Fourth arson suspect arrested SALEM (AP) — A fourth person was arrested Thursday In the doalhs of two people flrebombod in a basement apartment Leon L. Tucker, 22, of Salem, was scheduled for arraignment Monday on two counts of aggra vated murder, police said. Hattie Mae Cohens, 29. and Brian Mock, 45. died after a molotov cocktail was thrown through their window Saturday, fire officials said. Tucker was captured Thursday about 7 mllos east of Nowport after he was spotted by a Lincoln County road crow. Authorities had been searching along the coast for Tucker since Tuesday ovoning, when he fled a Volkswagen van that was stopped by a sheriff's deputy on U.S. Highway 101. Another man in the van, Michael W. Palmer. 22, was arrested on an unrelated folony wurrant from Multnomah County. Three others also wero charged in the deaths. Philip Bruco Wilson Jr., 20. and Sean Robert Edwards, 21, wore chargod with aggravated mur der and arson. Yolanda Renee Cotton, 19, was charged with felony murdor and arson. Wilson and Cotton were identified by the Port land Police Bureau s gang enforcement team as "sklnhoads," a loose group of racist youths. Friends said both wore admitted racists but thoy had nevor boon violent. Both Cohen* and Mock were homosexual*, and Cohon* was black, according to neighbor* and former tenants of the house. Police have not said whether ihoy consider the arson a hate crime, but gey groups say they con sider It an act of political terrorism. The FBI was investigating any potential civil rights violation* but no federal charges hud been filed, said Stnphon Polfer of the U S attorney s of fice in Portland. Salem police and the Murion County district ut torney's office refused to comment except to say that a foderal Investigation was warranted Ariel Waterwoman, editor of the Portland based publication. Just Out. said the homosexual community blames iho Oregon Citizen's Alliance, Iho right-wing group Ihul sponsored the anlt-gay Measure a on the November ballot. "Wo blame the (X)A for fanning the flames of hate In this state and creating an almosphem whore bigotry can foster and kill innocent peo ple.” Waterwoman said in a joinl statement with publisher Renee LaChance. “Violence against Iho lesbian and gay commu nity in Oregon and nationwide is on the rise and groups like the OCA are encouraging It," Waterwoman said. | senate candidates spar over China trade policy 1 WASHINGTON (AP) — Oregon Republican Sen Bob Packwood | and his Democratic challonger Rop. Les AuCoin sharply attacked each other Thursday over U.S. trade policy toward Ghina. Packwood. siding with President Bush, placed a premium on economics whilo AuCoin prioritized human rights. Packwood said AuCoin was being irresponsible. AuCoin said Packwood is "over the hill." Both said the issue is a ma)or differ ence between thorn in ono of the nation's most hotly contested Sen ate races. AuCoin voted with the House majority Wednesday to override the president's veto of the bill that would have placed conditions on China's most-favorod-nation trading status. . Pockwood, voting to sustain Bush's veto Thursdoy, said China should rocoivo the preferred status without conditions primarily because of the market’s economic importance to Oregon. • Speaking on the Sonnto floor. Packwood singlod out AuCoin as one who formerly endorsed free trade between the United Status andChinu. ■'No one has stated it bettor than my colleague from Oregon ... I when he said way back In 1970 that normal trade relations with | China would, 'translate into dollars, cents and paychecks for Oro ! gon workers and l>e of substantial economic and political benefit to | the United States,'" Packwood said, reading AuCoin’s old state | men! "I agree with him," tho senator continued. "Those words ure as [true today us they were then. » "It would bo irresponsible for me or any member of Congress f from Oregon toduy to vote against his own state's interests in such a blatant way as revoking or conditioning most-favorod-nation stat us for Chinu," Puckwood said. Packwood ucknowledgud there is room for China to improve its human rights [>olicy. "Whilo none of us bolievo China is there yol, lot's not stop the progress by conditioning most-favorod-nation status," he said. AuCoin. a loud critic of tho slaughter of pro-democracy demon strators at China's Tiananmen Square In 1990. said President Bush "has turned a blind eye to human rights. Ranchers fear return of grizzlies WINTHROP. Wash. (AP) — Thorn Is no such thing us a nlct) grizzly when It comos to domostic livestock, cattlemen said at a meeting to discuss plans for re-Introduclng the boar In the North Cascade* "Wo're here basically to stop this nonsense any way we can,” said Tonnskot rancher Dal Dugnon, repre senting the Washington State Cattlemen's Association, u! the North Cascades Grizzly Boar Steering Committee meeting. After a six-year, 5350,000 study of the threatened sjxi cies, the U S. Fish and Wild life Service has propoaod a plan to restore grizzly popu lations in some parts of Washington and Idaho. Such efforts already ore under way in other areas of the West, ranging from Wyoming to Idaho. "The question is not If the grizzly bear will Im> recovered in Washington, but how," said Doug Zimmer. Fish and Wildlife Service spokesman. That prospect doesn't sit well with cattle ranchers. 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