GRANT Continued Irom Page 1 the idea of an endowment to Shill* because "he's boon such a loyal supporter of this school.” Although losing one private endowment to tho measure will not Impact the University, King said it will be a loss for the School of Journalism. "I think the {Journalism) school Is Incredibly dependent on private grants to support students and faculty." King said. "This Is the way students would be able to get some assis tance with rising costs, espe cially in light of Measure 5.” But Tom Turner, the scholar ship commission's director of special services, said the Uni verst ty 1* "not at all dependent on private grant*, but largely dependent on federal grants." Shills said he hod considered King’s proposal bocauso his own experiences at the Univer sity had boon pleasant and bo cause the grants that made pos sible his undergraduate study no longor exist. “ I’ve always had warm feel ings for the UO because I en countered such IIUlo discrimi nation," Shills said. "1 think it would have boon tough to stay with journalism (at a major) had my experience been differ ent.” Shills said endowing money to the school “was like giving back what I got — like the Great Society grants that don't exist anymore." The Oregon Citizens Alli ance. a conservative group in support of Measure 9. does not feel responsible for the possible lass of the grant. Lon Mahon, chairman of the OCA. likened Shilts' conditions to blackmail. "That type of a strategy — threat — is simply going to give more votes to Measure 9." Mahon said. But Mabon said that It is Shilts* right to make his gift a conditional one "It's a free country, and If this individual wants to punish the Unlvoraity of Oregon for a majority of Oregon voters who stand for family values, ho has a right to do that.'* Mabon said. BERG Continued from Page 6 to order. Berg said. Brennan has painted every thing from dragons to wilder ness scenes on her sister’s shelves. And political aware ness runs In the family, she Mid. Some of Berg'* political statements have nibbed a few potential customers the wrong way, she said. At the entrance to her booth. Berg displays a sign that says her booth is a "Bigotry Free Zoo*." "I had one man who went by and said. 'All right, 1 won't do butines* with you.’ And I said, ‘All right, I guess you understand the sign.'" Berg said. rGRAND OPENING, HELEN WAGNER Student Travel Specialist of SHIRLEY S TRAVEL, invites you to an Open House SAT. OCT. 3 NOON TIL 5:00 p.m. REFRESHMENTS & PRIZES!! Win a weekend for two on the Oregon Coast or one of several travel discount certificates. Complete this form for the drawing. You need not be present to win. Name-— Address-— Phone Student Travel Desk Special October Hours Sat 10-5, Sun 1-4. M-F 9-6 30 E. 17th 485-0408 tMatttr tMtikhttrf >m> {Murk Buatkft UNIVtRilTY Of OMCON IOOMTOM Discover Kinko’s. You get more than just great copies. When you're checking out the campus, be sure to check out Klnko's. You'll find Just about everything you need to help you complete course projects. Including... / Quality black and white copies. y Full color cooles. / Macintosh* rental. / Great Coffee to go. ✓ Binding, and morel / We’re open every day. to help you make those last minute due datesl kinkcre the copy center Open 7-Mldnlght Open 7 Days 344-7894 860 E. 13th Ave Across from the UofO Bookstore Oat rwdtfc MvwUm In >h« DBEJ Yes, we have NO BICYCLES! V\of Lowest Prices £,‘* Quickest Service Best Small Parts Stock Most Experienced Staff 30 East 13th At the High Wheetef BICYCLE SERVICE CENTER RESERVE OrriCERS' TRAINING CORPS PREREQUISITE: ADRENALINE Drive Intensity Those aren't words you're likely to see in many course requirements Then again. Army ROTC is unlike anv other elective It's hands on excitement ROTC will challenge you mentally and physi cally through intense leadership training Training that builds char acter. sell confidence and decision making skill* Again, words other course* seldom use But they're the credits you need to succeed in life ROTC is open to ireshmen ana sophomores without obligation and requires abou' 4 hours per week Register this term for Army ROTC ARMYROTC THE SMARTEST COLLEGE COURSE YOU CAN TAKE. Add Army ROTC lo yoor hat of daaaaa. For moro infomation call Captain JoB BaUoa at 346-ROTC.