Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 01, 1992, Page 7, Image 7

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Continued from Page 4
tho film is an entirely dlfTnront look at a sci-fi film, say members of
the cost. The movie does not focus on tho UFO, but Instead, what
results from tho encounter.
"Tho UFO Just sets It in motion," Patrick said. "Tho funny thing
is it challenges everything my character was raised to believe in.
Everything you believe in is In doubt These guys go through a lot
of shit."
"This is a pretty big script in Hollywood," Sweeney said, "own
by Hollywood standards.”
What really benefited from tho picture — at least financially — is
the area. Crews filmed extensively in the historical district of Oak
land, which doublos as 1975 Snowflake, nnd in parts of tho Suther
lin, Roseburg and Glide areas.
Garrison estimates that 500 extras from the southern Oregon area
were used and that about $1 million was put into tho Oregon econ
omy during tho two months.
“And that doesn't covor tho boor money wo spend," ho said.
The cast and crew have also traveled to places such as Coos Buy
and Crater Lako, rafted tho Rogue River, and played "loads" of golf,
Patrick said.
Welcome to the human side of Hollywood.
Swoonoy would rather talk politics and sports thun moviemak
ing. He ripped into Measuro 9 and George Bush, and gave u little
advlco to Portland Trail Blazor fans,
"You guys need to trade Torry Porter," he said.
Peter Borg, dressed in a flannel shirt and cowboy boots like fel
low loggers Patrick and Sweeney, was tho constant joker, sitting
outside a trailer.
“D.B. has 13 identifiable personalities." said Berg, who trained
with real Oregon loggers along with tho other five acting loggers
Tho topic switched to two Sulherlin girls who play extras in tho
movie. After posing for pictures with Sweeney, the six- and seven
year-old leave, only to bo tho subject of a Berg joke.
“There's a lot of rumors," said Berg, guessing that there is actual
alien activity around the set. "(Tho girls) have boon soon flying.
Turn to RRE. Page 14
Continued from Page 4
"Tho one problem Oregon
may have lit Measure 9," ho
said. "If tho measure passes,
tho film Industry will almost
dry up overnight — definite
ly a counterproductive move
if It passes."
Robert Patrick, host known
for his steely ga/n In
Terminator 2: Judgment Day,
oponod his eyes wide In dis
belief and called tire initia
tive "sp<x>ky" when told of
“It's amazing to mo that
something like that can hap
pen," Patrick said. "That's
too bad That's a backward
Patrick, Sweeney and Berg
are all unabashed supporters
of Democratic presidential
candidate Bill Clinton, and in
the race for tho Oregon U.S.
Senate seal, "anyone but
Pack wood." Sweeney said.
Swoenoy later went on to
give his one piece of advice
to students and youth: "You
gotta vote."
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