FOOTBALL/BASKETBALL Assistants get jobs elsewhere By Pete Alfrey Emerald Contributor On Sept. 1!) Oregon women's basket ball coach Richard Lucas resigned from his position to play professionally in Austria, and on Sept. 4. for mer men's coach Mike Petersen became the head women's coach at New Mexico Stale. Lucas leaves for Europe after first joining the women's staff on an interim basis last December. In a statement from the Oregon athletic department, current women's head coach Elwin Heiny said. "I really hate to lose someone the caliber of Richard, hut on the other hand, I certainly understand his wishes to resume his playing career." In addition to his brief coaching experience, the 23 year-old Lucas was a stand out for Oregon's basketball team from 19H7 to 1991. The G-foot-7 center from Ana heim, California finished his senior season as the Ducks’ leading rebounder with 8.B hoards a game, and the team’s second-leading scor er. behind current Cleveland Cavalier Terrell Brandon, with 15.3 points a game Petersen was an assistant coach for the Oregon men's team. The 34-year-old Petersen was also the head women's coach at Gonzaga for four years, in addition to being an assistant for the men's team at Northwest Christian College. In August, he left Eugene to become an assistant coach at New Mexico State He became head coach when it was announced that his longtime friend Doug Hosel lon resigned from his posi tion as head coach of the Roadrunners to pursue busi ness interests in Arizona. "One of the reasons I came down here was to get a chance to work under Doug, and now I won't be able to." Petersen said in the Sept. 3 Las Cruces Sun News Report. "I really have mixed emotions, but I’m delighted. I couldn't be hap pier." F 0> R INVITATIONS BROCHURES F L Y E R S POSTERS RESUMES AND MORE ifrrtn ft f*recr Graphics 346-4381 □ SUITE 300 EMU Pac-10 teams head into brunt of schedule The Pact no 10 Conference schedule football gets into full swing this weekend with eight teams featured in conference match-ups Without a doubt, the biggest game of the week features top ranked Washington facing Southern Cal Both teams are undefeated and DSC' is coming off a victory over favored Okla homa The Huskies will be play ing at home and have been virtually untouchable this sea son The Trojans could give Washington a run for its money, hut it’s not likely Pick: Washington 24. USC 10. Arizona is coming off an upset of its own Sure they lost to Mia mi last weekend, but the 8-7 score m Miami’s home field has to give the Wildcats a boost They will return home to face UCLA. The Bruins are coming off a convincing pummelmg of San Diego State anti are ranked 11th in the nation if the Bruins play the way they did against San Diego Stale, forget Ilium! it Hut if tile Wildcats can use tin* home field to their advantage, this one could lie close Pick: UCLA 14. Arizona 10 (Iregon Slate faces its First true test of the year when die Beavers travel to Berkeley to fate the Ooltlen Bears California defeat ed a tough Kansas team that killed the Beavers in the season opener In addition, the Bears are at home and Oregon Slate is com ing off a big loss to Utah California should run circles around the Beavs especially on offense It's tune for a reality chei k for Oregon State's dated offense Pick: California 49. Oregon Stale 7. Arizona State lost its top run ning back. Mario Bales, for the season last week in its loss to Nebraska It remains to be seen what offer t the loss of Bates will have on the Sun Dm ils. but the Ducks aren't i ompl.lining Ari zona Stale has a host of good run ning backs, but Oregon's defense is corning off Inn k to Uick games of holding opponents to less than 50 yards rushing But tins is the same Sun Devils team that held Louisville to 17 yards total offense two weeks ago The Ducks scored 50 points last week against a grossly over matt bed t M.v team (stick with basketball) Oregon is also play ins »• home for the fourth lime in five games Both teams des jieralely need tins win Pick: Oregon 13. Arizona State 9 Stun font is ranked in the top 25 and facr sixth-rankl'd Notre Damn tins weekend Stanford has looked impressive thus far this season, hot Notre Dame is at home (what a surprise! I he (Cardinal i ould really turn heads with ,i victory this weekend, hut it will lake quite a performani e Pit k Notre Dame 24, Stan ford 14 In the "who cares" game of the week. Washington Stale faies Temple Dill Coshy's alma mater will lose In the ('< mgars in Pullman Pick: Washington Slate .15, Temple 7 Fugene, Oregon was home to Bill Bowennan and Phil Knight, and the proving ground for iIk* world's first Walfle Trainer Salazar and Prefontaine cut their teeth at Hayward Field, where records continue to tie set and Ixoken All ot tlus anti TKNKfSIOK more is commemorated at the Nike Store, Fifth Street Marketplace, 2% Hast Fifth, Ihird Fkx>c(503-542-5155) It’s open every day 10-6. Come buy state-of-the-art sports attire, or walk around and relive running history. Prefer ably both ZA ‘V***'. apparel, kiMW