Gav and bisexual men form educational group By Tammy Batey Emerald Associate Editor Safo sox Is ono of tho catch phrases of the 1900s. But young gay and bisexual men — a high-risk group for AIDS — may still nol bo taking tho mes sage to heart. The M-Powormnnt Project, a Bugeno-besed educational and social group for guy and bisexu al men. educates men ages 18 to 2H on practicing safo sex. said project coordinator Jimmy Fisher. Bui unlike other similar educational groups, Ihe M Powerment Project educates in a fun way geared toward young men. "People are so timd of bear ing this — safer sex. safer sox," Fisher sold "The besl way to open up u dialogue is to open it up In a fun way." At a recent M-Powormont Project dance, some men per sonified condom brands to edu cate others on the importance of wearing condoms. For exam ple, one man dressed ail in gold and wore gold Jewelry to per sonify Gold Circle (loin con doms. Besides educating gay and bi sexual men on practicing safe sex, the M-Powormenl Project provides Ihe men wllh a social network. Aboul 200 men are in volved In the project, and al most half of them are Universi ty students. Fisher said. "As gay men or bisexual men, they're already dealing Photo by Mitftaot ShrKJto* Men ot the educationel N-Powermeot group otter condomt to promote tele tex lor gey• end bitexuaie. with lots of oppression,” he says “The M-I’oworment Pro ject Is whom you can find a safe space to bn gay." The M-Powerment Project holds Monday group sessions and Friday and Saturday open houses for gay and bisexual men. The group tries to have a dunce every six weeks. They ulso have a group open to bi sexual women University graduate student Jim Crimes, 27, said the M i’owerment Projot:! is so impor tant to him that ho juggles his academic schedule around to accommodate project activities "I already have friends in that age category (IB to 2B) who have HIV," Crimes said, "One of the intentions is to make people more comfortable talk ing about safe sex.” Many lB-to-28-your-old gay and bisexual men may bo com ing out about their sexuality for the first time. Crimes said. M Powerment members can lend support and offer advice, he said. "Inevitably we have conver sations about, 'Hoy, what did you toll your parents, your friends, your girlfriend?' Grimes said. M-Powerment Project activi ties are a "non-threatening" way to meet other gay and bi sexual men, Grimes said. University student Graham Huosmann, who has been in volved In the project for almost a year, said AIDS awareness is "incrodlbly important," espe cially for young gay and bisex ual mon who may feel invin cible. “A lot of gay mon think (AIDS) is an old gay man’s dis ease,” Huesmann said. Eugnno has many groups for lesbians, but fow for gay and bi sexual men, Huesmann said The M-Powerment Project fills a need by providing gay and bi sexual men with a group just for them. "If you want a strong gay malo community." Huosmann said, "then you have to put into it what you want to get out of it." The project's combination of fun and education at activities draws in the interest of young men. Project activities are "not a drudgery," ho said. The project began in January and is part of a pilot project by two professors at the University of California in San Francisco, Fisher said. Tho profossors are introducing similar projects in Santa Cruz and Santa Barbara, Calif. Gay and bisexual men inter ested in the M-Powerment Pro ject can call 683-4303 for more information. Cooking with a Social Conscience Nurturing your health while supporting the earth' 1% Salas tot Ecology 4 Hunger Projects 'The more you eat the mote we give* • Jan's Salsa w/ Organic tomatoes • Marinara Sauce w/ Organic tomatoes • 3 Bean, Black Bean & Chili Bean Dip w/ Organically grown beans Emerald Valley Kitchen products are available at your favorite quality food stores Available in the EMU September 21st! f Fresh, Hot Popcorn & Cold Can of Pop Pepsi Products Expires Oct 10th, 1992 far ‘MemBers-Students, faculty & Staff UNIVERSITY OF one O N MIDDLE EASTERN & MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE I 19th & Agate 683-6661 BIKE SALE! Start your new school year off right with some new wheels at great prices Featuring: Univega Rover 100 Mountain Bike Shimano 100GS Components. Cro-moly Frame. ST1 Rapidflre 21 -Speed Shitting. SLR Low Profile Brakes, Gel Saddle All Bikes on Sale Starting at $149! Add the 01 Suspension | Fork to Any Bicycle | from Second Nature for , Only $250! (Suggest* Rita* S379) J Second Nature Bicycles 446 East 13th Avtnua, Eugant ; (Three Blocks From Campus) > 343-5362 ' Special Back-to-School Hours: M-F M, Sat 9-6, Sun 12-5 Sale Ends Octobar 15.1992