Mabon: hippie to conservative WILSONVILLE (AP) — Ho re turned from hi* tour of duty In Vietnam with a dally marijuana habit and no sense of purpose to his life. "When I got back. I lot my hair grow long, and I stayed In the drug culture. 1 took heavior drugs like mescaline and LSO. I was a hippie with a promiscu ous lifestyle." Then. Lon Mabon began liv ing with a group of "Jesus Freaks" at a commune in Eure ka, Calif, and his life changed forever. "That's where I mot the Lord," ho said. "I turned around unbolloveably." Mahon's conversion hack in 19f>9 put him on u path that led him to become one of Oregon’s most controversial figures — the author of Measure 9, the anti-gay rights proposal on the Nov. 3 bullot. While portraying himself us a defender of traditional family values that are under attack by “militant homosexuals," Mabon said his experience with drug addiction taught him im portant lessons about tolerance and compassion. “Wo'vo got former homosex uals in the Oregon Citizens Alliance. We're not looking down at anyone," the (XIA chairman said during an intor viow at his office in this suburb south of Portland. His critics say. however, that Mabon has almost single handedly unleashed the most virulent, anti-homosexual movement Oregon has ever seen. "For him to say he's non judgmontal is a cruel hoax," said Peggy Norman, manager of the No on 9 campaign “He’s harsh and unforgiving and lack ing in any tolerance for people who are different from him self." Lon Mabon, hood ot the OCA and a prom inant taadar behind Measure 0, instate that the upcoming ballot measure is not a personal attach on homosexuals. Another opponent. Oregon Republican Chairman Craig Dork man, calls Malxm a "huck ster” who's using the gay rights Issue to raise money for himself and his family. Mahon says that's simply not true. Whatever the case, Mahon, 45, has gained more notoriety than almost any single figure In Oregon politics In recent mem ory. On a recont day, Mabon fielded calls from reporters for the London Timet und the Brit ish Broadcasting Corp. Earlier in tho day. a camera crew from the MacNeil-Lohrer Nows Hour interviewed Mahon about Measure 9 "We know it would got atten tion. but never In our wildest dreams did wo think It would get this much attention." Mubon said. Mahon said he first became politically involved in 1980. the year his political hero. Ron ald Kougan, was first elected president. “That's when 1 started to huvn u little hope that the peo ple of America wuntod tradi tional values." ho said. At the time, Mahon and his wife, Bonnie, owned and opor Turn to MASON, Page 20 My Fiddle Strangs and Guitar Strings (he»t price in town) Sc Geetars Sc Flutes Sc Congas fRee nwsoume \ WITII A PURCIIASE OF S10 J THE EMU CULTURAL FORUM PROUDL? PRESEKTS u uttuuil rromio wm me Roimvurs mix ccttm cum INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS COME USE US (even when you're healthy) WE RE HERE TO SERVE YOU YOUR Student Health Center ext. 4441 _ _ FREE LIVE MUSIC EVERY WEEKEND. ASK ABOUT OUR MUSIC! We have the best coffee & espresso! THE BEANERY Share a treat on us! Bring thlt coupon In for a FREE CAFE MOCHA Hot or Iced WHh purchase ol another CM Uocha ol equal or gnat* value. Not v»*d *ny atm dtcourt E^wm 1021 92 2465 HILYARD ST. OPEN 6 AM to MriragN Fit & S* . 6 AM to 10 PM Mon INu Thin 152 W. FIFTH ST. J OPEN * 6 AM to IvMragr* | EVERY DAY j rn.mmmmmmmmm.~-4 2 DAY CALCULATOR EXPO SALE MONDAY AND TUESDAY OCTOBER 5 & 6 -AT THE UO BOOKSTORE ■I Great Savings on Hewlett Packard. Texas m Instruments, and Stiarp Calculators! (Also Sparcom Software, for HP calculators) uemos Dy u. hr. spar com, ana Sharp Reps 9 a m. to 5 p.m. both days ■ WIN GREAT PRIZES! 13m and Kincaid. Open Man. - So*, Hi S44-4JJI i