Construction of Riverfront Research Park continues By Demian McLean Emerald Report of It's not much to look at At the north end of Agate Street, across franklin Boule vard. sits an empty steel frame of a throe-story building. Its walls and windows are miss ing, and the barren soil around it is scarred with bulldozor tracks. But for stimo. this skeloton is the beginning of what will flesh into a now identity for tho Uni versity and tho city of Eugene. "Eugene is moving away from a timber-based economy," said Diane Wiley, the Universi ty project manager of the River front Research Park. "The idea is to draw private industry to Eugene and the University." she said. "With the Research Park we hope to establish a knowledge base to local industry." After seven yoars of litigation and financial haggling, con struction on the first building of the Riverfront Research Park is under way. The new building, which l>c gan construction last June, will open to its first tenants in Feb ruary of 1993 The f>0.000-square-foot com plex will house a computer software company, the Univer sity's Technology Transfer Of fice and its Advanced Science and Technology Institute. Also part of summer con struction were new hike paths connecting the 67-acre site to surrounding areas One path runs between the Lugene Mi 11 race and the Urban Kami, connecting the north side of Agate Street to Gallery Street The other path is slated for completion in November. It also runs next to the millraco, but beads east, connecting Ag ate Street to Garden Way. According to the master plan, construction of the Research Park will advance in phases over the next 20 years based on demand. R.A. "Gus" Keller, chair of the Riverfront Research Park Commission and former mayor of hugono, expects demand for space at the park to grow once the first building is complete. "Aftor wo got started on the first building, we've seen more people interested, just because there's actually something to see," Keller said. As it grows, the park has the potential to become a signifi cant source of income for the University. Under a 50-year ground lease, Institutional De velopment Associates, the park's private developer, will pay the University 10 percent of the property’s appraised val ue annually. After the first six years, the University will earn $60,000 a year. Index Dividers O 29-39C • 5 4 B tab. dear 4 colored Retail 69 79< PeeChee Folders (J 35 C • Standard 4 colors Rett* 59-79C Legal Pads-Aii styles. su< sC.) • Buy 1 Save 20% • Buy 6 Save 25% • Buy 24 Save 35% Ott Retail ON Retail Oil Retail Index Cards ah styles, sucs^j •Buy 1 Save20%• Buy 6Save25%• Buy24 Save35% 0(1 Retail on Retail Oil Retail Filler Paper aii size rules U • Buy 1 Save 20% • Buy 6 Save 25% • Buy 24 Save 35% i on Retail on Retail Oil Retail Meade Filler Paper U 69 $ i • 8«lOcoltege rule. 200 sheet Recycled Bond @ U 333 ( •NewEureka recycled. 811 20# while bond. 500sheet Retail 4' • Marlr In Ore*s»on Binders (J ii9_j95 • Vwyl. Pressboard. Poly • PtaiM/?*. r. 11/T Retain" 3" © Paper Cover Binder 279-449 •MOttl Earlhsmad recycled 1". 1 '** T M Retailt" 5^ © Vinyl Binder (J l65 • New I Earth AJert 1* made from recycled vmvl Ratal 3" ©Pressboard Binder (J l49 ■ tkx Earths mart recycled 1' pressboard Papermate Ballpoints U 94 $ • Wrtebrothers 10 pk. blue, Mack Retail 1" Scripto Ballpoints O 94 $ • Supers!* Box oM2 Retail I" Pentel Student Pak (J 289 • i Supeibal Pen ’*•• • 1 Ckc Eraser • 1 • Econosharp Retail 3” Automate penc#** Paper Clips (J 25 C • Box ol 100 Retax 45c 10 Pk Pencils Faber Caste« RetaXWc 57 ^ Dz Pencils Oaon Envtronstfcs Reta#2*^ 74£ DZ PencilS-Oaon Ticonderoga Retail3“ U l48 Prices effective tivu Oct lOSi 13th & Kincaid • 3464331 • M-Sat I WE RRIISItH j BETTER $999 ! | PHOTOS ^3xs. J * • Developed & printed J; I • 12,15, 24 exp. g ■ • 36 exp $5.99 | ® *4x6 superprints add $1 t DANCE t Lesbian. Cay, Bisexual Alliance Friday, Oct. 9 8 pm EMU Dining Room Admission $3 at door Experienced CRIMINAL DEFENSE CALL HUGH DUVALL Veialrud & Cliik, Attorneys P.C 345-3333 • DUH/Bredth Tosl Defense • Drug Defense • Illegal Slops & Soar* hes • T hell/F orgery. Shoplift • Assaull/Harassment • MIP/F also Use Of I L> "Price quote by phone” RECORD OR TAPE Buy 2 used records or tapes & get one free (of equal or lesser value) -OR $150 OFF any CD Coupon expires 10/15/92 | W* pay cash J for quality iw* | k u«\1 records, tapes aiwl CD * ■ 1 HAPPY j ! TRAILS I i 361 E. 13th *485-5351J