EDITORIAL Packwood, AuCoin run empty race The U.S. Senate race between Bob Packwood and Les AuCoin is getting ugly and more than just a little boring. If voters have been watching television lately, they've probably seen one of Packwood's attack com mercials. If they've looked closely, they may have actu ally seen an attack response by AuCoin. But they don't have to look hard to realize what has been missing in the whole campaign — issues. This shouldn't be a surprise. Political campaigns are very rarely issue-oriented, relying instead on image and character portrayals. But this campaign seems worse than usual. AuCoin and Packwood have yet to discuss the economy, the Spotted Owl or any other important Oregon concerns. Their issue calendar has been completely blank. Perhaps it's time both candidates take a step back and look at the campaign as it stands now. What they would sec is a shameful display of low blows, lame complaints and crass accusations. Packwood is intent on trumpeting AuCoin's atten dance record, his involvement with the House check ing scandal and his vote on the pay raise for the U.S. Congress. Packwood's "Hypocrisy" commercial, paro dying the game show Jeopardy, used these wisecracks to paint AuCoin as a smull-time sleaze. AuCoin fought right back. He ran a commercial calling Packwood's "Hypocrisy" commercial hypocriti cal (imagine the irony), claiming that Packwood's at tendance record is nearly as bad and that the other complaints are irrelevant. Packwood has continued the battle by stating Au Coin was "wrong on the issues" without including any reasons why. He just is. Intelligent voters will sec right through both candi dates and their petty whining. Unfortunately, voters aren’t always intelligent and don’t always do their own research, as they should before casting their votes. Instead they often rely on campaign commercials to make character evaluations. AuCoin is a liar. Pack wood is a jerk. It's shameful that in an election year as important os this one. in which the country is defining itself eco nomically and socially for the next several years. Ore gon’s senatorial candidates are unable to debate any thing deeper than attendance records. There's no shortage of issues. AuCoin has repeatod ly said he wants to talk about the economy, but there hasn’t been a whole lot of talking yet. Packwood re fused to talk about Ballot Measure 9 until Al Mobley declined to race against him. thereby reducing the risk of alienating the religious right. And that’s not count ing the less publicized issues. AuCoin and Packwood have a long way to go be fore they make this a legitimate campaign. Nobody wonts to choose between Baby Les and Whiny Bob. They'd rather focus on Candidate AuCoin and Senator Packwood. Oregon Daily PO BOX )'S« (UCINi OMtGON»/403 Tha Oragon Daily f mama a put*ahad oa.*» Monday through Friday during '*• *cr®ui yaar and T miry am Thuraday during tha mmm* by tha Oagon Daily Emarakl Putaatvng Co Inc. al tha UrwarMy ol Oragcm. Eugana. Oragon Tto Emarakl oparataa ndepandanOy ol tha Unrvaraay arth ottmaa ai Suka 300 ol tha Etb Manorial Ikaon am a a mam bar oI lha Auociaiad Praaa Tha Emarakl a pnvaia proparty Tha uniaaim ramonal or uaa ol papan a proaaaaaoia by la* Edkor Pal Malach Emerald NmCMoi I Ednatel Editor I UrapMca EdMor I EmortalraaarM EdMor Jaha Barg Mann Eater Jail Paay Fraya Horn rrminct tdnof uoc fwi EdHofM EdHof Jaraaan Snort* Edftot Dam Ctwtxnwau Tifipliminn E4H«f h imniilt Edtoct Studant OownaMtiAerhrataa: Tammy Bawy Community: Tm Nan Fdghar Educator* Administration: Colun Pohag PoWto*: FTana OaCa* Itawttn: Chaatar Man. Mara* Baucum. Mm Bandar. Sarah Clara. Donna Cara. Laa Knaalat. Daman Mdaan. Slava Mm. Era* audamdia. Jaoquama Woga Copy EdNora: Juaira Broan. Amanda Fama. AMa Tartan. Mary Warn. TlWra Malar. Tnata Nora. Elan snaa. Cnron Sag*. Manor Suaor. Amy Van Tuyl Phalagi agitata: Km Nguyan. Micnaai Srantfar Graphic Art* Maathar /Ubauar Oaranwai Taehnlelana Uaa MMO** Mra> Monn. Mcnaa Thompson Aguiar. Todd WK lama AdvarllaJng Shmn Barvon. Soon Dana. JannMar Hudona. Jana Iroa. Chna Karon. Tom Laacn. Jaramy Mason Gasan On, Duaio Sudal. Sharon Vai. Anga Wronam ClaaaWad: Paggy McOmn. Ilanapar Barry lagan. Sharon Sauvo. Sour Ifcoagrafl Buamaaa Kathy Cardona Suparwaor Jidy Connoay Production: Ir^W Whla. Producaon Coordnalor Kristina Orangar Daa McCoOO. Stacy Mlchal. Janratar Roland. Janratar Swan. Anna Siaphanaon. Oaratyn Traopa Oawaral Managar Jody Rat* Mtmioo— Bmlnw OMie*-1M-UI2 OtapUy Atfvwttwng-W4-1712 Ct—tfrd Atfowlflog_M*-«m | r\ eaw? V5AMSVJ\K) |ON£TOWW ONE mu rA'JcoW XV I RiftN W2C>\ Dog power The reason I am writing is to express my disappointment thut u progressive paper like the Emorahi would print something os blatantly sexist as the Uoonesbury cartoon in the Wednesday, Sept. 30 edition. (in the cartoon) ll.D tells Sid ho will "hunt him down like a dog." For too long, sexist Idiots like (Doonosbury creator Garry) Trudeau have boon referring to person's best friend with tho gender specific word "dog." Only through the healing process of raising our collective awareness will bytches become empowered to u state of equali ty with dogs i look forward to the day when Ganine Ameri cans. us well as Feline Ameri cans, are treated with the un prejudiced respect duo to all people of fur. Fred O. Roollig Peace Studies Speak Up Do you believe that your voico should be heard when dolormining tuition policy? Do you believe that your voice should lie hoard in the discussion surrounding finan cial aid eligibility? Do you bo lieve that your voico should be part of the discussion sur rounding slate law and public policy? If you answered yos to any of the above, then yours is a voice that must bo heard dur ing the Nov. 3 election. However, oxorcising your right to cast an oducated vote is not always a simple proposi tion. if you have not registered to vole at your current address by Oct. 13, you will be ineligi ble to vote in the upcoming General Election. In other words, you will have lost tho opportunity to vote on candi dates and issues that directly impact your life. If you noed to register at your current address, please stop by the ASUO office in Suite 4 of the EMU, and wo will provide a card for you. Wo encourage you to complete the card in our of fice, and we will turn It in to the elections office for you. Wo believe that vour voice Is one that must be hoard. Exor cise your right to vote by regis tering at your current address by Oct. 13 and voting in the General Election. Bobby Lm ASUO president Karman Fora ASUO vtca president Register now Talk about it! Think about it! Vote about it! The upcoming Nov. 3 election will determine out school tuition, academic freedom, environmental issues and much more. If you have a new address, you need to rc-rogisler to bo able to vote. Remember, the lost to day to register is Oct. 13. I'ho ASUO is doing an excel lent job by going door-to-door on weekends to ofT-cnmpus stu dents (they are also reaching out to dorms and greoks). All in state domestic students should have received a letter with a voter registration card, but ultimately it is up to you to take two minutes to fill out the registration card and make your vote felt in the up-coming elec tion. Please register now and get your frionds to do the same. Chun Bo«y Businas* Cards Many students, campus pro grams and local organizations have been working togelhor re cently to give students as many possibilities as Iho can to regis ter to volo. There are monu mental decisions to be made this Novembor on both the na tional and local levels. The only way that your opinion can be heard is if you vote. And the only way you can vote is if you register. If you have moved since you lust registered. you need to re register (uvon If it's only across the hall!). If you have changed political parties, you need to re register. If your name has changed, you need to re-regis ter. There are voter registration cards and drop boxes scattered around campus at Curson Din ing Hall, Hamilton Dining Hall, the Knight Library. I*LC and In front of the ASUO office in the EMU broezeway. Also, addi tional cards can bo picked up at the ASUO office (Sulto 4, EMU) for friends, roommates, etc. The Voter Registration Card only takes a minute to fill out. so pick one up between classes, complete it, and drop it in the hox. Thomas Huckaba ASUO Executive Elect Dobson ' I want to urge support for Ebon Dobson, u candidate for the position of City Council Representative for Ward 3. which includes tho University. A primary foetus of Dobson’s concern has been on tho issue of Ballot Measure 5's Impact on the University, and how tuition increases will deny access to higher education to many poo ple, not only now. but also for future generations of Oregoni ans. He wonts to see tho Eugene City Council take a pro-active stance toward the state legisla ture regarding Measure 5's im pact. I urgo University students to vote for Dobson for City Coun cil Representative for Ward 3 He is a candidate capable of providing support not only to tho University but for all mem bers of this diverse ward. Mary Maasa Eugana LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than 250 words, legible, signed and the identification of the writer must be verified when the letter is submitted.