Oregon Daily Emerald Sports Brooks makes staff changes Rich Brooks wasted no time making his mark on the athletic department. Brooks, who took over as Di rector of Athletics Thursday, announced several organiza tional changes. Barbara Walker, associate uthlctic director, has been as signed the additional duties of monitoring and interpreting NCAA and Pacific-10 Confer ence business. Cary Cray will he put in charge of all duties in the com pliance area. He previously shared that position with Rob erts. Cray will also continue his duties as director of student services/academic coordinator until Orogon conducts a search for a now academic coordinator next July Associate athletic director Ken Winstead will l>e in charge of all fund-raising efforts and will no longer supervise the athletic ticket office anti depart ment of broadcasting and mi»r ket/promotions Senior associate director Sandy Walton will now oversee the ticket office, and Neil Zoumboukos. who is an assis tant football coach under Brooks, will lie in charge of the maintenance and operations stall. "After discussions with our staff and the euroful examina tion of their abilities." Brooks said in a press release issued by Oregon's sports Information of flee. '! foil this was the most ef ficient way to realign our de partment In addition, assistant athletic dlroctor/media service) Steve Hellycr will assist in the broud casting and market ing/promotions offices and take over m heciuitng in football He and Dave Heeke, director of broadcasting and market ing/promotions, will report di ns tty to the athletic director. Dave Thurklll, formerly re cruiting coordinator, has been reassigned to the office of stu dent services/academic coordi nator until the end of the aca demic year loores vum Restaurant and Lounge i C.VhiiX£*tf and '(Siwric-nn food s ORDERS TO CO [ 343-4480 947 Franklin Svd Mon Thun -11:00 an to 10 SO pm f n 11 00 am to MkJragfit Sat.-Noon to MKtnigm Sun Noon to 10 50 pm IllL-im k.hi.1 ..'(OiltU'tktiJlCtUll V lUiUl .Hlllt’K hmmnammann» Syracuse slapped for NCAA violations SYRACUSE, N Y. (AP) — The long-awuited NCAA sanc tions against the Syracuse bas ketball program came down Thursday, lighter than expected bocauso of the school's cooper ation in the investigation. The Orangemen are bannod from 1992-93 postseason play and the school's ontiro athletic program was placed on two years' probation as violations were also found in the women’s basketball, football, lacrosse and wrustling programs. The NCAA said the penalties were less than the minimum for major violations bocauso of Syracuse's cooperation in its probe. The NCAA Committee on Infractions stopped short of banning Syracuse from live tel evision appearances, but did assess scholarship and recruit ing penalties. Basketball coach Jim Doe helm said his players woro dis appointed when told of the penalties Thursday morning. "But this class (of seniors) has been to tho last those tour naments and thisy’ns going to have to accept it. There are a lot of kids, a majority of kids, who go to college and don't get to go to throe NCAA tourna ments." ho said. Syracuse is the first member of the high-profile Big hast bas ketball conference to las sanc tioned by the NCAA. Tho Infractions Committee determined "theru were repeat ed and conscious efforts by rep resentatives of tho university's athletic interests to gain recruit ing and competitive advantages for the men's basketball pro gram " As a result, Syracuso loses a scholarship in 1993-94 and 1994-95 In addition, tho NCAA banned the men's basketball couches from off-campus re cruiting from Jan. 1-June 30, 1993. For tho rest of tho year, only one coach at a time will Im: allowed to recruit off campus. He a duck in ( h ...uad tk» Emerald QootlcU tit« knout.., Supplement Ufa* Mt* r BICYCLE SERVICE CENTER Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen a*i \ Sf>enr ny 5 A 3r* P£C.Afcfc AD»fWA‘-l*|C Bu»t hold it/ sack op' o»i TH£ 5r«AK.Kr XIM'” WM*!"* GOIAJO ON7 how i>u> T^fS Iff STA^rtO7 BACKOAOunO WfO, p.rftr» 7T3 PANgl-S, ON 5Ai.f I T' 5 A i.ON0 STo*.> rl AT TMt UN’vfiRS)r/j 3 im >1 i« i »«:s Placement Ads may be placed at Room 100. EMU (main office) or UO Bookstore, Mam Roof Payment • All ads must be prepaid unless billing has been established. Call 346-4343 lot billing arrangements. • V1SA/MC are accepted • A purchase order must accompany all University departmental ads Errors/Refunds Please check your ad! The ODE will run a classified ad one addiiKmal day as a result of any typographical error that changes the meaning of the ad, if reported by I PM. Refunds will be limited to credits only. 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