Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 02, 1992, Page 14A, Image 13

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Continued from Pago 11
sometimes "basic” can kick as
hard as the next guy, as is the
case with Blackbird's label
males. Mother’s Finest.
MAWS Finest
Scon Bros. campus
radio release
Like A Negro
Whoo. boy Mother’s Finest
kicks it oul with Ibis four-song
release This five-piece setup
has a pretty heavy dose of
chee/iness as far as their pre
sentation goes, but they put out
in the rawk department Any
doubts I had about these guys
and girl were gone by the end of
the first song
Some of tlie lyre s are kintkof
rudimentary, like "AIDS
sucks/crack sucks/being home
less suc ks/racism sucks/censor
ship surks/pollulion sucks ."
but at least they're coming from
the right place.
The only song on this CD that
isn't on their first album is
"Police on My Back," a cover of
the Clash song. The promo
material that came with the CD
makes il seem like the band
rushed into the studio and cut
this song as soon as possible to
make some sort of comment on
the Rodney King scene. Fortu
nately. they rip it up
This EP wets my appetite for
more, and I would recommend
picking up the first album by
Mother's Finest, titled lilaci
Radio Won’t Plov This Record.
Imcause the first three songs on
this EP are available on that If
you are the type of review read
er that craves comparison. I sup
pose Mother's Finest sounds
like small-town grunge factory
hip-hop workers vacationing in
the lower east side until the
hotel that they're staying at
issuddenly sucked into a Don
Cornelius-induced frenzy
served up with a hefty portion
of Danceleria-styled towheads
all rocking to a funky beat laid
down by Bootsy himself with
Vernon Reid at the controls
Continued from Page 11
lion that the blues has taught him will always be
al the core of what he does.
"It’s never been about show-biz. To me.
Imusicl is life and death stuff," Ryan said
The antique steel-bodied guitar is another
aspect that the music of these two artists has m
common. Both play Resophonic guitars that were
made before the 1930s
"For blues players, these guitars are part of the
historic allure." said Gavin "the Rooster" Fox.
KLCC's host for the Sunday "Blues Power" show
Invented Indore amplification, this type of guitar
was designed with resonators within the body,
which gives the sound a unique "metallic edge."
Fox said
These National Steel guitars are especially
suited for the novelty songs from the 1920s and
30s that are Cramps' specialty. Fie is also
renowned for singing and writing tunes with
whimsical lyrics. One such song is an original
tilled "The Palendrome Song." which contains at
least 50 palendromes. or words that read the same
forward and backward. The title for Bela Fleck
and the Flecklones' album "t IFC) Tofu" is credited
to his song "I've Never Seen a Straight Banana” is
another playful Cramps tune.
“He inspires hysterical laughter." said trie
Peterson, the regional concert coordinator for the
EMU Cultural Forum, which is bringing this event
to Eugene as its first annual concert. "He's like a
giant, oversized cartoon character. It's incredible
to see the crowd's reaction." said Peterson, who
has seen (’.ramps at the Oregon Country Fair.
Cramps' stage persona is partly attributable to
hokum, "a theatrical way of experimenting on the
audience like they did in vaudeville.” Cramps
Another element of his stylo is his own exag
gerated version of ragtime, meaning "ragged
time." or synchopation. For those of us who are
not music majors, this is when a tone is begun on
the Iasi half of a beat and then continued through
the first half of the next beat Ragtime dates back
to before the turn of the century, but it became
more polished later when classical musicians
such as Ceorge Corshwin adapted it. Cramps uses
it in the original spirit of the word.
Cramps said he admires and has been influ
enced by Cus Cannon. Cobel Reeves. Joseph
Spence and Bob Dylan, among others
Cramps performed in the Academy Award
nominated movie Streetwise and he gave Jeff
Bridges music lessons for the upcoming movie
American Heart. He has been recorded on eight
album compilations around the country, such as
at the annual Northwest Folklife Festival in Seat
tle and for one cut in the Victory' Music Review's
20th anniversary edition. Northwest Songwriters.
The latter recording is available by sending Si 1.50
for a CD or SO.50 for a tape to J’O Box 7515. Bon
ney Lake, Wash., 98390. Ryan will have two of his
Turn to GRAMPS. Page 16
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