ET ALS RKUCION Catholic Newman a booth at the A!ttX) Street Katre today MI»miANBfX'S Career Planning and Placemen! Kirvitf will have an orientation moating about the placement eervire and interviewing pt?*©** unity from 3 to 4 p m iri Room 217 Mend rtf k* Career Planning end Placement Service will have an employer premnution from the 13 Marine (.arm today Come by the table tn the KMU from 10 a m to 2 p m ASUO Kail Street Fair* will Uke place today through Friday bet wean Kincaid S* «nd Unlvertlfy M «n Hih A»*. bom Id a m toipm The Fane t* tr«a «m! open ihe ihe public L<*el artJ end cm ft* and four mart food* will b* tMMumd htcml mu«f*l performam «• in the EMU Couriyaid Include Paler Thom**, Den Btfd*»ha»'k Welker T Kyar.. fcudana Jen Belli*. Pyramid Hfoa»l*n Med Farmer* and Jeremy Wagner /Jtoed/me for tvhtrutung hi Ah to lA* Kftwreld hafit d**k HMU Suit* SCO, tt noon ih« day before puNuntfon Ki Ah tun tho dry of fAe erenf uni*n ihe even* lain* fit* * Mmv noon VoUori o/ nmii with a tfonedon or MtimlHion < Aaftf* »i// not be ecreptod (iMtrtfHta eveni* and rho»«- * bedu-.'ed nearetl lAe puhin a Won dale wf/f be |fwn priority Th* Kmerald reserve* lAe riehi to edJI for gt»mm*t and style A* A/* tun on * *fm » acai/aA/e A**r« DEVELOP & PRINT • 3” PRINTS 97 I I coupon must accompany oroer. CAMPUS 1 HR PHOTO 1231 ALDER • 683-4693 You deserve the best 1* ■*‘?i Restaurant 207 E 5*1 Av* ^ J Op*n 6pm-10pm Fifth Peart BoWmg 484-4065 Tuasday Saturday Nor> «#Tv*tng Rated *** m NW Bast Plates Don't give up the search! Try LOST AMD FOUND in the classified section. ~ Photo by J*i PasUy Clinton supporter Lori Davis, a senior in psychology, said she hopes Ross Perot's reentry into the presi dential campaign "won t split tha vote." Students in poll speak out on Perot By Lisa Kneefei Emerald Reporter A handful of University students surveyed in an informal campus poll said a three-way contest will udd interest to the presidential ruce but like ly will not result in Ross Perot's election. Perot announced his candidacy Thursday after noon with 33 days remaining before the Nov. 3 election John Sluta, a Junior in English, said he believes Perot's move will divide the parties and siphon votes from President Bush, giving the Democratic ticket an edge. Sluta questioned Perot's method of determining support for his campaign The Perot camp estab lished an 800-numl>er callers could dial to regis ter support of his candidacy. The number accessed a pre-recorded message thanking callers for their support but did not al low for any dissenting opinions Cullers intending to stato disagreement wore chagrined to find that thoir calls automatically registered support. Erika Jostod, a senior in philosophy and politi cal science, called Perot's announcement “an ego ploy.” Josted said a three-way contest would Ixm efit Bush rather than Clinton. “I don't think (Perot) significantly has a chance to win,” Jostod said. Lori Davis, a senior in psychology, said she l» lieves Perot disillusioned some people when he previously announced he would not run for elec tion. "I'm for Clinton, and I'm hoping that it just won't split the vote," Davis said. 1 I ENROLL NOW THRU OCT. 12th FOR ASUO STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE It May Be The Wisest Investment You Make This Year! PER DAY That's what you'll pay to protect your most valuable asset - your health • for a full year. $537 Per Year is all you'll pay to have protection that could save you hundreds, possibly thousands, later if you get sick or injured. The plan may be purchased for $186 Quarterly or $537 Annually (including summer, even if you aren't in school.) Also inquire about: • Dependent Coverage • Optional Catastrophic Benefits STUDENT HEALTH CENTER 13th & Agate St. *346-3702