at l p m. Saturday at Autzen Stadium is to look hack to the last time they played a Pacific-10 Confer ence team. Before Oregon went on <> two-game rampage against Texas Tech and UNLV. they were buried by Stanford. In that 21-7 loss, the Chicks ran for a paltry 57 yards, completed less than 50 percent of their passes, and gave up 15.1 yards passing Stanford's pressure defense basically shut down Oregon's offense that has berm so productive as of late Espocially the running game "Last week we did not play* a very strong defen sive football team." said Oregon head coach Rich Brooks. "The fact we ran for 309 yards against UNLV does not indicate that we re going to be able to do that against Arizona State "I think a l>etter indication of our running game is what we did against Stanford That was a pret ty puny number" Arizona State runs the same eight-man front pressure defense that Stanford killed the Ducks with That scares Brooks "Our ability to run the hall will he tested like it hasn’t lestn tested all year." Brooks said. " There are similarities in Arizona State and Stanford, and we expect Arizona State to be as tough, if not _tsu Pnoio 6y ShirxJhK The Duck defense, ltd here by Eric Cattle, has been nearly Invincible the last two games. laugher, than Stanford." Regardless of how had they played against Slan ford. or how bad their competition was last week, one thing is for sure. The Ducks have made huge improvements “What I’m pleased alniul is our improvement in moving the football and finding the end zone," Brooks said "I do think our offensive line is bet ter than it was a year ago, and we have healthy running backs " Sean Burwell and Ricky Whittle have estab lished themselves as one of the top running back tandems in the country, running for more than 400 yards in their last two games. But. again, they have yet to prove themselves against a Pac-10 team this season. Arizona State had a proven running back in Mario Bates, who ran for more than 400 yards in three games. However, bates was lust tor the season last week when he blew out his knee. Now. the Sun Devils will have to rely on Jerone Davison to pick up the slack But Brooks is not resting easy aliout facing a seemingly weaker Ari zona State back fie Id. "Our ability to stop the run of Arizona State will go a long way in determining if we have a shot to win this football game, he said. With two redshirt freshmen Garrick Mctiee and Grady Benton — calling the plays for Arizona State. Oregon would like to forc e the1 Sun Dev ils to try and beat the Ducks through the air. Saturday's game is equally important for both teams. The Ducks and the Sun Devils are both 0-1 in l’ac-10 games and the loser will have to struggle to climb back into the Pac:-10 race. "The team who wins tins game will obvious ly have a chance to slick around for .1 while." JBrooks said. "The loser will have a hard time |usl gelling into the upper division of the conference by season’s end." Oregon has not won a Pac-10gnme since Sept 7, 1991. when it defeated Washington State in last season’s opener "It would tie very nice to have a Par-10 win. Brooks said, "considering we haven’t had one nl those in well over a year ” One aspect of Oregon’s game that has hern over looked in the past two games is the Ducks' pass inggame Quarterback Danny O'Neil has thrown a total of -10 passes in the last two games In recent years, that would have been a number consti tuting one game's-worth of passes But with the running game performing so successfully, O'Neil has not had to put the hall up in the air much "I don't care how we move the ball.' Brooks said. "If we have priiblems running the ball, then we may have to go to the air. It's really just a game by-game thing." On the injury front, tight end Vince 1-Vrrv rein jured his ribs against Texas Tech, sat out against UNLV and is listed as very doubtful for Satur day's game. Returning from the injury list will be offensive tackle DaveCuttrell and inside line liacker |o« Harwell. Harwell sat out last week, but he said he could have played if needed Harwell is the leading luckier in the Pac-10 with 1H solo tackles and 3