Student voter registration rally draws small turnout By Chester Allen Emerald Reporter What if they held a student rally and nobody tame? University President Myles Brand and ASUO President Bobby Leo almost got a chance to find out during a student voter registration rally In the EMU courtyard at 11 a m. Thursday Under a gray, cloudy sky. Brand, Loo and other speakers urged u small crowd of loss than 75 people to register to vote in time for Iho November election. The rally was sponsored by ASUO and OSPIRG as part of National Student Vot er Education Day. “A lot of folks were concentrated around the Street Fairo.” Lee said. "They were pretty busy over there, but wo did sign up a lot of students.” Despite the rally's low turnout. Loo said student volunteers registered 400 new voters. Lee said the ASUO hopes to register 8,000 students by the Oct. 13 voter regis tration deadline. Brund told the crowd students ure an important group of voters. “Registering to vote is the most Impor tant thing you can do now,” Brand said. "You are the decision makers. You de cide what happens." Matt Aberbach, OSPIRG campus direc tor, asked students to educate themselves about cloction issues. “Registering to vote is only tho first stop." Aberbach said. "You need to edu cate yourself on the issuos and got out and vote." Cynthia Wooten, Democratic candidate for the state District 41 Houso of Repre sentatives seat, said students need to reg ister und vote to protect their educational opportunities. Proto Of 0yUnCoi4M> Th0 Duck ahowa tnthmsn Kytt WroMwtk! tfi# ropot on how to r#g/*f*r to vot». "Perhaps for the first time In a long time, there Is a line drawn in the sand, and It affects each one of you In terms of your education,” Wooten said University students had a variety of re actions to the rally. Jennifer Nelson, 22. said she had al ready registered on campus Ptxxo Oy OyOfi CauKm At a rally on campua Thuraday. Unlvaralty Praaidant Myiet Brand (right) and ASUO Preaidant Bobby Leo urged atudanta to ragtatar to vote and participate In the Nov. 3 election. "! just stopped by to listen to the speakers," she said. "I have teen out of Oregon for the past six months, and I'm trying to get educated on the Issues.” Richard Cantwell, a political science major, said the rally prompted him to register to vote. "I just moved to Eugene, and I was planning on registering," Cnntwell said. "This just made registering really conve nient." Chemistry major Maxwell Johnson had his own reason for registering to vote "I'm going to take part in the revolu tion,” Johnson said. "I registered because I want the revolution to start today.” Loo said the rally was part of concen trated (ampaign to register new student voters. “There will be another rally next weak, and wo will te hitting classrooms, too,” Lee suid. "We will also te going door-to-door this weekend." Because it doesn’t have to tie dirty to be good! VIDEOS • TOYS • GIFTS for the Discerning Adult Locally owned and operated for over 10 years Now at 1166 South A 0726-6969 £SL2Lh,X Mon. 4am u> flam Bicycle Tune-Up srr$i9® With this coupon Includes: Adjust Hubs. Derailleurs. Headset. Bottom Bracket. Brakes. True 7 Wheels. Tighten Nuts and Bolts, Lube Chain. Test Hide f All Bikes on Sale \ V Starting at $149/ J Second Nature Bicycles • 446 East 13th Avenue • Next to the Bijou • 343-5362 I Back-toSchoo) Hours M-F 9-0 Sal 9-6. Sun 12-5 ‘Expvat October 31. 1992 - Extra Labor and Parts Extra I L f DELUXE FUTONS FRAMES & MORE^I VVV offer a unique process of combining foam and cotton to create greater comfort and a resilience that is guaranteed 1 SPECIAL! Glider Bifolds from $199 I • Large*! Fabric Selection • Same or Neat Day Availability • Free Acceaaory Set with Upholstered Futon* • Deliveries and other ltonu*c» CALL OR VISIT OUR SHOWROOM FIRST 1851 River Road 689-8435 STUDENT SALE PRICES FUTONS FRAMES FOAM/COTTQN CQMBQ IKIJEOLB SINGLE $«9 $79 DOUBLE $94 $H9 QUEEN $124_$99 SERVING EUGENE FOR 19 YEARS » j Presenting: 'Tia.® only Who s pizza 730 B. Broadway Eugene. OR 97401 LIMOUSINE 184-2919 Limited Delivery Area/Minimum Order Required Visa & Mastercard Accepted V-*' Large Restaurant <* «*> J' 3 Menu fer ft & C> - * * * *° ★ Delivery r Catering k ★ Tailgate Parties