ns TYPING SERVICES TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara Land *“ 48S-1341 StKVing UO area once 1081 DIAL-A-TYPIST M3-7777 Hawmat Tarm Ptpan kUmmipti Word ftaMini. Bood-mpcg I Uo»» Yvptng I wort! procataing r” ciranouM tpaaal laser page 24 hr lunvoun] free campus pick ^g*>a^^w^ejumeJ^t*MJ>4l^ Punted lent to computet hlei BBREEBOB 747 4580 S' ;o I.J-. 6-VJ * i 120 TUTORING Phytic* 711 UeMg Great Mar or ganumg imp unity group Serious sludants cap »oon Slav# 34145*1 125 INSTRUCTION Horaapack Riding Instruction tty «■ penanced. candied teacher ftcekam lesson horse, p law in couryry sating Rady. *61 5*33 130 FOR SALE MISC Apple la computer Smal. parted lor etudem Cap 883 4466 _ Black Harley Davidson Jackal Par lad condition Muai tail 1100 otto Call 346 0505 Brand New CXraan toad mar raw «i» HOC near, 5160-000 343 8078 Burk Bad lor cate, naw 585 otto Can 343-0/48__ Comfy, 6 'Ida a bad sola blue-grey anth matcnaig psows 5250 otto 681 1813 Eaerclee machine, luraurt roarar 5100 686 HttOl teavo massage_ Full maltreat and bar spring*. 5*0 otto 683 21/7 Futon Couch Bad 2 y« gontly used I lor at coirar t lurtjuota* bonier* Nevr 5358. among 5200 Can tS83 4 3*4 PAASCHE AIRBRUSH 525 ettclrfc an compressor 550. bom tor 665-oCro 344 8874 Sharp PA-31008 typenrraar anth aura ribbons 565 Sw 484 5332 Typewriter 595. typwwimr lable 513. chap 57. hula 5'00. or ban ohra 68/8385_ _______ Waahar. dryer 30' range 575 each Wrwo 19cl boat baa robgarator roe manor Fkca 5200 7414315 Waiarttad. dorm fridge. tkaieboan] A# lor 5150 01 todnrduai otter Whs 342 4223 _ * Sprmgataan others lor ions Taco ma Dome 525 otto 345 6505. Balh or 343 1/Baeva*_ _ 50m X llmm Climbing Rope Uaad 3 lime*. 580 otto 345 4378 • loot couch, 545 Good condition Must aall toon' Knives, 53 Phone, 51 Popcorn maker, 53 48VIB60 WEASEL’S WORLD THE BOOK IS \ HERE! ONLY (5 95; CALL 586 9905 OR SEND 55 95 PLUS 51 PAHlo 1984 KIMBERLY OR. EUGENE OR. 97405 i 135 BUY OR TRADE OaaparaM tty elan Cnmm intai' Naad 4 tun togwhar Oflartng »i» cat now. 343 3248 WANTED) T«*M to UO *» HoNuaa tooieaa oama 2-3 mm logaihar FACE VALUE Ca* 807 3773 GENTLEMENS ENCORE Oil. CASH W FOW SOI LEVIS 1111 win«mflif_Mi±£l Oomaatlcaiy mttad *v ok) UmixaM Cockatoo Vary altaoonata. WOO wan caga MB 73'* t45 CARS TRUCKS EieaUant tnvaaaaam. pka km 10 Uira now* •97 MG A oomwtiMa. gwa map* aimoai now tap and toa cur lam* $4,950 67 MGO QT tacanOy ra bud mgra. $3,500 MB 0134 day*, atava mawaga GOVERNMENT SEIZED VWadaa kom t'OCi ford* Maccada* Convene* Cnevy* Sorptua Boyar* Gjoe (1) BC5 9B7 9000 In S964?_ Mmt Mil1 igao Eat Spoer 7000 con racin'a; or $1 750 347 BMP •70 Volvo 1475 aadan ? or ratam engna 1.1*44410. $750 344 3179 "74 Marcadaa 3000, A/C. automatic 4 or dark r.-aan. $3900 404 41197 •74 VW Bua wmroor run* woe good condrton rno* and oul $7500 obo 3400677 41 oonvanttla Rabbn. naw top lire*. pamt Vary cm# and 'eitaOia $3950*01 *a> 484 t»766 BoP __ .1 VW RaPtMi P«aup wCanapy Gaaammg Had. Comty Ciaaay. Capa emu* Clean H7K Haw atna*. giaai ra dial* $7400 484 4748 97 Matda B 7000 St 5. noad lo «a« lot tunon pa. pt) and more $4700 oCO 344 4187__ 47 Toyota Taical 3 01 4 *p. ace, a*t mtaaga. mu*1 tali $3550 *6' 4459. 954 0994 150 MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS Eaay parking! *7 Yamaha SHY 250 apori b'kn, « raiva hmn oam vngie 1749 343*219 M Honda l Ha DC Scooter Had gram ahapa only MOO m«a» meiudaa 2 hat malt. *45C 667?8! 7 • 7 Yahama RJva. 50 mpn mar *450 Ci’tNVi lor around warn 689 8744 Mchaae 155 BICYCLES BMES. gram o*1 la) bra. tmgia apaad Error Kaoondaonad and ready to nda homa Wa aiart al l?C Dmtyt Trading l*Oal 1355 Ibvar Hoad 688 3 74? Mechamca own. Klem Pinnace T ynt old. !u8 XT. purple Can 34 5 752!, aak lot Jay $1275 Irm Schwinn LaTour. TT ChromaHoe irama. Malm Arrow whaaH. tandara and rack >120 687 8332 10 apaad on ana Italian D*a CampagnolD Oararaaur M5 886 0003 laava maaaaqa 12-apaad Manau Tnaimon raong Mra a ram condnion Only raoad onoa 21" Irama Shrmano 800 Componanla t450obo 342 1670 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS AST -Pram arm 286 2MB RAM. Main coproc, 00MB HO. 5*.- Peredna VGA. no monitor. WrOom *650 485 0465 Electronic lypawrtlar Ajrryjai navar uaad' *115 ooo 683 8879 iss COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS IBM PS1 30 MB HO. l 3*~ *oppy color fnonaor *90C ot>o ?y>; LAP TOP NtC 2 te dnvM modern, to****'®. f*Oi carrytfig uw« MMVw (W-4M& R«ni A-C*mw Computers litm to 386SX IHM ccr-omfam Inoute 40 MB Hvd Dr.v® Du«l Floppy. Gotor Manic* IVvr^ar, Soft«*r» tofarMtatT CM k> MM ft I IOO-?a-lMI 170 SOUND SYSTEMS CASMi'l Wn buy. tw and uma VHT. VC« »wid *tarao* Thomoaon ( M'uaci 11 tt Oar 141 9?.’1 ^ FISHER STEREO 8Y3TEI* CD dui caaaatta. lunar »«mp 1(0, phono r»mota cabmot 3 (it ow W PERFECT oond Naa t«i Inlrwy apwaari *850 obo (*1.0?S naa) Broca 484 ?90? aw» aliar 8*»m or tv mig Parfact (or ina dorm room' Dura crtuana. lunoabta dg«iai lunar. CD oulpm >140 OOP 548 9405 Yamaha T70 lunar. C70 corvo amp. N70 poaar amp Mac ipoakara $710 484 7(184 (75 INSTRUMENTS Foatai 4-irack MOO. 5O0W digaal amp 1400. StaauDargar aiyta guitar *?50 Yamaha guitar MOO. futon 1 Kama amga |l 75 Ca> t*8> 8880 Hyundai acouattc guitar w«r> caaa Groat tor bagmnara. 175 Cat 541 75H Vmtaga allwood aactnc guitar *t 75 2 data cal gu#ar». *150 and *50 Rolanddigital doray. *140 485 0581 Yamaha auKInc guitar *275 Basa guitar *150 Yamaha drum machma *100 Conn u focal unar *224 Sony Diacman *90 085 8263 iw> RESALE CLOTHING Th® Ckrtte Hors® tef tter* for womm «too toy® dWte T?0 E 34S bOW ?os OPPORTUNITIES MKMIJIRMIII'S open to older students and students that feel like they don’t “fit in”. Call 687-9276 RETURNING STUDENTS ASSOCIATION 165 BOOKS Uncanaorad RatoHaedona ot B'*rth Moral f a"-> •«?4 Quaan Itaona. Ovaak. a>c Ca» JJ A,t> <)) «04,’ 195 TRAVEL Going aomo«**of»9 Apply Hy an Amancan t.tprau cam Vly »~|mrrw» n lha USA to< $1W o» law Cat! today 46MH6 205 OPPORTUNITIES GRANTS SCMOIARSMIRS Pa'wnaiiTad com polar ware* f raa into iatwo tot laoMaflng )>>aa*a cap Nadto Tatay a) J40 10S8 lo tcnadja an mtarvaar Arc you intarastad In... ♦ htfpKfiQ other tludentt? ♦ tncreeftttQ you# commune* son ftkAf ? ♦ ft pe#aprcrte***onej «■ patience thftJ cen enhance you# and mere*** you# •mp*oy«& ♦ (tong ai! the white earning credit p A PEER ADVISOR Call yout ma|or department or 146- 3211 lot information HOME EMPLOYMENT Businesses need your help' Up to 134f»k Work Irom homo Sat your own hours 6 schedule Cot! (001)647 9616 tor amo/ing rrmssage ol onto a E>t 249ie 210 HELP WANTED CTE PoalUone: The Unto Service* Lob ho» ono position beginning t On S«2 Mukt have knowledge ot UMX. tomikortty with VAXVMS Ohd SAS eipertence eodong with largo OHIO katk and 8 track tapatt Duttoo nvorr* managing ana transporting largo data tuoa. and troubtoahooting hardearekoltwar* prototoma f ot tun hot mlo call Caihlaan loue 346-4642. 346 2S47 «PtC AA*0€ Graphic Atliola Local etpanding company a looking Ictr 3 graphic domgn studontk or comparably kkilloa indtvtOuaik Conga Gary al 746 3736 Available note- opportunity tor reliable, moure student to oarn room and board at noe. Prat class student raatoanat noat U ot O t 600 9SC cues Churchill High School Ski Team. mountain naming and 'aca day ooach Can JUn. 74 7 4 260 or 687 1842 CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING Earn 12000 ♦ month * mono travel (Hawaii. Menco ihe Caribbean, etc) ttoioay. Summer end Ceteet employment eveit No eip net for employment program cat t 206 S4S 4t V) act C6068 Cam tlMO WEEKLY matkng Our circulars' Begin NOW' FREE pecker SETS. Dept 248 Boa 4000 Cordova IN 30016 4000 Electron ice Technician . Challenging per time postern evataM on the UO campuk tor a UO. ICC. or NCC student oho hat subtler** aapenanca in component lavoi Iroubtaehoamg and prototype constructor It interested cornea Pend Brurntwey el 146 4116 210 HELP WANTED nternattonal Slud®nt Association « xw accepting *W*OBi*X* 'or X*A*an* o' Ai*H«n Director, Office Unnagor arxj PuWC ReW>one Officer tor th® academe year 92 93 Jot) jeacnptiooa av»l«t>*« at ?0« EMU Of Ait 346-4307 Deadline Monday. Ocf Mh 1992^ 00PM AArEOEmpioyer ’rog rammer ns® ~ Psychology department a! the University o' Oregon i looking a tuff time (VO FIE) xogriimmer tor a temporary one-year jrar* funded poafton Requires »WH to l. Pascal Sun. and Macintosh >pera!mg systems The jot) involves r«gnai analysis «nth electrical Oram icl-vrty. including graphic* and inalyttcaJ algorithms Kx event related xxerna! data Ponton roquiroi a mrvmum of a Bachelors degree Send otter ot application and resume to Dr don Tuckor, Department ot HychoOgy. University of Oregon, ugene. OR. 97403 Closing date tor ippfccafon and material is Oct Oder 7, 992 Art equal opportunity, affirmative icton institution__ Program Coordinator Position Announcement UnivorsrTy ►lousing at the University of Of agon « now accepting appiicatons tor tno position of Program Coordinator The *s hatt t»mo ponton ( 5 FTE). (waive month. (acuity pondon wtth the rank ot Inatructor Tha Program Coordinator a responsible tor a broad range ol F amity Mousing Community support programming and Single graduate programming to include a variety of community programs and themes that support student academic success, family growth and development, educational, and recreational programming Starting salary for this position is $10,800 annually and includes ail regular faculty benefits including health, retirement, and reduced tuition A Bachelors Degree is required to be constoered tor this position Professional experience or training m program development, implementing out reach programming tor non traditional students and the* t amities m a higher education setting Other quaiifocanons include experience m supervision of a multi cultural staff, knowledge ot student development theory and/or personnel administration, exercising a leadership role m a community setting, the abtiiy to organize work. the capacity to adapt to an ever changing work envronment. and to work well wtth oo workers, residents, and the general public tt hired, the candtoai# must be able to obtain an Oregon drivers license Academic application terms and additional information are avattaote from University Mousing. Wilton Complex, Uru vers tty of Oregon. E ugene. 97403 Fa* 346 4260 An E mpoyment Appicaton and Suppiementai ^formation must be recarved by Fnday October 16. 1992 An Equal Opportunity, Affrfmatfve Action (EQrAA) Institution s DIALOGUE 4 with Alumni rContact successful & supportive Alumni Help maintain & improve U of O academic programs Enhance your resume Sharpen your communications skills ram >6/hour and up For more information, con nut the U of O Annual Giving Fund's Telephone Outreach Program 346-3433 EOE Various Part-time Poaltlons Available Student Office Assistant University Housing Announcing various pari-time student positions. You can asm t5 15-I34S par hour. Up to 30 amrfe hours par week Dunes Include computer Input, tiling, typing and customer servicae All applicants are required to meet position description requirements Position Description, Application, end more Intormetlon ere available at: University Housing, Walton Com plan. MO-4377 Application deadline la 5 00pm. October 1, 1092. Equal opportunity, affirmative action employer committed to cultural diversity Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU BP,HOW caivicuTXX FT fOOftS/P’ xx/\e known HIM KKYMK' J 1 MAP IkV HIGH GftCP §§ C/iASCS, Of 6UYM7H M A If&KfU TAIL- PGM, ^ ■ cue eecuess prmng,/' ANP TWO WP&THe / iNfiimceG ( I ALSO l£T23 amsot-f UM7H FPJEWLY MARKINGS \ ill unm you HAVE A QUO!A7