Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 02, 1992, Page 7A, Image 7

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    Nerds Against Nine fight intolerance
■Political Roundup
They're nol very social or popular They're more like
ly to use pocket protectors than wear Paris perfume.
They’re proud nerds — muke that former nerds —
who have organized to help defeat Ballot Measure 9 this
Nerds Against Nine, bused in Eugene, is just one of
the 17 groups that have filed with the Secretary of
State’s Office to oppose the measure, which would
amend the state constitution to declare homosexuality
"abnormal and perverse.”
Eileen Simpson, one of the group's founders, said it
bus Ixicome very popular with adults Members sold 200
lime-green "Nerds Against Nine” buttons at the Eugene
The idea for the group came from a chat Simpson had
with some friends curlier this year
"1 was talking about when 1 was in high school and a
teacher gave me some guff about lx:ing gay.” she said. "I
said, ‘I wasn't gay. I was u nerd.' ”
The group's slogan is "It Could Have Been Us,” Simp
son said, explaining that even though the rights of ho
mosexuals are in jeopardy now. the proponents of Meas
ure 9 could have just us easily targeted another minority
The humorous name. Simpson said, is a light-hearted
and non-threatening way to make a point that differ
ences among people should bo valued and not scorned.
"We also view people who are pro-(XiA us being in
tolerant of differences in uny form," she said.
You'd expect good, suspenseful, big-screen stories to
be produced by Hollywood anil not Oregon uctlvtst*
Ah, a twist in the plot!
Ever persistent anti-nuclear activist Lloyd Marbut will
try his hand at entertaining drama Friday to make his
case against closing the Trojan Nuclear Power Plant
He'll present a slide presentation In the EMU Walnut
Room at 7 p m. called "TheGreat Trojan Subterfuge."
A flyer announcing the show on the nuclear power
plant says that a subterfuge is "any plan or action used
for escape or concealment."
Marbet and others have boon trying to close Trojan for
more than 10 years Tills November Oregon voters will
decide on two measures, Ballot Measure 5 and (>. which
propose closing Trojan immediately until earthquake
and waste storage conditions are met.
Portland Genera! Electric, which owns Trojan, has
called for a four-year phase-out of the plant
Colleen O'Neill, a fundraising coordinator for
Marbet's Don't Waste Oregon Committee, said the group
is not willing to settle for PCE's phase-out because she
claims it will cost ratepayers money to keep it open
And she said she believes the power plant is unsofe
and unable to withstand an earthquake
Don’t Waste Oregon, she said, doesn't like the way
PGE has in a sense said to users that '"you can't fire use.
we quit."'
However, O'Neill said she realizes that she and other
anti-Trojan activists may seem stubborn in their posi
tions now that PGE has agreed to close Trojan
"We may sound like whiners, but 'no' it's not good
enough" to merely phase it out. she said
By Rarw IMUilr
Hate mail delivered
through window
(AP) — A rock carrying halo mall was thrown
through the window of a guy activist'* front door,
police said Thursday.
Scott Seibert of Eugene told officers a crushing
sound awakened him early. He found his front
door partially open and shattered gluss from one
of the door’s window punes on the floor.
The note attached to the rock contained threat
ening and obscene language and warned Seibert
not to talk lo the police or media.
The Incident was the latest in a series In the
Eugene area Involving people on both sides of the
debate over Measure 9, the anti-gay rights Initia
tive on the Nov. ;t ballot.
Other recent incidents reported to police In
clude burglaries at Seiliert's home, hale mail de
livered to Measure 9 opponents and pink trian
gles painted on or near the homes of two Spring
field residents who support the initiative. Pink
triangles are a symbol of the fight for gay rights.
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