Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 02, 1992, Page 18A, Image 17

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    ELECTION ‘92
Quayle says media
give false advantage
COLUMBUS, Ind. (Al*) —
Vico President Dan Quaylo
backpodalnd Thursday from
an assertion that his public
school education put him at u
disadvantage for a debate
with private-school alumnus
AI Core.
Quaylo told reporters that
he was proud to be a produc t
of public schools and
claimed that it was the "me
dia ojtto" not he that
thinks his education would
put him at a disadvantage
"! grew up in u small town
called Huntington. I went to
public schools and I'm proud
of it. 1 was raised wilh Mid
western values, and that, my
friends, is the need advantage
in this campaign, Quayle
told a crowd al the national
Farm Progress Show.
On Wudnnaday, Quayln
said the Democratic vico
presidential candidate "went
to the most expensive private
school* In Washington, D C.,
and I'm the product of the
public schools I'm at a big
disadvantage, hut wn'il do all
right "
But Thursday, he said.
"Thu media elite will tell you
Sen Core has a big advan
The Tennessee senator is
an alumnus of St Albans
School for Boys and of Har
vard University
Perot still threatens ‘92 election
WASHINGTON (AI») — In the heady days of
May. Ross I’orol was a polnntial president. Now.
ho may bo no more than a potential spoiler, but
nonetheless n wild card who could reshuffle the
dock In the campaign's closing weeks.
The Perot Factor was reininnluced to presiden
tial polities Thursday. 11 weeks to the day after
the Texas billionaire abandoned plans to run.
saying he had concluded ho could not win.
Now, with just 33 days to Election Day, Perot is
ttack in the race, with oven slimmer odds of win
ning Indeed. 72 percent of respondents in a new
CNN-USA Today poll said there was "no chance”
they would vote for Perot
Many analysis view his re-entry us a selfish at
tempt at redemption by a political novice who
full<-d to realize what he was getting Into months
ago and now wants to heal a wounded ego.
"The reasons he gave for wilhdmwing from the
race an- as valid now us they were then, so I see
no other rationale for re-entering," said political
science professor Emmett Ituoll Jr of Ohio's Deni
son University. "It's obvious he would like to be
crowned rather than go through an election ."
Whatever his motivation — or chances — Perot
is Lack, and hr has the potential to affect the rat*,
oven If he never loaves third place.
First, Perot could help President Bush in the
short term just hy shaking up a race that had boon
stagnant for more than n month, with Democrat
Bill Clinton well ahead — by 17 points in the
CNN-USA Today poll. Debates, still boing negoti
ated, offer a second vehicle to stir the campaign
"Anything that tosses this race up in the uir
and is an unknown is u good thing for Bush," said
Republican |H>llster Bill Mclnturff.
It may take a while to ussoss Perot's broader im
part, but there are obvious things to watch und
both campaigns have reason to worry.
Perot has never disguised his disdain for Bush
and already is preparing to launch television ad
vertisements. With a personal fortune and no
spending limits to worry about, Perot could easily
affect the race if he decided to attack one candi
date and leave the other alone.
"For all the uncertainty about Perot, we know
one thing: he drxisn’l cure for George Bush," said
Andrew Kohut of Princeton Survey Research.
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